PICTURES / VIDEO – Four days after the attack in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, emotion remained high Saturday in France, where protests have brought together Christians and Muslims. Sunday, Muslims are called to attend the Mass.
Four days after the attack in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, emotion remained bright Saturday in France, where protests have brought together Christians and Muslims.
Lyon , hundreds of people have market in the center in honor of father Jacques Hamel, slain Tuesday in his office in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. Gathered behind banners proclaiming “We shall overcome by the fraternity,” “This is not a war of religions” or “We are all brothers and sisters”, the demonstrators responded to the call of several local associations with the support of Regional Council of the Muslim Faith (CRCM) to a “march of brotherhood.”
After the drama of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, “we felt it was essential not to give way to resignation , resentment and fear, an act of cohesion, encourage peace and living together, “said the chairman of the CRCM, Abdelkader Bendidi, in a statement. “We are here to show our solidarity, show that the three religions of the book can be gathered and living together”, has told AFP Jeannine and François Marre, members of the Catholic Education Association.
In Lyon, several hundred people participated in a “march of fraternity” <. span class = "fig-media-credits"> Photo Credits: JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK / AFP
In Lyon, several hundred people participated in a “march of fraternity” <. span class = "fig-media-credits"> Photo Credits: JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK / AFP
to Bordeaux , about 400 people of all faiths and representatives of the Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Jewish and Muslim participated in the Notre Dame de Bordeaux in “a time of contemplation and prayer “in memory of father Jacques Hamel.
father Jean Rouet, vicar general of the diocese of Bordeaux, was first invited representatives of various religious communities to speak out in church, then invited participants, including many members of the Muslim community, men, women and children to hold hands and, “each according to his faith and belief, long gathering is”.
In Bordeaux, the priest invited the participants to hold hands and, “each according to his faith and belief, long gathering is “ Photo credits:. JULIE Bruhier / AFP
The vicar general of the diocese of Bordeaux Jean Rouet holds the hand of the Imam of Bordeaux Mosque Tareq Oubrou during Mass in memory of father Jacques Hamel Photo credit:. JULIE Bruhier / AFP
Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray , the church where the tragedy occurred remained closed since the attack. the other church the town was packed for Mass 18 hours before organized a vigil. Among the 300 faithful was about fifty Muslims.
After the service, a tribute was paid to another church the city where father Jacques Hamel died.
At Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, the church was packed for Mass 18 hours before an organized vigil Photo credits:. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP
A Catholic nun shakes hands with a Muslim at the St. Therese church of Saint-Étienne-du -Rouvray Photo credit:. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP
Friday already, faithful Muslims and Christians had wanted to share a moment of brotherhood by going successively in Sainte-Thérèse and Yahia mosque in the city. They were 200 to walk in Toulouse, both in La Rochelle, 70-80 Périgueux.
Sunday, Muslims are called by the French Council of the Muslim Faith to attend Mass, and the bishops’ conference called on parishioners to book them a “fraternal welcome . “the call was echoed in Italy by Muslim organizations. the president of the CFCM, Anwar Kbibech will attend a Mass in the cathedral of Evry then another at Notre Dame in Paris.
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