Friday, June 5, 2015

Congress PS: be the national office, a balancing act – Le Point

On Saturday, the four motions will meet to announce who will integrate the party’s national council, parliament, composed of 204 members plus the first federal each department. In PS, the representation rule is simple and rigorous: each motion is entitled to as many seats as its result the congress. The motion A, that of First Secretary Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, collected roughly 60% of the votes; it will have 60% of seats (120). The B, those of the “rebellious”, meanwhile occupy 30% of the national council seats or sixty. Enough for everyone in common, there’s something -. And its headquarters

The places will be expensive

Where things get complicated is the national office . In socialist liturgy, BN is essential. It is the political body. BN meets weekly, stop the party’s position on each subject matter and fixed, if we stick to the association, the parliamentary vote. Since Cambadélis is the boss of Solferino, the BN has taken the importance it once had. Camba notably advanced BN from Tuesday to Monday so that it precedes the meeting of the PS group in the Assembly. One way to Solferino to give “the” deputies.

But places are expensive. The inner circle includes 54 members (over 18 first federal), chosen from among members of CN. The rule to be admitted is the same: the national office of the members are appointed in proportion to the weight of each motion. Consider the motion A. She is entitled to a little more than half the seats. But in the motion, each sub-stream must be served, as its weight … In the “A” is going to require the lace: there are friends of François Hollande, Manuel Valls, of Martine Aubry, Laurent Fabius, Ségolène Royal, plus a few stray sheep (around Delanoë, Peillon …) In short, for everyone, just over a dozen seats. The battle is likely to be fierce. Same for the “B”. The motion of “rebellious” is a composite of at least three layers, Christian Paul’s friends, those of Benoît Hamon and those of Emmanuel Maurel. Three layers you can almost divide since scraping a bit we find a emmanuellistes underlay at Hamon … Let us add another rule of brass, the gender parity and joyous assurance is obtained tussles within each motion.

great organizer of internal balances, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis closely follow the negotiations. The influence of the national office, including the slingers along well use to spur policy Francois Hollande, is at stake. However, solférinologues have already spotted, between future BN’s strengths, possible connections between the slingers of the motion B and “skeptics” of the motion A, led by Martine Aubry (the mayor of Lille Cambadélis met Tuesday and will likely place the BN). The Socialist Party and in the oceans, currents can also fluctuate.


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