SCAN THE POLICY – Executives of EELV, who want not to participate in the primary initiated by the PS, supported a candidacy of former presenter of Ushuaia . Saddened by his decision not to take part in the presidential election, they will have to appoint another candidate.
For once, they agreed . Since that Europe Ecology-Greens decided to present an independent candidacy for the 2017 presidential election, Nicolas Hulot who reaped all the favors. Even those who are eyeing the Elysee, as Cécile Duflot or Christmas Mamère, felt that the former television presenter, yet beaten face Eva Joly in the primary in 2011, was best placed to embody ecology. By renouncing Tuesday night to enter the race, former special envoy Francois Hollande for the protection of the planet, aged 61, has dampened the hopes of his comrades, who will have to gather around another application . “Sad to the decision of Nicolas Hulot but respects his integrity and selfless commitment and constant,” responded David Cormand, national secretary of EELV, on Twitter. The Green Senator Esther Benbassa is more bitter: “Nicolas Hulot wants to play divas, but not the presidential and providential man. Asked just embody ecology, “she lamented, again on the social network. Corinne Lepage, former Minister and President of Cap21, it was estimated micro Europe 1 that it was “not good news for the ecology.”
But maybe this is Christmas Mamère, Green MP of Gironde, which seems the most dejected. “Many of us think that it was best placed to defend our social project,” he commented on France Info. The mayor of Bègles has even sought the help of Nicolas Hulot. “It is essential that we help in the fight that we will lead to the presidential. Environmentalists can not be absent. ” The former candidate for presidency in 2002, which obtained 5.25% of the votes, had announced in March that it could itself be a candidate in case of withdrawal of Nicolas Hulot.
L former Minister Cécile Duflot scrutinized too closely the inclinations of the environmental feature. The Member for Paris has never hidden its interest in the presidential election, and prepares them for several months. It recently launched a website “to environmentalists ideas are represented.” Unlike the consensus Nicolas Hulot, who collected about 10% of the vote in the polls, the elected is credited only 3 to 4%. Hulot now back, she could come out of the wood. For now, it refrains from comment. MEPs EELV Yannick Jadot and Michèle Rivasi are also potential candidates. But some fear that the context opens the door to other ambitious’ as that for the primary right, would be tempted to launch only to score internal points “.
In a party undermined longstanding divisions, is desperate to avoid clashes in the candidate nomination process for 2017. Before the announcement of Nicolas Hulot, management does not want primary, instead of 2011. in this South Radio Wednesday morning, the Assistant national Secretary Sandrine Rousseau asserted that “militants designation” would be organized. “The primary, it’s complicated,” she reiterated. The party meets in Nantes federal council this weekend. A motion will be submitted to a vote of members who propose to “support an EELV candidate or outcome of the civil society that bears the green project,” says the Scan Sandrine Rousseau. The selection mode is now the main challenge. “It is unlikely that the candidate be known until October. We learned from the 2011 primary, it does not fall into the same “, details the Scan Julien Bayou, spokesman for EELV. MEP Karima Delli it already pleaded his side for the organization of an internal poll.
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While Nicolas Hulot could have been a contender left facing François Hollande, Stéphane Le Foll, spokesman for the government, did not wish commented on the announcement of the ecologist on France inter. Among the responsible Republicans, Christian Estrosi, President of the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur, stressed the “courage” of Nicolas Hulot “to say that is not what the French feel that he is”. François Fillon on RTL praised the “TV show producer talents” of the environmentalist. “But it is not enough to be president,” he quipped. “I never thought Hulot could arise,” has meanwhile said Francois Bayrou, MoDem mayor of Pau, who believes that Nicolas Hulot has no state experience.
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