LIVE For this session of the 2016 tray, follow the progress of this intense day in the life high school students …
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- End of suspense for 700,000 bac results with the discovery Tuesday
- This is the Academy of Aix-Marseille who got the ball rolling at 8 am, followed by Lyon and Orléans-Tours at 8:30.
- The results were available at 10 in most other regions.
- The results are available on the site 20 minutes here
- Between 8 and 10 towards the draft, which starts on Wednesday until Friday.
& gt; & gt; Read also: See all results academy by academy
& gt; & gt; Read also: Five tips for successful remedial tests
& gt; & gt; Read also: In the head of a bachelor on the day of the results
12:59 : This live is now over
Thank you for follow-up and good luck to catch up to those going to the
12:57: And the fact that become copies
12:53: tray inspire youtubeurs
12:53: Full project …
12:50: The opportunity to interact peacefully with family
12:43: joy staged
12:41: the confidences correctors are crispy
They are reading here
12:34: more or less funny ways of the bad news
12:32: They missed their ferry and successful professional life
12:31: Patience for Girondins …
the latest results released will be those academy of Bordeaux at 16h
12:29. the dark humor of dropouts
12:28: from the perspective of art to catch up …
12:23: The best press officer facs is Cyprien
12:23: girls do slightly better than boys
in 2015, 87.9% of all candidates passed the examination, a figure conceals disparities by gender: 90.1% of girls won their tray, against 85.6% of boys
12:08. congratulations to the Mayor paris
12:06: tray, good excuse to make the pub …
12:04: the family curse …
12:03: The comic is still there:)
12:02: the ferry is the occas show off
11:59: reminder to those who will party tonight
11h45: The winners go on Fun radio
11:43: That was the penal colony high school ? span>
11:42: the rage of disappointment
11:40: A still disappointed recidivist
11:38: Oula, how seriously
11:37: The range of emotions
11:32: What are the areas where there is most successful
in 2015, the most important success rates have was recorded in the academies of Rennes (92.2%), Nantes (92%) and Corsica (also 92%). And lowest in the academies of Mayotte (69.3%) Guyane (80.1%) and Créteil (83.9%).
11:30: When the political will is their story …
11:26: A word of Louane his fans
11:22: Share your reactions with 20 minutes
11:16: It’s nice to encourage winners
11.15: Even grannies rejoice on Twitter
11:13: Wow …
11:09: the article to read for parents who relied on their screaming children …
11:05: Good to remember: some professions are exercised without the tray
11:03: They missed, but keep humor
10:59: revenge of the shirker
10:55: funk, emotion, anger, joy …
10:53: A solution for those qu’APB not satisfied
Many of the students wishing to undertake graduate studies already know if their wishes were answered via PDB.
in case of difficulty, they can turn to SOSinscription (, the service set up by the UNEF student union, designed to help young people with no application has been validated.
10:52: banks are doing everything to attract “good performers”
10:50: solutions for those who missed this year …
10:48: And in the France team, how many he has bachelors
10:47: Do you know how many candidates have won last year
in 2015, almost? nine candidates in ten (87.9%) dropped out this examination, which allows to enter higher education. The success rates were 91.5% for the general baccalaureate, 90.7% for technology tray and 80.5% for the vocational baccalaureate, created there just thirty years.
Reported to the entire age group, the proportion of graduates in a generation was 77.2%.
10:44: Sometimes relatives make tons …
10:41: the # I aiMonBac monopolized by old bachelors who all do the same joke lourdaude
10:36: The comedians are out …
10:31: Oh no, even the snow Queen!
10:29: Ceremonial around the lack of pomp bin for some …
10:25: The method to follow to boost his chances at catching
retrofits begin in less than 48 hours. 20 Minutes gathered advice graduates and specialists to put the odds on their side.
10:15: Some banks offer gifts to graduates who have earned a mention
10:12: innovations for those who failed
for those who have failed, some novelties this year. A decree of the fall gives them the right to repeat once in their high school. The students of general and technological routes can retain, if they ask, their marks in the written tests at or above 10 to 20, within the following five sessions.
10:11: Special dédicales rather strange …
10:09: There are those who do not forget the comrades who tries the draft
10:06: the ferry is often the opportunity to pay his family
10:04: bachelor graduates weaken the twittosphere
10:03: When parents have the art of the compliment …
10:02: Muslims who spend catching up will one day have to celebrate Eid
Eid el Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast just after the end of Ramadan, falling Wednesday Muslim candidates who request it can spend these oral Thursday or Friday, and the correction to be replaced that day, under round of 2004 and 2012, reminded the House of the examinations in the Ile-de-France (Siec).
10 am: That’s it, the results fall in most regions
9:48: Some find that the tray is the cake
9:45: The joy of winning a mention
9:41: A bad rating, it is not irretrievable. Proof
9:39: In high school Thiers Marseille, we cry it shouts
“I am pleased and shocked,” exclaims Jean-Baptiste, one of the first to see the result. science graduate with honors won he did not expect. He is happy with his 18 in science and life of the earth, since it is intended to study medicine.
“It’s too emotional,” says Hachimia waiting for his report card , ID at hand. No mention, but the girl can go to college sciences, as expected.
A teacher, Mrs. Viguier, toured his students and record their results. “Right now, it’s good, yes, I have not finished watching, but it’s good,” she says /
9:38: The great household will trade for some
9:34: See the results on the 20 minutes
9:26: Some high schools have low academic methods to reveal the results …
9:25: the minister has a quick note to all candidates
9:23: time to party for the winners
9:21: The excitement is at its peak for some
9:20: Some students foiled omens Teachers …
9:16: Two possibilities to learn his fate
the traditional: the leaves are displayed on the gates of deliberation centers –not necessarily high school student or even one where he passed his examination. And faster: Candidates can visit the website of the academy, carry their ID, the number on the notice to the bin
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