In late June, Philippe Richert had mentioned, before the Great Eastern Regional Council in Strasbourg negotiations with Manuel Valls. The goal of the president of the Association of Regions of France (ARF) was to obtain compensation – estimated at € 600 million – for the regions, in exchange for a greater engagement in economic development. An agreement was reached on an additional contribution on the tax on developed property, to be paid by individuals and by companies.
The “rant” Xavier Bertrand
S ‘there was little reaction in the regional assembly, the Alsatians together have stepped into the breach, supported by the National Front. They denounced the “Tax Richert,” launching a petition had collected 34,000 signatures
At the meeting of the ARF on July 21, his colleagues on the right. – Estrosi, Pécresse and Bertrand – are on the frontlines to vigorously denounce this “special tax district capital,” which was to be passed with the Law of 2017. Finance “We were not elected to vote new taxes”, has outraged the president Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, slamming the door.
Philippe Richert had no other choice but to go back. In a letter yesterday to Prime Minister, the President of the ARF request “reopen negotiations on the financial component” of commitments made by the State and the Region. “This proposal appears to many of our interlocutors as a new tax introduced by the Regions, while it is the government that made the choice of such a vector,” says Philippe Richert, requesting “an appointment you as soon as possible. ” It concludes by proposing the Prime Minister to “work out another solution …”
Meanwhile, the president Richert wrote to his colleagues in the ARF, to inform them of his approach with Manuel Valls, but also to remake the history of negotiations with the government. It stresses in particular that “economic competence is transferred from the departments to the regions without payment, yet necessary.”
He also recalled that he too had not wanted a new tax, suggesting that the tax proposed by the government had been “discussed” within the ARF. History to score he did not do it alone. Atmosphere …
How will the Prime Minister react to this about-face? The government may well impose this tax in the National Assembly. The deputy PS Strasbourg Eric Elkouby, Philippe Richert suspect to “denounce this agreement to provide guarantees to the most radical wing of the right.” “Richert was trapped by Valls”, analyzes the president of the County Council of Haut-Rhin, Eric Straumann (LR), being the amazing “Yours faithfully” at the bottom of the letter Philippe Richert. “There is no loyalty in relation to a prime minister who has eliminated the Alsace! “If he protested.
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