For 77 years, the “Che” is ready to resume service. Chevènement is tipped to head the foundation for Islam in France. It is Hollande who spilled the beans Tuesday evening on the occasion of the annual reception of the presidential press: it plebiscite the candidacy of former Interior Minister. In the aftermath, Chevènement confirmed it had been approached in this regard by Bernard Cazeneuve in March. And if he still reserves its decision, the intentions of the losing candidate in the 2002 presidential are few doubts. “This is a difficult task, but to which we can not shirk,” said he said Wednesday AFP.
By reactivating this association created in 2005 by Dominique de Villepin in the wake of the French Muslim Council, Francois Hollande wants more transparent funding of Islam in France. And suspend for a definite time, foreign funding of Islam in France. The choice of Chevènement to preside succession of pragmatism. Grand committed state and passionate issues of religion, the profile of the former minister to move around fast. And put in brackets – for a time -. Dissensions of the French Muslim community as diverse as fragmented
A wrong signal
immediately known, the preference of the head of the State has yet generated much discontent. “No one would appoint a Christian to head the foundation for Judaism”, thus unworthy UDI Senator of the Orne Nathalie Goulet. As “talented” and “experienced” than either Chevènement, this appointment is like “a kind of guardianship ,” she adds. “It’s unheard “abounds his colleague Senator EELV Esther Benbassa. “We never appointed an outsider to lead a religious foundation. If they had put someone chosen by the government to head the consistory (institution responsible for organizing the Hebrew worship, note ), you imagine the scandal? “
opponents of the appointment of Jean-Pierre Chevènement are careful not to criticize the person of the former minister,” great servant of the state, “” very respectable “who” is interested in religions “… But they worry about the signal sent by this choice. By imposing a political figure at the head of the Foundation for Islam, the government “discredits in advance” the future institution considers Esther Benbassa. “If it does not come from inside it does not work,” said the environmentalist, former researcher in religious studies. Nathalie Goulet, “every time the government intervenes, it disempowers Muslims.” “You have to let them decide for themselves,” she pleads.
The Chevènement hypothesis also notes “a communication strategy” by Esther Benbassa. “This is to secure the French who are afraid. But this only adds to the confusion and create tension within Muslim associations.” For Nathalie Goulet, the arrival of the former interior minister to head the foundation for Islam involved a little more “double sincerity” of the government towards the Muslim community, “it is said that Islam is a religion like any other and, at the same time, we deal with it. it is not a signal of confidence against Muslims in France. “
the puzzle funding
on his arrival at the head of the foundation for Islam, the former founder of the CERES will be faced with the thorny issue of Islam financing in France. And, again, the signals are contradictory. “If we have to reactivate (the foundation) supposed to raise funds for Islam, then the state should not get involved, under the 1905 law,” said Nathalie Goulet. Why then appoint its president? And that’s not the only problem. François Hollande dismissed any public funding of Islam of France, preferring to rely on private funds. But will they be enough? Esther Benbassa questioned, and defends the usefulness of funding from abroad. “The Russian Church in France, benefits both the Russian money,” she says.
The more skeptical still hoping for a last-minute change. “You know, it changes every day, every week, every month,” Esther Benbassa advance. Nathalie Goulet imagine it the ideal solution: a transitional presidency Chevènement, who quickly give way to a plural leadership headed by a Muslim personality. A compromise that would have the advantage, firstly, to spare the sensitivities of the Muslim communities in France.
If they praise the will to organize Islam in France, opponents of the arrival of Jean-Pierre Chevènement question the timing selected. In a context of increasing attacks in the name of Islam, the time is perhaps not the most sensible to have a dispassionate debate on the Muslim religion. “Everybody is in the emotion, and put a knife to the throat of Muslims saying: you do that you will be liable to attack by the extreme right, sorry Esther Benbassa It’s not. how we will reorganize Islam in France. And yet he really needs. “
Rossignol is” outside the realities “
She was surprised choosing Chevènement to direct the foundation for Islam in France, saying that” the best profile is a woman. ” The Minister for Families, Children and Women’s Rights, Laurence Rossignol, incurred the wrath of Esther Benbassa. “It is completely outside of reality. Put the head of the Foundation for Islam in France a woman is create another problem,” said the environmentalist Senator. And to drive the nail “is not the government to say to be appointed: a woman, a sovereignist … what she has to say about Laurence Rossignol?”. The applicant should enjoy.
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