Likely new reckoning in Marseille
Two men shot in Marseille in what appears to be a settling of accounts carefully orchestrated. With the interview of Mr Laurent Nunez, Prefect of Police of Marseille – France 3 Provence – Virginie Dubois & amp; Malik Karrouche
Two young men of twenty years died this morning in the 4th district of Marseille. They were driving two vehicles including a Renault Twingo black, and were chased by a third vehicle, apparently a Renault Clio. The first two vehicles will eventually blocked by the third place Pierre Brossolette in the neighborhood Chartreux, near the Park and the Palais Longchamp. Four men come in, they are fully masked and armed with Kalashnikovs.
The shooting occurred at 10:15. Several gun shots followed Kalaschnikov fire. One of the drivers of the two cars stuck in the trap out of his vehicle and tried to flee. He did not have time, it is coldly shot. The other man will not even have time to get out, he will be killed in his vehicle.
Probable settlement accounts
It is still unclear the reasons for this double murder, individuals who have not yet been identified. It is not known if the case is related to traffic, but considering the procedure, the terrorist track is excluded and it seems to be in the register of reckoning.
Shortly after, a Renault Clio car will be later burned in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille. Investigators do not establish for the time of connection between these two cases, it could be the vehicle murderers, assays are pending.
If there is indeed a settlement account related to traffic, it would be the 18th case of fatal shooting linked to this phenomenon since the beginning of the year in the Bouches-du-Rhône. In 2015, there had been 15 in the same period (see box below)
Double murder Chartreux, the first images
Two men shot in cold blood to the Carthusians, in a lively neighborhood in Marseille mid morning – 3 France Provence Alpes – Virginia Dubois makik Karrouche
Double murder of Chartreux, direct testimony
testimony of Philippe, a direct witness of the double murder on 7 July in the heart of Marseille – France 3 Provence – Virginie Dubois & amp; Malik Karrouch
Reactions In one press Carlotti PS MP and Councillor of Marseille, asked the Prefect of Police strengthening the security of Marseilles against organized crime plaguing all Marseille. “ The shooting, which killed two people this morning to the Carthusians, in the 4th district, shows that organized crime now seems to plague all Marseille. It’s all areas of the city affected by the violence of reckoning that never end, and put the peace undermined. Given the scale of the situation, I ask the police Prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône to strengthen the security of residents of downtown Marseille. All need to feel better protected. safety must be ensured throughout the territory Marseille . “
in a tweet MP PS patrick mennucci also reacted, but advocating a different method “ After the two deaths in the 4th arrondissement of Marseille I reaffirm the need to eradicate cannabis trafficking by legalizing ”
Settling in Bouches-du-Rhône: 72 dead since 2013
the double homicide brings to 18 the number of people killed by gunfire in the department of Bouches-du-Rhône from the beginning of the year the vast majority in Marseille, most is within the framework of settling of scores linked to drug trafficking.
“ There are quite a stable trend in the number of incidents recorded compared to last year, and a significant decrease in settling since 2012 “according to the police prefect Laurent Nunez. 15 cases of this type have taken place this year against 16 last year in August.
In the Bouches-du-Rhône, 22 settling of scores were counted in 2013, 26 in 2014 and 21 in 2015, killing 17 people in 2013, 18 in 2014 and 19 in 2015.
“ the police has developed a preventive method in which it calls the authors and alleged victims, which has prevented eight
regulations account since the beginning of the year and to elucidate five , “said the chief of police. “ What happened this morning only strengthen our resolve to continue
our efforts in this direction ,” said the prefect, underlining that drug trafficking networks takedowns as well as cannabis, cocaine and weapons were up from 2015.
the final settlement account at Marseille was held on June 25, when two men of twenty years were shot at the Consolat Kalashnikov in the city, in the northern districts of the city, in an episode of a clan war on drug trafficking bottom. A 14 year old girl who was near the scene of the shooting, was seriously injured. On June 15, a 23 year old man was shot in the city of Corot Park in the north of the city, as was held at the Velodrome the France-Albania, the second group match of France during Euro 2016 .
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