Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nice attack: the (fake) lawyer Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel – The Obs

“It was somewhere a common criminal, who had nothing exceptional.” Corentin me Delobel described loop Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, the author of the attack of Nice which made 84 dead, both TF1 on BFM-TV or iTV. He who is presented as his former lawyer did not yet defended …

“Confused” with a homonym

As of July 15, Mr. Corentin Delobel is as the former lawyer for Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel. He would have seen last March, when the terrorist was sentenced to six months suspended sentence for “violence with a weapon”.

“This was’ an altercation on the street between two motorists, including him, the weapon was a wooden paddle he launched on his interlocutor, “detailed the Minister of Justice Jean-Jacques Urvoas.

“When I defended in March, [Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel] had no apparent psychological problem, and he did not look like a radicalized,” even told the lawyer to the site France TV Info.

Yet, Mr. Corentin Delobel never actually defended Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, reports “Le Parisien”. The president of the Bar of Nice, Mr. Jacques Randon, calls from Saturday, July 16 for clarification.

“He told me he had made a mistake, he had mistaken for a another customer similar or close name, “said Mr. Jacques Randon everyday.

Except me Corentin Delobel continues to give interviews (he describes in particular the terrorist as” a little lazy “to” Liberation “) . The lawyer is thus summoned by the Nice barrister for possible disciplinary Wednesday morning July 20

Attempted suicide

However, Mr. Corentin Delobel was not presented to the meeting Involved on Wednesday, and would have made a suicide attempt, according to information from “Nice-Matin”. However, Mr. Jacques Randon emphasizes local daily that the facts concerning the lawyer “are serious: he gave several interviews in a dramatic context.” The barrister said “seize today [Wednesday] the regional disciplinary board.”

According to “Le Figaro”, the Nice bâtonnier hesitates on penalties to adopt against me Corentin Delobel. If he has indeed persisted in his defiance of ethics, it would also be described as “fragile” by his colleagues.



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