Saturday, August 27, 2016

New hot day for a Saturday red listed on the roads – L’Obs

Paris (AFP) – France suffered Saturday his fifth hot day, that stifled motorists this weekend great holiday returns, before an expected improvement on Sunday by Météo France

. orange alert heatwave always involved 43 departments, between the West and the North and East of the country, but with a risk of heavy showers and storms in the north and north-east of the country, announced Meteo France.

new heat records for a late August were beaten Friday, including Metz (36.9 ° erasing the 34.8 ° of 30 August 2015), Strasbourg (36 ° beating 34.7 ° of 28 August 1992) and Dijon (34.9 ° 34.8 ° against August 26, 1926).

“on Saturday promises to be one of the hottest this episode of heat wave, “warned Emmanuel Demaël, forecaster at Meteo France. “We locally reach 36 to 37 degrees over a large central part of the country and in the West,” he told AFP. Between 35 and 36 degrees are especially expected in Paris.

The temperatures reach 32 to 36 degrees on most parts, 21 to 26 degrees on the tip of Brittany and the Channel coast, 26 to 32 on the ocean beaches and the Mediterranean. The heat wave affecting the country should end Sunday, thunderstorms and showers refreshing the atmosphere.

“Sunday, from 6:00 the Centre and Ile-de-France certainly will not be orange alert and from 10:00 throughout the country will certainly be out of the heat, “said Emmanuel Demaël, although over 30 degree temperatures is expected on a fringe east and 28 degrees in the Paris region and the Centre.

– circulation and heat Pic –

Prior to this enhancement, caution remained up Saturday especially on the road where the scorching heat complicated day classified red, with peak traffic expected between 12:30 ET 13:00.

on the highway, prevention messages were broadcast on the light panels and the motorway radios (107.7), prompting drivers to stay hydrated, and stop frequently to to rest. prevention leaflets about

the effects of the heat wave were also available on the service areas, according to the Ministry of Health.

In large cities, where the heat is most intense, the inhabitants sought freshness in the parks or along the water.

in Paris, firefighters found a hundred cases of hyperthermia since the beginning of the episode, without regret very serious case because ” people call very quickly. ” Firefighters will see the effects of prevention messages and vigilance.

The Department of Health has notably established a toll on the heat wave, 0800 June 66 66, open daily from 9:00 am 19:00 (free call from a landline in France) to answer questions and provide information on the health recommendations to follow in times of extreme heat.

in the capital, the city of Paris has maintained Saturday broadcast prevention messages as well as its free action. – Vélib ‘, Autolib’, residential parking

the mayor of Paris also asked Friday to police Commissioner circumvention measures of Ile-de- France for heavy-weight and maximum transit speed reduction allowed on main roads, the fight against pollution peak.

the heat wave, exceptional for its length and its late appearance , according to Météo France, was caused by a high-altitude anticyclone blocked over a vast area stretching from Morocco to Germany, and barring fresh air that could come from the Atlantic.


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