Here our entire live #SAINT_ETIENNE_DU_ROUVRAY
11:02 p.m. : The adoptive father of Abdel Malik Petitjean, one of the authors of the attack in a church, appeared spontaneously to the police on Wednesday night in Bordeaux, says South West . Franck Petitjean ensures that he had not seen his son “for a little over three years” . He adopted and recognized Abdel Malik before the civil status “as it was only 5 or 6 months.”
9:45 p.m. “the magistrates of terrorism-related cases have at least several years of experience in interregional specialized court or in a fight against crime service C ‘. is an area in which one can be a candidate without being elected. “
the President of the Union of Clarisse Taron judiciary gave an interview to Cross while Prime Minister Manuel Valls referred to a “failure of justice” after the attack in a church.
9:33 p.m. : the Muslim community does not want to bury Adel Kermiche in the cemetery of the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. “We will not sully Islam with this person” , says an official of the local mosque, quoted by Le Parisien . The city council must choose whether or not to issue a burial permit
9:13 p.m. . “ must turn to everyone to strive to produce this increased confidence “, said the mayor of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Hubert Wulfranc, on the set of France 3 Normandie. After the attack that hit his town, the elected requested an interview with François Hollande.
8:44 p.m. : an inter-religious ceremony was held in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime), where emotion is always alive after the attack against a church
8:20 p.m. : the main news headlines:
Two men arrested in Austria have been indicted and imprisoned in France, in the investigation of the attacks of 13 November.
An individual has been indicted in the investigation on the attack against a church. Before the attack, investigators had discovered a video at home, in which Abdel Malik Petitjean threatened France.
• price red stamp will climb 80 to 85 cents on 1 January 2017, La Poste announced. The price of green stamps – for a fold distributed in 48 hours in France – will increase from 73 cents to 70
The League 2 resumes tonight, fifteen days before the Ligue 1. Our colleagues francetv sport. you have this new season, marked by the appearance of an accession dam end of the year.
8:12 p.m. : an individual has been indicted in the investigation into the attack against a church. Before the attack, investigators had discovered a video at home, in which Abdel-Malik Petitjean threatened France. He was indicted for “association terrorist criminals”
7:25 p.m. . A man has been examination in the investigation into the attack against a church. A video of one of the killers had been found at his home
7:12 p.m. . Three people, including a refugee Syrian, are still heard in the investigation of the jihadist attack against the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. The detention of two others, members of the family circle of Abdel-Malik Petitjean, was lifted.
6:02 p.m. A 18 hours were reported on the relatively quiet news Friday night.
The court refuses to order a third autopsy Adama Traore, announced the prosecutor.
The price of the red stamp will rise to 80 85 cents on 1 January 2017, La Poste announced. The price of green stamps – for a fold distributed in 48 hours in France – will increase from 73 cents to 70
The release under electronic bracelet of a terrorist, “. it is a failure, it must be recognized “ said Manuel Valls in an interview with World . The Prime Minister also accused Nicolas Sarkozy of “lost his nerve”.
• # SAINT_ETIENNE_DU_ROUVRAY three people are always placed in custody in connection with the investigation into the attack of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. This is an individual stuck “S”, close to Abdel Malik Petitjean, a Syrian asylum seeker related Adel Kermiche and a minor whose brother left in the Iraqi-Syrian area. Follow our Live
5:03 p.m. . “Our pain is also yours” , said the pastor of Saint-Etienne du Rouvray in the mosque of the city. Three days after the tragedy, Christians and Muslims prayed together in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. Our article reviews this meeting
4:43 p.m. . One sister remembers the attitude of the second killer: ” I had the right to a second smile. Not a smile of triumph but a sweet smile, that of a happy person. “
4:31 p.m. : in this chilling story, we also learn that they have placed a camera in the hands of a faithful “ Jacques shouted at them: ‘Stop what you’re doing?’ This is where one of them struck the first blow to his throat. I then part “ says one of the sisters.
4:19 p.m. “peace is what we want when you spend on television, you will tell your leaders that much. there will be bombs on Syria, we will continue the attacks. And there will be every day. When you stop, we will stop, “ said one of the attackers after the murder .
4:17 p.m. Life was able to interview the three nuns who were taken hostage and who attended the death of father Jacques Hamel. A chilling story that particularly shines on the exact circumstances of this assault and the two killers motivations
3:51 p.m. . “what happened is a disaster,” perpetrated by “barbarians who want to divide us” also said Mohamed Jebri during his sermon. The imam spoke especially to neighborhood youth who mostly knew Abdel Malik Petitjean. “Be careful, do not fall into the ambush. Avoid problems related to social networks, Facebook, Twitter, … All that this can be a deadly poison. Follow the prophet’s word that says ‘ do not cause harm to others “ 3:46 p.m.
p class =>”. “during prayer Friday, the imam of the mosque of Aix-les-Bains – busy 18 months ago by Abdel Malik Petitjean – asked the hundred faithful present to gather in memory of father Jacques Hamel. “This father Jacques was good Muslim and who was killed by a Muslim called” . The interview by Benedict Gadrey for France 2.
3:16 p.m. : the investigation continues after the death of father Jacques Hamel. If you are lost between suspects, detained and those released, francetv info update on the situation in this article.
3:08 p.m. : a ceremony is held currently in lamosquée city. Imam invited Christians to preach the afternoon. Journalist i-Tele attend the meeting
3:01 p.m. . “In two months my son has totally changed. ” Near Kermiche Adel, Adel Bouaoun managed to reach Syria. The microphone of BFM TV, her mother shows his meteoric radicalization. According to his son, “Syria is paradise ”
1:32 p.m. . “With the test we are experiencing, this step is crucial.” About 3500 people attended the tribute organized in memory of Jacques Hamel priest. Juliette Duclos, for francetv information collected their feelings.
12:15 It is noon, the time to take stock of the news:
the price of the red stamp will climb 80 to 85 cents on 1 January 2017, La Poste announced. The price of green stamps – for a fold distributed in 48 hours in France – will increase from 73 cents to 70
The release under electronic bracelet of a terrorist, “. it is a failure, it must be recognized “ said Manuel Valls in an interview with World . The Prime Minister also accused Nicolas Sarkozy of “lost his nerve”.
• # SAINT_ETIENNE_DU_ROUVRAY Three people are always placed in custody as part of the investigation the attack in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. This is an individual stuck “S”, close to Abdel Malik Petitjean, a Syrian asylum seeker related Adel Kermiche and a minor whose brother left in the Iraqi-Syrian area. Follow our live.
Economic activity stagnated in the second quarter in France , the gross domestic product (GDP) remained stable while it was expected to rise to 0, 3%, announced INSEE
11:16 . Three people are therefore currently in custody. Here’s what we know:
The first, a French 30 years, is part of the family circle of Abdel Malik Petitjean
The second is a minor. 16 years whose brother Adel Bouaoun, is close to Adel Kermiche. The latter joined the Iraqi-Syrian area in March 2015.
The third applicant is of Syrian asylum would be in line with Adel Kermiche, according to information from BFMTV. He was arrested in Cusset (Allier) yesterday afternoon, according to The Mountain .
10:38 According BFMTV, the applicant for asylum Syrian, aged 22, was arrested in the Allier. It would have been related Adel Kermiche
10:41 . An applicant for asylum Syrian was taken into custody in connection with the bombing investigation
10:40 . two people are still in custody and two others have just been released.
9:22 It is 9 o’clock, make a point on the news on Friday:
the release under electronic bracelet of a terrorist, “c is a failure, it must be recognized “ said Manuel Valls in an interview with World . The Prime Minister also accused Nicolas Sarkozy of “lost his nerve”. Follow our live.
• # SAINT_ETIENNE_DU_ROUVRAY Investigators identified the killer second church Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. This is Abdel Malik Littlejohn. A young man that nobody saw radicalized. One of his relatives, also stuck “S”, was arrested yesterday.
Economic activity stagnated in the second quarter in France , the domestic gross (GDP) remained stable while it was expected to rise 0.3%, said INSEE.
#ETATS_UNIS Hillary Clinton agreed in Philadelphia the nomination of the Democratic Party for the presidential election of November 8, a first for a woman in American political history.
8:54 Adel Kermiche had tried twice to visit Syria. The course of this terrorist raises many questions about how France handles aspiring jihadists returning from Syria were intercepted before departure. I explain how they are supported.
8:35 : Taking the formulation of Jean-Jacques Urvoas, Manuel Valls said his “government will not be one that will create Guantanamo to the French.” Prime Minister addresses the Republicans party, claiming that the French, whose connections with a terrorist group are demonstrated, be placed in a detention center or with an electronic bracelet. “Nicolas Sarkozy loses his nerves. Being lucid address the threat, it is not falling into populism” , accuses Manuel Valls.
8:10 During the meeting, the Prime Minister returned to the path of a terrorist of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. After trying to go to Syria twice, Adel Kermiche was taken into custody and then released under judicial supervision. “This should lead judges to have a different approach, case by case, given the very extensive concealment practices jihadists, said Manuel Valls. But I will not be one that, in defiance of all balance of power would fall into the ease of making these judges responsible for this terrorist act. “
8:07 the release under electronic bracelet of a terrorist, ” this is a failure, it must be recognized “ says Manuel Valls in an interview with World
7:27 . to better prevent terrorism the government announced the creation of a center of radicalization in January 2015. More than a year and a half later, it is scheduled to open September 1 in Indre-et-Loire. How does it work? Is this a good solution? In this article, I try to go around the issue.
7:31 Paris-Normandie publishes a call to brotherhood signed by the mayor of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. “The rule of law, that our citizen people is given, is the tool of our Republic. The rule of law is a state of the duties that each of us must ensure respect” he wrote.
7:05 Hello @anonyme . France Télévisions decided to choose, case by case, to broadcast the names and photos of terrorists hitting France. “ My position is to trust the sense of responsibility and journalistic ethics teams from France Télévisions’ wrote Michel Field, Executive Director in charge of information at France Télévisions, in this news
7:00 . Some media do not go up photos of terrorists and not mention their names integer.c ‘ rather well, why you continue to do it
6:56 : Should anonymize terrorists and do not show their pictures ? The debate has spilled much ink and is found on the front page of Libération this morning.
6:30 : Three people the entourage of Abdel Malik Petitjean are still in custody this morning. Another of his relatives, also stuck “S”, is also placed in custody
6:25 . The Catholics of France are called to observe a day of fasting and prayer, today after the murder of father Jacques Hamel. The priest of the religious funeral will be held Tuesday in the Rouen Cathedral
6:20 . Let’s start the day with a point on the news:
investigators identified the second killer of the church of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. This is Abdel Malik Littlejohn. A young man that nobody saw radicalized. One of his relatives, also stuck “S”, was arrested yesterday.
#ETATS_UNIS Hillary Clinton has accepted, in Philadelphia, the nomination of the Democratic Party for the election presidential November 8, a first for a woman in American political history.
• the head of Al-Nosra Front announced the break with Al Qaeda. The jihadist group, classified as “terrorist” by Washington, declares to “protect the Syrian revolution” . It will now be called “Front Fateh Al-Sham”.
• The State Council has resolved and dismissed the application for suspension of the CCTV Salah Abdeslam. The Administrative Court of Versailles (Yvelines) had rejected the request last week.
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