Here our entire live #NICE
5:08 p.m. : Manuel Valls responded to criticism of Nice elected first Christian Estrosi, the safety device on the evening of the attack on 14 July. He stressed that he had been “concerted, agreed and validated” with the mayor of Nice, including access to the Promenade des Anglais. Here is the sequence.
4:59 p.m. ” think like other human beings, we do not ask questions about anything that has been done, not to prevent these tragedies? You take us for? You think we do not have a moment of conscience and we do not ask ourselves, honorable member, fundamental questions? “
earlier in the Assembly, Manuel Valls responded to criticism from the right on the means used by the executive to the fight against terrorism.
4:46 p.m. After the Nice attack of summer events were Paris canceled for lack of “security guarantees satisfactory” , announced the police headquarters in the capital. The detail in this article.
4:01 p.m. : the députéYves Nicolin (Republicans) blames Manuel Valls and its lack of mea culpa after the bombing of Nice.
3:51 p.m. : “Salafism is a minority of Islam in France. It’s an active minority that wins battles.”
3:49 p.m. : Manuel Valls questioned by MP of Essonne Republicans Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet about Salafism. “The terrorism thrives on fertile ground: Salafism, sectarian drift of Islam,” , she said.
15:43 : after the attack that killed 84 people on July 14 in Nice, four cells of medico-psychological emergency was introduced. Our special correspondent Juliette Duclos visited within the cell specifically for children at the Lenval Children’s Hospital. Reportage.
(JULIETTE Duclos / francetv INFO)
3:39 p.m. : Prime Minister at length returned to the system put in place to secure the fireworks of 14 July in Nice. “There were 85 national police officers to 19 hours 89-20 hours 92-21 hours 22 hours between 64 and 23 hours. We would like a summary table” , defends the head of government. And Manuel Valls said that the town of Nice has validated the device with the prefecture.
3:29 p.m. ” We see that we are facing two procedures: first, the group organized action since the Syria. Secondly, coordinated action from our soil “, warns Manuel Valls.
3:28 p.m. : Prime Minister considers that the measures taken since 2012 in the fight against terrorism ” allow us to have a suitable arsenal. ”
However, Manuel Valls added: “ permanently You have to adapt because the opponent is constantly adapting.”
3:26 p.m. : Manuel Valls returns to the boos that followed the minute’s silence on the promenade des Anglais in Nice. “It is our responsibility, we who headed the nation, to shoulder this weight” , says Prime Minister before the members.
3:20 p.m. ” Our mission is to protect the French they. are worried. “
3:14 p.m. Behold, video, minute of silence in the national Assembly for the victims of the bombing in Nice
<. p class = "custom message" data-picture = ""> 3:11 p.m. : Special feature of this session questions to the government: five members will ask questions, Prime Minister then provide them a comprehensive response
3:08 p.m. : You can follow the live session of questions to the government in the national Assembly on the Nice attack that has just started with a minute of silence observed by the government and elected officials.
3:05 p.m. Just before the opening of the session of questions to the government, MPs observed a minute of silence for the victims of the attack of 14 July Nice, after a tribute by the President of the national Assembly.
2:26 p.m. : It is not an army, but almost. Less than a week after the bombing in Nice, François Hollande called for midday the French to invest in various reserves to form a “National Guard” of fact.
2:05 p.m. : In his announcement, he stated sale “objects recovered on the Prom ‘” . A man was arrested Monday night: he is suspected of trying to sell on the internet items belonging to victims of the attack in Nice
1:43 p.m. : police niçoise Celya Boumedien was responsible for the support of his colleagues present on the promenade des Anglais on the killing of evening. Here is his testimony collected by France 3.
12:43 : the subject has ignited the debate on the benches of the national Assembly during the consideration of a fourth extension of state of emergency: the right and the extreme right, some demand the creation of detention centers for “suspected” of terrorism. Should we give up certain principles of the rule of law in the name of the fight against terrorism? To answer our question of the day, click here.
12:39 @Martine the last official figure of Monday evening 70 people were still hospitalized, according to Health Minister Marisol Touraine. The President has announced that 15 people “even between life and death” . In total, the attack of 14 July was 84 dead and 331 wounded
12:29 . How many people are still hospitalized Nice after the attack? The media (television) speak more, we should not forget those who are victims also
Please reply if you have any information about it.
12:37 : a tribute to the absence of a concert the singer Rihanna. which was to occur on July 15 in Nice, but the show was canceled because of the bombing, welcomed yesterday the victims. the R & B star was in concert on stage at the OL park on the outskirts of Lyon.
12:14 It is noon, make it a point to news:
“Fifteen” are “ still between life and death” , announced François Hollande before reservists training. Furthermore, the custody of a second suspect was extended beyond four days. In this case, the in custody are suspected of having contacts or to have provided logistical support to Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. Follow our live.
#LIBYE Three French soldiers were killed while on “government business” in Libya, says the Ministry of defense. This is the first time that the Ministry confirms the presence of French troops in the country.
Weather France up 19 departments of the Central and Eastern amber alert storms. Among them are the Allier and Puy-de-Dôme already placed vigilance heatwave. The detail is to find here.
#NICE The National Assembly adopted overwhelmingly, early this morning, the bill extending the post-terrorist state of emergency for six months, after a marathon debate about seven and a half hours in an often tense atmosphere.
11:59 “the anger is legitimate” and
François Hollande gave a speech at the national training center for police forces in Saint-Astier (Dordogne), ahead of reservists training.
11:55 : ” Fifteen people still between life and death, “ad François Hollande, after the attack that left 84 dead.
11:26 : Hello. This is obviously a joke, launched by the site This Belgian site is a parody site, as the Gorafi in France. In this regard, I invite you to read the article StreetPress. I also draw your attention to our article about the false rumors that have spread on the Internet
11:18 . Hello, a rumor reported that the famous Jawal, landlord of Abaaoud in St Denis, played an important role in the hiring of Nice truck. To your knowledge, info ou intox? Thank you in advance
11:12 Hello @anonyme . These statements come to us from France Bleu. The radio says the vehicle rented by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was not a refrigerator truck, based on the analysis of several carriers, as Mortigliengo Patrick, president of the FNTR (National Road Transport Federation) the Alpes Maritimes. For its part, the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, has evoked a “reefer”
The debate implies a basic question. That of permission to move or not during the evening of 14 July. During the holidays, lorries over 7.5 tonnes have no right to move to France.
10:53 : he seems to nice attack, the truck n ‘was refrigerated and therefore should have been banned from circulation can confirm
10:33 : Should derogate from the fundamental principles of the European Convention of human rights Man in the name of the fight against terrorism? This issue was the subject of a lively skirmish that night in the Assembly. She opposed the very right-handed Laurent Wauquiez to Manuel Valls. Here is the sequence in its entirety.
9:33 : as we said yesterday: that which presented itself as the former lawyer of Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel never actually been his lawyer. “He told me he had made a mistake, he had confused with another client with similar names or close” , told the Paris Jacques Randon the President of the Bar of lawyers of the Nice Bar. We tell this amazing story in this article.
9:16 It’s 9:00, time to take stock on the news:
the custody of a second suspect extended beyond four jours.Dans this case provide detainees with suspected of having contacts or to have provided logistical support to Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.
#NICE the national Assembly adopted overwhelmingly, early this morning, the bill extending the post-terrorist emergency, finally for six months, after about seven and half marathon debate in an atmosphere often tense.
only two departments were placed in orange alert heatwave. This is Allier and Puy-de-Dôme. Charente, Charente-Maritime, the Indre-et-Loire, the Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe, Deux-Sèvres, Vendée, Vienne and Haute-Vienne out the alert.
Donald Trump was officially nominated by the Republican Party during its convention in Cleveland, as its candidate for the White House in the November election.
9:06 : in this case, the in custody are suspected have had contact or to have provided logistical support to Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. For particularly complex and serious cases, an extension may be extended up to 72 hours or 96 hours or 144 hours in case of terrorist risk.
9:04 The custody of a second suspect is extended beyond four days.
8:14 : He was trying to sell on Le Bon Coin “objects recovered on the Prom” . Nice that 39 years was arrested by officers of the judicial police, told Var-matin . During the search, investigators found bracelets, rings, sunglasses and flags. The suspect evokes “salvage” .
7:17 ” It is urgent to produce national reconciliation “ Since the bombing in Nice, politicians and show their divisions increasing the security proposals. I asked the sociologist Laurent Mucchielli, who believes that it is time to regain his composure. An interview to read.
6:24 : The text will pass the Senate as early as this afternoon. From 17 hours, the Senators will discuss the extension until the end of January of this alternative system, in place since the attacks of 13 November.
6:20 : It’s just before 5:00, after a marathon review from night before the deputies adopted (by 489 votes against 26 and 4 abstentions) the extension of the state of emergency for six months. In the Chamber, more stocked than usual, the atmosphere was tense. While deputies Republicans still called “change the law” , Prime Minister rejected any “emergency legislation”, including detention centers for suspects.
6:12 Let’s start the day with a point on this loaded news:
the national Assembly adopted overwhelmingly, early this morning, the bill extending the state of post-emergency attacks, finally for six months, after about seven and half marathon debate in an often tense atmosphere.
only two departments were placed in orange alert heatwave. This is Allier and Puy-de-Dôme. Charente, Charente-Maritime, the Indre-et-Loire, the Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe, Deux-Sèvres, Vendée, Vienne and Haute-Vienne out the alert.
Donald Trump was officially nominated by the Republican party during its convention in Cleveland, as its candidate for the White House in the November election.
• Pagaille at the station North, after a malicious act that resulted in the explosion of a transformer. Rail traffic on all lines (TGV, Eurostar, Thalys, RER and Transilien) resumed gradually in the late evening, after monsters disturbances.
6:01 After the attack, the national Assembly adopted the draft law extending the state of emergency for six months.
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