Read also: Burkini: the Collective against Islamophobia challenge the decree in Cannes
The interim order specifies that the order made on July 28 by David Lisnard, Mayor ( the Republicans) from the city, meets “the provisions of Articles 1 st of the Constitution under which [" France is a secular republic "], that forbid anyone to invoke his religious beliefs to overcome the common rules governing the relationship between public authorities and individuals “.
” in the context of emergency and the recent terrorist state Islamists occurred especially in Nice it a month ago, wearing a distinctive dress, other than a usual swimwear, can indeed be interpreted as not being, in this context, a simple sign of religiosity “ adds the order.
the CCIF intends to use
M th Sefen Guez Guez , lawyer CFIC, has expressed its intention, on behalf of his client to appeal against that order to the State Council, arguing that “this decision opens the door to banning all religious symbols in public space “.
the lawyer was surprised, having learned ” that on August 11 “ of the decree of 28 July that the urgency was not accepted, and that “for such an important decision, no public hearing allowing a debate” has been considered.
in its order, the judge dismisses the urgency because “the applicants applied to the judge on August 12 to challenge the order of the mayor of Cannes from July 28, which it is not not
the order states that Cannes” access to beaches and swimming is banned until 31 August 2016 to any person not properly dressed, respectful of morality and secularism, respecting the rules of hygiene and safety adapted swimming maritime public domain “. “Any offense will be a report and shall be punished by a fine ‘, 1 st class, or 38 euros, he wrote.
“It is not to ban the wearing of religious symbols in the range” had told AFP on Thursday Migoule Thierry, Chief services the City of Cannes, about this order. Nevertheless, it refers to the fact of wanting to prohibit “ostentatious outfits that reference allegiance to terrorist movements that make us war” .
Read also : Order of the municipality of Cannes against religious clothing on the beach: what the law says
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