This is the end of suspense for some 700,000 are bac session in 2016. It is indeed this Tuesday, July 5 that are published the results of the most prominent consideration in the Hexagon even if he is no longer the same passport to a brilliant student.
In mainland is the Academy of Aix-Marseille, which will open the show from 8:00, followed by Lyon and Orléans-Tours at 08H30. The students of the Academy of Bordeaux will chafe because their results will be published at 4:00 p.m. for general and technological routes (10:00 for pro bins).
But as soon 7h, the test results to the Meeting were available, although originally the Academy had indicated they would be at 8am in France. Those of Mayotte and Guyana were known for some days.
A transcript to go get
Two possibilities to know his fate. Traditional: the leaves are displayed on the gates of deliberation centers –not necessarily high school student or even one where he passed his examination. The more emotional (and parents) can consult the website of the academy, carry their ID, the number on the notice to the tray.
For its part the Ministry of Education offers a portal where students can also access the results of the various academies.
But all will ultimately go to the deliberation center to retrieve the transcript.
Draft Sessions Wednesday to Friday
An average equal or superior to 10 of 20? The bin is in the pocket. Between 8 and less than 10 towards the draft, which starts on Wednesday until Friday. The candidate shall be given an appointment to return to the two oral tests of his choice to spend a half a day.
Eid el Fitr, the feast of the break of just fasting after Ramadan falling Wednesday Muslim candidates who request it can spend these oral Thursday or Friday, and the correction to be replaced that day, under circular 2004 and 2012, reminded the House examinations in Ile-de-France (Siec).
According to the circular of May 2004, the school institution should indeed “make arrangements for any examination or any important test will be organized “day of” great religious festivals. ” The set, although it has existed for over ten years, made cringe Annie Genevard Delegate for Education in the party Republicans, the SNALC, minority teachers union, and SNPDEN-Unsa, main union leaders, who sees it “an element of disruption.”
for those who have failed, some novelties this year. A decree of the fall gives them the right to repeat once in their high school. The students of general and technological routes may retain, upon their request, their marks in the written tests greater than or equal to 10 out of 20, within the limit of five sessions.
The almost final results (a fraction of candidates pass the tray in September) will be known Saturday once the past catching up.
in 2015, nearly 9 of 10 candidates have been
in 2015, almost nine out of ten candidates (87.9%) dropped out this examination, which allows starting college . The success rates were 91.5% for the general baccalaureate, 90.7% for technology tray and 80.5% for the vocational baccalaureate, created there just thirty years.
Reported to the entire age group, the proportion of graduates in a generation was 77.2%.
High school students wishing to pursue graduate studies are on the post-bac admission platform (PDB) for several weeks and much of already know if their wishes were fulfilled.
in case of difficulty, they can turn to SOSinscription (, the service set up by the UNEF student union, designed to help young people with no application has been validated.
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