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Pyrenees-Orientales, is diverse, glider crash, death <- Time g & eacute;! n & eacute ; ration ISS / ESI: 0236 seconds -> <- total time in requ & egrave; your:! 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / blk = 175,148.350, R, prdfriweb511 - ->
According to the first elements of the investigation, the driver was dead on arrival at 4:10 p.m. firefighters. A man died Saturday afternoon in the crash of the glider
The single-seat glider crashed in a field in Sauto after coming into contact with a line at 63.000, said in a statement RTE (Electricity Transport Network). A basic gliders is not far away, in La Llagonne
<- Freedom Engine prdfriweb514 - Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:12:52 -> <- Time g & eacute; n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI:! 0049 seconds -> <- / blk = 167,495.6, R, prdfriweb519 -> <- Blc = 168373, "PasseVariableUniversel"! ->
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