In an interview with World , Prime Minister responds to critics it a few days ago by the leader of the Republicans, Nicolas Sarkozy, on managing the threat terrorist. He favors a temporary ban on foreign financing of mosques.
Faced with criticism, the head of government to defend its arguments. In an interview to the newspaper Le Monde , Prime Minister Manuel Valls is length about the measures taken by the government to prevent terrorist attacks and take action against radicalization. These answers come as the majority is under fire from critics on the right, Nicolas Sarkozy in mind, which accuses him of not taking the measure of the situation, while two attacks hit the country in Nice and Saint Etienne -du-Rouvray.
• Nicolas Sarkozy accused of “losing his nerve”
to the premier, “some seek to discredit the left by fueling fears to accumulate capital policy “, which is not justifiable, he considers. A reference to criticism from the right for several days after the attack in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and that of Nice. “Nicolas Sarkozy loses his nerves. Be lucid address the threat, it is not falling into populism “, also says Manuel Valls, in direct response to the interview given by the leader of the Republicans in World two days before.
Nicolas Sarkozy are advocating the restoration of double punishment and detention of persons suspected of terrorism. Inadmissible measures for the Prime Minister. “We have to break a triptych: the fear, the bidding and populism” , he attacks, saying that “our shield is democracy” and that “there an impassable line: the rule of law. As such, the confinement of individuals in centers on the basis of suspicion alone is morally and legally unacceptable. It would also not effective, “continued:. ” My government will not be one that will create the French to Guantanamo “
• A” failure “with. the release of Kermiche
one of the two assailants of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Kermiche Adel, was arrested after a second attempt to start in Syria before being released, assigned to residence and wearing an electronic bracelet. The decision “was upheld in appellate court by three judges, also experienced”, said Manuel Valls. “This is a failure, it must be recognized.”
For the
• “We need to change our behavior”
Recalling that the police of the police concluded that the security measures were not undersized in Nice on July 14, Manuel Valls believes that “grave and foul accusations on alleged State lie” must stop . However, he stressed a “period” implies change to “change our behavior.” “For each event, we must ask: is it necessary? Can we devote exceptional means in terms of security forces that could be used for other purposes? “For the head of government, ” must also exit the scapegoat reflex, which would, in each once, there was a flaw. Zero risk does not exist. “
•” Favorable “to a temporary ban on foreign financing of mosques
To fight against radicalization,” is although a new model that we must build “judge Manuel Valls. The Prime Minister advocates including “that the imams are trained and France” and says “favorable that, for a period to be determined, it can no longer be any foreign financing for the construction of mosques” .
For Manuel Valls, “fight against radicalization will be the matter of a generation” and must involve “all stakeholders: the State, local authorities, the national education, families, prisons, private companies but also the mental structures that will bring about a revolution in these areas. ” He considers it necessary to “build against a powerful speech that should not be the job of the state, but of the entire civil society.”
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