RESULTS LAC – The publication of the ferry began early in the morning on Tuesday in the overseas academies and ended in Ile-de-France in mid-day. still remain the results catch up …
[Updated July 5, 2016 at 4:11 p.m.] 2016 The tray is coming to an end with the traditional publishing results . Each academy almost delivered its result Tray Tuesday, from early morning to the academies of Reunion and Guiana until mid-day in the Paris academies of Paris, Créteil and Versailles. Warning: the results of the 2016 tray is not yet complete. If almost all of the 700 000 candidates got the verdict, it still lacks the accepted lists of certain sectors in certain academies. The Academy of Guadeloupe should for example close the ball around 15 hours, metropolis hour. And do not forget that until the end of the week, the results of catching up will complete this edition, 2016.
Students submitted to the second session will indeed have to wait and especially work even a little to get the verdict. These tests begin the day after the result of the tray and last until the end of the week. To pass the oral tests of the second chance, we must have an overall score between 8 and 10/20. You should know that almost two-thirds of the candidates through the retrofits get the precious baccalaureate degree, but obviously it is not possible to get a mention, even if the final score is greater than 12/20 (this which is extremely rare). In general, these tests allow to inflate the success rate to 10% tray. The result of the catch is usually experienced in the aftermath of the event. But as the result of the first group, the names of admitted are published on our website.
To view the result of the tray in an academy or in a city, visit our special page results tray 2016. academies are available in one click via our map
iN VIDEO – Bachelor.: the results have fallen, end the suspense for high school students
Bac 2016:. a second chance with the retrofits
If you need to pass the famous “second group of tests”, you must organize quickly and report to the deliberative central secretariat which two subjects you want to return. You can change his mind until the day of the exam. Again, you will need to indicate your changes to the exam center of the Secretariat. Your oral catching up will last half a day, during talks between 30 and 40 minutes, and the final results will be announced after the joint session to other candidates in 2016 tray.
Rest assured, you will not lose points to catch up, because the reviewers keep the best of both notes between the written and oral tests. The coefficient is the same against the oral and written. A parameter to consider when choosing your two board materials. Namely also: for all the absent candidates during tests in June – only for reasons of force majeure – a second session was held from 7 to 14 September 2016 for the general series (S, L, ES) and 10 to 18 September for candidates of professional bachelor
12:20 END oF DIRECT -.. the point at midday at this hour of the day almost all the academies published the results of the general baccalaureate and techno tray. Lists of admitted Bachelor in vocational programs are also online, but difficult to claim to be comprehensive at this stage, as the number of specialties is therefore
11:59 -. It continues. The result of Montpellier tray (general and techno) is published. The publications are also progressing in Lille academies (pro), Amiens (general), Caen (all channels)
11:52 -. The big piece of this day is busy being swallowed in turn. The result of the tray in Paris for general programs is now available on our special page. The result of the tray in Créteil as the result of the tray at Versailles are also online for candidates Series S, ES and L
11:49 -. The list of thousands of candidates admitted to BA are being published right now in the academies of Rennes and Nantes as well as in the academy of Strasbourg where the three branches (general, techno and pro) are now online.
11:37 – Here we go again, finally! The results of the tray are recovering to fall. You can check the result of the tray in the Academy of Amiens, as well as that of the Academy of Rouen for pro networks. The pro tray also delivered its verdict in Montpellier, Aix-Marseille, Toulouse and Grenoble. The result of the general baccalaureate in Besancon also fell. The result of the tray in Marseille was particularly expected. With the pro tray, the valve is now open
11:04 – Useful Reminder: an overview of the results of fallen ferry or waiting is available on our special page dedicated to the results tray 2016. A search engine will help you find results by city and academy. A map of France academies is also at your disposal to find the list of admitted in one click
10.50 -. According to our information, the Ministry of Education would know now technical difficulties in transmitting the results of the tray. Some results are slow to be transferred on sites ensuring the publication of the lists. If the result fell in the majority of academies, there are still tens of thousands of candidates in uncertainty. We keep you here live results available upon circulation
10.20 -. The big wait began for thousands of high school Parisian academies. The results of the tray in Paris, Créteil and Versailles are waiting Tuesday late morning. The results of the tray were expected around 10 o’clock in the three academies, but as each year are delays in the publication of lists of successful candidates. If the Parisian academies is atypical. When the vast majority of academies correspond to a regional territory, the Ile-de-France, where the concentration of students is important, is itself divided into three academies
9:53. – half of academies has now delivered its verdict in this great day of bac results. Latest result: the result of the general baccalaureate in Caen which has just been unveiled and released on turn
9:49 – All results are the tray. now published in the academy of Dijon (usually techno and pro). The result of the tray in Grenoble, Limoges, Orleans-towers and Toulouse is known for pro networks. In Clermont-Ferrand and its academy, the result of the general baccalaureate dropped
9:34 -. The next wave of results is expected at 10 o’clock now. Are expected or all of the results of the tray in the academies of Besançon, Caen, Corsica, Limoges, Montpellier, Nancy-Metz, Nice, but three of the biggest academies in France: Paris, Versailles and Créteil
<. p> 9:21 – many results have now fallen. For a full update on the situation, check all results of the 2016 ferry to France and find results by city and academy on our map
9:10 -. the wave of results from 9 fell. Many bac results are now online. This is the case of bac results in Poitiers, Limoges (usually techno and pro), Orleans-towers (pro), Nantes (pro and techno), Rouen (general and techno), Grenoble (techno), Grenoble ( General) and Rennes, Caen, Paris (pro)
9:02 -. the result of the tray in Reims still stuff. Just before 9am, the Academy released the lists of admitted for technology tray. A big wave of results then arrived
8:40 -. The results of Reims tray are also beginning to arrive. Vocational streams are already partly available. The results of the vocational baccalaureate in Grenoble, still for pros bins are also partly revealed
8:34 -. It fell to Lyon! One of the biggest academies of France has just published its results for the tray. Check our special result pages bin Lyon. general programs, techno and all three are professional online
8.30 -. The result of the Orléans-Tours tray fell for general and technological series. The academy has delivered its verdict in the early morning, just before 8.30am. It is among the first ten academies have published lists of permitted
8:15 -. Some academies have already made the display of results lists in the centers examination. The result of the bin to Aix-Marseille is unveiled since 8:00 “in situ”. However, the verdict will be available online only around 10 hours. This is also the case for the result of the tray in the Amiens Academy
7:40 -. After the first wave of results overseas, the next lists ‘expected candidates admitted concern of the Rhône-Alpes region and those of Champagne-Ardennes. The results of the tray in the academy of Lyon are expected at 8.30 according to information of academic services. This is also the case of the results of the tray in Reims. Fingers crossed for them
7:09 – New wave of results at 7:00 am. The result of the professional baccalaureate in Reunion recently distributed by the Academy. He was immediately passed on to our site. The result of the pro tray Mayotte is also available online
6:52 -. The results of the 2016 tray begin to fall! At 6:00 this morning accurate in France, the result of the tray at the Meeting was published. The results of the 2016 tray in Guyana are also on our platform (click the link). They fell in the night
START OF DIRECT -. The date the results of the pan, it is for this Tuesday, 5 July 2016. For the estimated 700,000 bac 2016, the time of the verdict rang. It is this Tuesday, July 5 they will know if they have won the diploma the first time or not. The allowed lists are published at 8.30 am tomorrow morning, for each academy. Available on the Internet, the results of the tray will not however know immediately if the candidates that are not received in the first group readjusted his or overtaking. The result of the tank will then be consulted in an examination center to be fixed. The result of the 2016 tray will be broadcast live on The lists will be in real time lines, ie from official release by the ministry, giving everyone the opportunity to view them without leaving your home.
All the results of the tray will be released academy by academy and city by city. You can find the list of graduates admitted in alphabetical order, but it is also possible to search the name of a candidate in our dedicated search engine. It is also possible to move on the official websites of the academies. Be aware that the lists are the same as on our platform and on other news sites. Moreover, it is not uncommon that public sites rectorats experiencing long periods of saturation because of the very large number of simultaneous connections. Some candidates also prefer to move in the examination centers where the results of the tray are displayed.
For the 700 000 candidates, the suspense is unbearable. And it’s understandable. According to a survey by YouGov for 20 Minutes in 2015, 61.9% of French believe that the bachelor is “essential to pursue a professional career”, although it was “too easy” or be seen as a sesame having lost its value.
oral shifted from catching up to the end of Ramadan
the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan and should take place Wednesday, July 6, could coincide with the tray remedial tests. Therefore Vincent Goudet, the director of the House of examinations of Ile-de-France, sent a note to headmasters of schools indicating that candidates “invoking the feast of Eid el-Fitr will be reconvened on next day, “reports Le Parisien. An advance ruling which did not please everyone … “This kind of notes can create a beautiful mess,” said the daily Philippe Tournier, general secretary of the National Union of principals. “Will he be asked one by one to our students if they Eid? It’s inconceivable.” The side of the house exams, explains meet a real demand. “For ten days, we were approached by leaders of examination centers who questioned what to do for candidates or interviewers who ask to receive the Eid,” said Vincent Goudet AFP
VIDEO iN – the reactions on the Republican side and the FN
most read. Check the results of the tray: see
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