The Government does not intend to return to the 1905 law to allow funding of Muslim worship. But the Foundation for Islam in France should be “redesigned” and review to become a key potential future funding of Muslim worship today deemed fragile and insufficiently transparent.
1. Since when does it exist?
The Foundation works in Islam of France (FOIF) was established on 31 May 2005, under the leadership of Dominique de Villepin, then prime minister. It did have at the time, one million euros, thanks to a donation from industrialist and senator from Essonne, Serge Dassault (LR). She had intended to promote transparency in the funding of Islam and especially to frame the financial dependency links between the mosques and the countries of origin (mainly Morocco, Algeria and Turkey).
But by uniting all Muslim federations, it was quickly paralyzed by internal divisions and rivalries. She remained an empty shell. His departure staffing would have been only partially spent.
2. Why revive today?
The debate on the funding of Muslim worship was revived after each attack. After the attacks of January 2015 against “Charlie Hebdo” and Hypercacher Vincennes, the idea of getting back on track the Foundation works of Islam in France, stalled for ten years, is studied. The following June, a mission entrusted to a senior official of the Interior Ministry, Christian Poncet.
Following the attacks of 13-November in eastern Paris and Saint-Denis, Senate creates an information mission on Islam in France, with line of sight also the idea to revive the foundation.
This is the massacre of the Promenade des Anglais, 14 July in Nice, which will accelerate the schedule. July 31, Prime Minister Manuel Valls published an article in the “Sunday Journal”:
“It is urgent to help Islam in France to get rid of those that undermine the . inside for this, it behooves us to build a real pact with Islam in France, giving the foundation a central place “
François Hollande confirms the government’s goal early in the week”. it needs to strengthen, equip it. ” Since its creation, the FOIF intended to exercise control over the funding of Muslim places of worship.
3. What does it serve exactly?
Its missions will be wider than its creation. There will be “the construction and management of places of worship in agreement with the mayors of the municipalities concerned,” receiving “gifts” and “foreign countries funding to distribute to the training of imams, places of worship, . educational institutions “
it will also have a cultural component. it may fund theses intended to raise awareness of Islam in France, provide scholarships for imams and chaplains
It would be a single point through which all funds transiteraient but could not directly finance mosques and imam training because of the 1905 law on the separation of church and state. Hence the idea of lean a religious association that would fill this role.
A budget of 5 to 6 million euros, driven by public and private funds, is planned.
4. Who will lead?
To prevent the federations quarrels episode of recurrence, it is planned to review the composition of its board of directors. It would be open to Muslims of civil and economic society, not just religious.
As for his leadership, several possibilities were discussed. Francois Hollande suggested informally called Chevènement, former president of the Citizens Movement, and very attached to the values of secularism. In 2010, he had particularly asked the question in the Senate session of the sustainability of FOIF and pointed to the fact that the “dysfunctional” first held in “the composition of its board of directors.”
Laurence Rossignol, Minister of Families, interviewed on France Info on Wednesday, campaigning, she, a woman, Muslim and secular. As for Nathalie Goulet, UDI Senator of the Orne and rapporteur of the mission on the financing of Islam, she believes that “it is up to Muslims themselves to make their institution in charge” and that it would be “a great error to parachute someone. ”
5. When will she operational ?
The legal framework for the new Federation formula is already completed. Concrete proposals will be made by the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve at the end of the summer. Start-up is expected in October.
Nathalie Funes
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