Monday, July 18, 2016

Paris – Attack: Valls booed in Nice, the executive against attack facing the right – L’Express

What will be the tone of the debate Wednesday in the Assembly during the first questions to the government since the Nice carnage ‘After Charlie Hebdo, MEPs sang a stirring Marseillaise and the Prime Minister, with a rousing speech, was cheered. After November 13, the right was instead instructed without delay the trial of the government, but the choppy session in the Palais Bourbon was severely criticized in public opinion.

Since Friday, the post-Charlie seems a distant memory. A Nice Monday, Manuel Valls, accompanied especially the President of Paca LR Christian Estrosi and local authorities, was booed by the crowd before and after the minute of silence in tribute to the victims of the attacks of 14 July.

whistles that the head of government said it was “ unworthy ” and “ little spontaneous .” “ When heated to white activists, supporters, it is not surprising to gather division and hatred ,” he told Nice-Matin.

For his part, Nicolas Bay (FN) tweeted: “ Hootings much-deserved for Valls- # Estrosi One asks us to live with the Islamist peril & amp; other. finances # FrèresMusulmans . ”

By Saturday, Mr. Estrosi had evoked a “ lie State ” on the number of national police at the Promenade des Anglais. After Alain Juppe, Nicolas Sarkozy said Sunday that “ everything that should have been done 18 months ago did not “, and accused Hollande of having “ the hand aspen “to terrorism.

The Head of State gave itself the tone of the response. When Defence Council Monday morning, he invoked a “ obligation of dignity and truth ” in “ public speaking .” Friday in Nice, he warned he could not hear if “ lower ” to “ excesses ” or “ too ” while the controversy was already launched.

Meanwhile, Manuel Valls will arrange itself to defend the extension of the state of emergency. Prime Minister receives Monday night the leaders of parliamentary groups before the Cabinet on Tuesday and the passage of text from the evening to the Assembly and the Senate Wednesday.

– ‘No respect’ of mourning –

Meanwhile, several ministers responded to the right. “ There was no compliance with a number of actors of the political class of the mourning period “, accused the

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve that has not Forgot the FN, charged with “ reach out to the division ” desired by the jihadists.

The State Secretary Jean-Marie Le Guen has also defended point by point what the government since 2012, and returned the right to its balance sheet until 2012, with “ 12,000 jobs lost “in security and” Forces completely atrophied “particularly in the intelligence services.

Done unusual, the Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian was added to the list, warning that “ the time will come when it will say what has been done for several years to ensure the security of France, and which was defeated “before alternation.

For the PS, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis denounced a “ sad sight ,” regretting “ accusations and inept proposals ” part opposition targeting and Alain Juppé, the “ best of them which was given the worst .”

On the right, an extraordinary political office of the Republicans is scheduled Monday night meeting in which Alain Juppé did not participate since it is in Berlin to meet Angela Merkel.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate France Arise for president, urged his fellow MPs to sign a motion of censure against the government, faced with a “ non-assistance to people in danger “he said.

On the left, the SP held on Monday a National Office, which agreed on the need not just a security response to the attack, and to have a reflection on “ how we live the Republic . ”

This week will also be that of the exam Wednesday in the Assembly for final adoption of the highly contested bill work.


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