UPCOMING: Start Direct: on 07/26/2016 at 11:00
CURRENT: updated to 1:16 p.m.
ENDS: End of the line: unspecified
at 13:08
the archbishop of Rouen leaves WYD to be on site
“I will be tonight in my diocese with families and the parish community shocked, “wrote Bishop Dominique Lebrun. The archbishop of Rouen was in Krakow, Poland, as part of World Youth Days. “The vicar general, Father Philippe Maheut, is there since the first moment,” said Bishop Lebrun. “I leave here hundreds of young people who are the future of humanity, true. I ask them not to give in to the violence and become the apostles of the civilization of love,” he concluded .
13 07
political reactions are linked
Jean-Marc Ayrault, Foreign Minister: “.. Terrible attack against a priest and faithful Catholics Solidarity total Let us remain united to face the horror”
Ségolène Royal Minister of the Environment: “Solidarity and deep sadness revolted after the attack in a Catholic church. They will not succeed in sowing hatred and fear “
Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate LR:” The murder of the priest plunges us into terror and consternation. Remain united and cohesive front absolute horror “
Bruno Le Maire (Republicans)” total solidarity with my friends Norman and the Catholic Church touched the heart “
Cécile Duflot (Europe Ecology-the Greens):” + When I have the most complete faith, one that moves mountains, but have not love, I am nothing + what is yours … “
Valérie Pécresse (LR)” Revolt. Grief. Attacking a church. Slaughter a priest and a parishioner. How far will the barbarians “
Christian Estrosi (LR)”? After this ignoble act, I want to express my support for the @Eglisecatho and the entire Christian community ”
Christine Boutin (Christian Democratic Party):” The horror in France: a murdered priest during Mass, catch sisters Held hostage. Pray for our 1st martyrs of the XXI century France “
at 1:02 p.m.
The priest was slain
at 1:02 p.m.
VIDEO – Francois Hollande arrived at the scene
one dead and three injured, one seriously, in the taking of hostages in the church of St. -Etienne-du-Rouvray
at 12:48
Pope Francis s’ associates “to the pain and horror”
The Vatican meanwhile condemned the “barbaric murder”.
Two assailants this morning kidnapped a priest, two sisters and two faithful in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, close to Rouen. The terrorism prosecutor took up the case.
at 12:46
identifying the perpetrators of the hostage-taking is underway
According to sources close to the investigation, identification of two attackers killed in the assault of the BIS, is underway.
the victim’s father Jacques Hamel, 84
“I cry out to God with all men of good will. I would invite non-believers to join in the cry,” the prelate, which specifies it will be “tonight in my diocese with families and the parish community shocked.”
“the Catholic Church can not take other weapons of prayer and the brotherhood of man, “he said.
at 12:34
” We are all upset “(Juppe)
12: 23
Holland telephoned Archbishop Pontier
The parish priest was killed during the hostage in a church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, in the agglomeration of Rouen, while a hostage is between life And the dead. The two kidnappers died.
A seriously injured person currently supported by relief
at 12:18
the demining teams are on site
A demining truck arrived there three quarters of an hour in the town. Teams are currently inspecting the church to make sure there is no “trapping device,” says the spokesman of the Ministry of the Interior, Pierre-Henry Brandet.
“We will block face this barbaric attack” (Valls)
Marine Le Pen fears “another attack by Islamist terrorists”
” terror yet to #SaintEtienneduRouvray. the modus operandi is obviously fear a new attack by Islamist terrorists, “tweeted the president of the National Front, while the anti-terrorist section of flooring paris took up the investigation
The vicar General of Rouen went on site
The vicar General Rouen Maheut Philippe, went on site, in the absence of the archbishop of Rouen, Bishop Dominique Lebrun, currently the world youth Day (WYD) in Krakow (Poland), do we learned from the bishops’ Conference of France
the terrorism prosecutor seized of the case
Anti-Terrorist section Paris prosecutors seized a survey following the taking of hostages in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray who killed one. It is entrusted to the Anti-Terrorism Sub-Directorate (SDAT) and the Directorate General of Internal Security (RPS).
at 11:41 am
the hostage taking ended after 40 minutes
the hostage crisis ended with the neutralization of the two furious at 10:45. The Brigade of Research and Intervention shot them when they emerged from the church square.
at 11:37 am
The two madmen broke during the Mass
the first elements of the investigation indicate that the two maniacs have crept behind the church during mass. Celebrated by a priest, it was followed by four worshipers, including two sisters. The church is located rue Gambetta. The hostage-takers were in possession of weapons. According to police sources, at least one of the two maniacs had a beard and a chachia, small wool cap worn by Muslims.
at least one dead and one wounded in the hostage
at least one person was killed in the taking of hostages in the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. According to police sources, it is the priest who was slain. A faithful else was injured. The Interior Ministry says that the death toll could yet be made to evolve. Moreover, the two attackers were shot
at 11:28
Francois Hollande visits the site
the President of the Republic visits the site, announced the Presidency of the Republic. Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior, is also on the way.
Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a town in the metropolis Rouen
at 11:24
the Brigade de recherche et d’intervention is on site
police Brigade of research and intervention intervened on the spot, called by a sister who managed to leave the church at the beginning of the hostage taking. They killed the two attackers when they emerged on the church square.
hostage taking in a church of St. Etienne-du-Rouvray
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