The police officer suspected of causing a fatal crash in Paris on Thursday morning, at dawn, when he was drunk, was indicted Saturday for aggravated manslaughter and detained. After passing before the judge, he was placed in detention, as required by the floor.
“They just stood ‘
brigadier head of the judicial police Seine-Saint-Denis, who was not on duty at the time, came home from home after a night out, driving too fast and not stopping at red lights. At the intersection of Boulevard Sevastopol and the Réaumur street he had hit the van of a bread delivery man, who was killed instantly. A breath test revealed that the officer was pronounced in a drunken state, with 2.13 grams of alcohol in blood. “They held barely stand, says a police source in MetroNews . One of the two was first placed drunk tank because of his condition before joining his colleague in custody. “
The widow of slain deliveryman said it intends to file a complaint . “If this was a normal accident … But it comes from police who should protect citizens, respect the law and the rules of the road,” she said Friday “My husband was a man gold. It was not a pretense. He had gone to work, provide for their children, delivering bread in hotels in Paris “, she further said.
MORE INFO & gt; & gt; Two policemen arrested after a fatal accident & gt; & gt; Fatal accident in Paris: the overwhelming evidence “against the police
He also addressed criticism thinly veiled Nicolas Sarkozy following the founding congress of the Party of Republicans (former UMP).
The whistles and boos that accompanied the former prime minister and to a lesser extent Francois Fillon on arrival at the podium in Paris on Saturday had damaged the image of unity that Nicolas wanted to return the party Sarkozy still marked by a war of fratricide leaders.
“Hysterical among militants”
“The militancy has its virtues, he also its risks: the risk of sectarianism, the risk of rejection of the other, the risk of imprisonment is a strong risk “ said Alain Juppe in issuing the” Great appointments Europe 1- iTELE-The World. ” “There are always some hysteria among activists. “
The former Prime Minister, who made the most serious rival figure of Nicolas Sarkozy for the presidential nomination right, had been heckled in February at the National Council of the UMP when he advocated union with the Centre. “I am not alone in this party that we must open up” , has he said Sunday. “The DNA of the UMP, it is the union of the right and center, I did not observe that the Republicans had given up DNA. If that were the case, I think it would be quite dangerous for the future “.
” I organize my small business “
In a thinly veiled reference to President Nicolas Sarkozy of Republicans, who denounced in particular “the terrifying spectacle of the family drama of Le Pen and the terrifying mediocrity of those who govern us” ( ), the mayor of Bordeaux has questioned the “tone of some discourse” which they felt was “somewhat strong, somewhat excessive” .
Reinforced by several polls that give the winner against Nicolas Sarkozy during the primary in November 2016 will nominate the candidate of the right and center at the 2017 election, Alain Juppe put forward its weight in the opinion. “Nicolas Sarkozy has left, I for now I have the opinion” , has he said. “I organize my small SMEs, sometimes it happens that performing SMEs are more effective than large CAC 40 companies” .
The image, again, will remain printed Alain Juppe is preparing to speak at the congress of the new party to which he belongs – Republicans – and the many activists boo. He replied, not without irony, he likes the militants, including those who are chasing their vengeance, they are “family”. Whatever, shouts and whistles echo the first passages of his speech. At the foot of the tribune, Nicolas Sarkozy does not outline any appeasement movement, not a sign, not a gesture, not an indication of appeasement towards his supporters, because they are his, who attack the mayor of Bordeaux. It is frozen and will remain frozen. Further proof – but it is only useful? – That a political war to death is now officially declared between the former president and his former foreign minister. It is no longer analysis, attitudes or postures that may be common to them. Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe will now shine on everything and as soon as possible.
Sarkozy deliberately chose permanent aggression, denunciation to slander, insult and personal attack if deems it necessary. Thus the Socialists and their leader would they have excluded themselves from the Republican camp. Why? According to the president of RS, they would have betrayed the Republic, repudiated its cardinal principles, abandoned our national and collective corpus. Holland, Valls, Bartolone, Le Drian, Fir or Macron, a-Republicans, not Republicans, anti-republican? This is what Nicolas Sarkozy now intends drumming every day for the French to regain lost popularity except in the heart of the militant right.
Juppé refuses this travesty of democratic dialogue. Right? Obviously. In opposition? Without any restraint. Convinced also that François Hollande was mistaken as to the economic policy to drive? That goes without saying. The mayor of Bordeaux bears not only his “moderation” but it meant at any price to play the game of exaggeration, denunciation or even slander. The frontal combat against the left, yes; caricature, no. By following these principles, Alain Juppe is confident of conquering the central axis of French society, a first majority in the primary of the right and center, a second majority at the second round of the presidential election.
Sarkozy is convinced, of course, that his rival wanders, that the French expect a straight right, a hard right and virulent defiance Marine Le Pen on his land, its themes and theses.
Juppé-Sarkozy, Sarkozy-Juppé, one of the two errs, by definition.
Nicolas Sarkozy, once fascinated by communitarianism to the Anglo-Saxon hard fan of the priest, pastor, rabbi or imam by definition superior to teacher and the teacher – not old, it dates back less than ten years – has made a complete rotation of ideological top. He now advocates an ultra design, closed, lay-laïcarde of secularism, a design that, you must know, has never prevailed in the French model is pragmatism, adaptation of donations granted piecemeal. That Jewish students in public education skipped school, lessons and homework on Yom Kippur has never aroused the slightest protest. This was so, and it was well well. More question, according to Nicolas Sarkozy, to compromise. Secularism, secularism all, no accommodation, even cause a series of unnecessary clashes. To complete his demonstration, the former head of state recalled the last weekend that was hostile to alternative school meals, so pork for everyone.
Alain Juppé at the head of a big city, knows that such a radical posture will cause repeated fractures in French society, as hundreds of thousands of children will be placed cantilevered in contradiction, their family of one side, teachers from the other. Remain faithful to the primordial foundation of secularism, obviously, but without wishing to humiliation. Juppé knows that by insisting much and as hard on the theme of secularism, Sarkozy has the will to radicalize the political confrontation, especially about the place of Islam in France. It will replicate with measure; it will suggest nuanced solutions. The extent and grade will they have their place in the next presidential confrontation? Nothing is less obvious.
Now Nicolas Sarkozy more control than ever the party, a “new” organization. LR will be at his boot, RS will be built to be made available. That’s why Alain Juppe, immediately after the founding congress, considered it essential to return to the primary, its conception, organization. A primary right and center …; a primary where can express the millions of French, so open, truly open, not only to the activists and supporters of LR. However, Alain Juppe, and he made it clear this weekend, has little confidence in a primary qu’organiserait that bidouillerait rather the Sarkozy clan installed by force of circumstances to the direction of LR. Therefore Juppé demands guarantees of honesty and transparency. Therefore Juppe suggested that, otherwise it will dry primary to stand directly in the first round of presidential elections – which would be suicide for the Republican right, but too bad
The conference is. past. Vive policy and its charms among Republicans!
Reinforced by the congress of the new party, Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing a reshuffle of management teams and ambition displayed as a “Republic of confidence.”
” This day is a day of rebirth …, “commented Nicolas Sarkozy at the end of the Congress of Republicans. A renaissance to forget the mistakes of a party felled by the scandal of Bygmalion case and the 2012 crisis A renaissance for the reconquest of power in 2017 he has assumed by strongly denouncing the government and proposing to rebuild in the country confidence in politics that no longer exists, “in any part of society.” But a still fragile revival, despite its recent electoral victories.
In this Saturday spring, Congress of Republicans still showed yesterday a convalescent movement. The room was not as packed as expected. “We could have had more people, but it was a Saturday, and everyone paid cash its place,” observes a close Sarkozy, about 10 000 to 12 000 people present – 17,000 according to organizers . “We look forward to hearing the crowd in Poitiers PS Congress next week,” said one adviser Nicolas Sarkozy already glad of mobilization.
Without a doubt, the launch of the Republicans will was less spectacular than Sarkozy’s enthronement congress president of the UMP in November 2004. It was then celebrated in Sarkozy providential man. This time, the Congress was supposed to be that of a collective. Participants are loaned to exercise for five hours in the floating attention of a very marked right room, which has cheered the speech of a particularly pugnacious Laurent Wauquiez in the stigmatization of “foreigners”. François Fillon, freshly greeted by whistles, has “managed to return the room”, recognizes a relative of Sarkozy, “but Juppé left her indifferent,” and made a speech “shifted, as if before a school trade “.
” Sectarianism, it’s not us “
boos, considered an inevitable by folklore entourage of Nicolas Sarkozy, have nevertheless clearly shown that the staging image and unity for which the former head of the state tirelessly since his election as head of the party will be more and more difficult to hold, as its own militants seem determined not to play the game. On Saturday, it’s not on stage, but in the room we felt rising competition which announce very rough for the primary in November 2016 . The exasperation of Nicolas Sarkozy with regard to Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet already indicates that the organizational transition that had been set there six months will probably not be left as is. On the plateau of France 2 on Sunday night, the boss of the Republicans, “regretted the few whistles” and he stressed his determination not to “play the game of the division” before entering the primary campaign after the summer 2016. With the re-founding of the new party, we have “laid the foundations of alternating tomorrow,” he added.
The exasperation of Nicolas Sarkozy with regard to NKM already indicates that the organizational transition will probably not be left as it is
The speech of Nicolas Sarkozy nevertheless set an ambitious goal, that of a “Republic of confidence.” “When trust is lacking, everything collapses, and we are not so far from the collapse,” he insisted. “This distrust should challenge us, we must be careful in what we promise tomorrow to be sure that we will hold tomorrow,” he admitted, aware that she is also for him, who has been in power Supreme over five years. “The Republic of confidence, it’s a nice slogan, but that confidence will not come back if they promise too much. At over-promise, it creates distrust, “warns Hervé Mariton, recalling that Nicolas Sarkozy’s slogan in 2007 was” Everything is possible “.
The new head of the Republicans has also used to play its role as opponent. “He was elected head of the party to cleave, not to be consensual,” warns one of his advisers, who remembers “what was said on the Socialist Party Nicolas Sarkozy when he was in power.” The former head of state said little about the National Front and many left. But he would not take the tone of humor to denigrate. He has appointed Francois Hollande once, and he also denounced “the terrifying mediocrity.”
In this systematic indictment, Sarkozy spoke out against the “socialist pretension to a monopoly of the Republic. ” “Sectarianism, not us!”, He has proclaimed, referring also to judicial cases against him and stating that in “the Republic is not trying to win in the courts that we lost to the people! “. And finally, the man of the day, to be reconciled to everyone, has been Éric Woerth, who has had a number ovations after being shut in the Bettencourt affair.
A man drunk killed a 22 year old woman and injured three people, including two seriously, before being overpowered and arrested by police.
A sensitive area in the outskirts of Metz (Moselle) woke up in shock on Sunday after a fatal shooting in the street at night. It started Saturday, about 22 hours, while several festivals were organized in front of the bars and into a stairwell by residents of Boileau district, straddling the towns of Metz and Woippy.
A man, construction worker unemployed for 49 years, came from a nearby neighborhood, participated in one of these evenings, highly alcoholic. Equipped with an automatic gun with a caliber 9 mm acquired unlawfully and whose port No individual, he opened fire, killing a young woman of 22 and wounding three others.
Already convicted, including for illegal firearms, the alleged gunman could seek revenge after an “altercation amid Alcohol”, for a seemingly “trivial” cause, said Sunday Attorney Metz, Christian Mercuri.
In addition to the young woman of 22, died after being hit by several bullets, the brother of the victim, 25 year old, and a young man of 18 years were in very serious condition, one shot in the head and one in the abdomen. Their days were still at risk Sunday afternoon, said Mr. Mercuri. In total, fifteen casings were found in five different crime scenes by investigators.
Shots taken for firecrackers
“At first, we all thought they were firecrackers, and then I saw a gunman firing at everybody, “said Dylan, 20, an employee of a maintenance company. “I did not meet the eyes of the shooter to risk taking a bullet,” says Louisa, 43, who was returning home with the younger of her two children when she heard the shots. From her window, she then saw the help that were busy trying to revive the young woman of 22 years in vain
By the time we tried to revive her with blows of cardiac massage, d. Other shots were heard within a radius of 500 meters and the police threw the heels of the shooter.
Mastered taser
Spotted by an equipped patrol taser guns to electrical impulses, the alleged gunman was neutralized by the time he was going to “take perhaps another victim,” said an investigator. “If he had time, he would undoubtedly have opened fire” on the police, the gun is still loaded and ready to fire, according to Police Commissioner of Public Safety Moselle, Olivier Saudreau. There were other reserve ammunition in his pockets.
“The attacker took enormous risks” by setting plays the police, noticed the senator and mayor of Woippy, François Grosdidier (Republicans ) while praising the “great professionalism” of law enforcement. The prosecutor praised their “exceptional coolness” that allowed to avoid further burdening the terrible toll of the tragedy.
Placed in custody, the alleged gunman was to be brought before a judge Monday instruction for an indictment, probably to murder and attempted murder if the investigation helps retain premeditation of acting out. The man had been sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, suspended for some sexual assault and violence and offense against legislation on arms.
Exit the UMP . The new party led by Nicolas Sarkozy is now called, according to the wish of the former head of state, “Republicans”, a name approved by more than 83% of members, which, however, less than half have expressed during the internet voting held Thursday and Friday. Nicolas Sarkozy gathered his troops Saturday, May 30 Porte de la Villette in Paris to rebuild the party qu”il chairs, crucial step in his reconquest of power strategy in 2017.
For the occasion, Nicolas Sarkozy has made a relentless prosecutor “left”, accused of “betraying the Republic.” Concluding the founding congress of the movement he wanted to see succeed the UMP, she was born in 2002 from the will of Jacques Chirac, the former Head of State said he wanted to “rebuild the Republic of confidence” word hammered relentlessly. But it was not without first pounded those who tried to deprive him of the name.
Mediocrity Holland
He even speak of ” the terrifying mediocrity “of President Francois Hollande. “By what right and? Above all, who could refuse us the name of Republicans,” railed Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking after 3:00 p.m., after a succession of speeches in Paris frugal decor Event Center, a sheet metal rectangle the stifling atmosphere quickly.
An allusion to judicial proceedings in various quarters against a “privatization” of the republican idea. “To those who accuse us of confiscating the Republic, we respond that, if they had not betrayed her, if they had not abandoned, if they had not lowered, we would not have need today to face, “he told the president of the opposition party.
A vocabulary that is not to the liking of everyone. Former Prime Minister Alain Juppe, candidate for the primary right to the presidential election of 2017, said Sunday the Grand appointments Europe 1 / iTELE / Le Monde that he would not use the same “excessive vocabulary” that “attack people.” “ I said I was an open man on the right and not sectarian. A vocabulary is a bit up the heat, which attacks the people, it’s not my kind of beauty.”
This was again wiped hearty boos Saturday. The mayor of Bordeaux said – unusual in a political forum – that it “was her pain,” without undermining its “determination”. For the final family photo, the former Prime Minister had set back. Nicolas Sarkozy sent a fraternal look for side by side. Returning to the Sunday incident, Alain Juppe said: “I know the activists (…) The militancy has its virtues It also has its risks, the risk of sectarianism, the risk of refusal of.. other. The risk of incarceration is high risk. He still has it in some hysterical activists. “
Whistles for Fillon and Juppé
François Fillon, another candidate for the primary, also suffered whistles. Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the number two of the former UMP, denounced the fact that Alain Juppe Sunday and François Fillon had suffered jeers founder Republican Congress, seeing it as “more than a quack” and saying that “it should not be that the Republicans “. “I hate that! (…) For me, that’s the resurgence of the old party. It should not be that the Republicans!”, She said on France 3. “The primary is the end of it. You can whistle all you want, from the time when there is a primary, it is the French who will decide,” insisted the former Minister Nicolas Sarkozy . “It’s more a quack, I is not what I like in politics. It is especially a shame,” she has said.
Some presidential stables greet their champion in the heat, as Bruno Le Maire, wreathed in its fight against the reform of college – theme that obsessed delegates – but the audience was Sarkozy devil. “The primary, that is another thing, the games are very open, it will be tight” in “this very room Sarkozy”, analyzed the juppéiste Benoist Appeared.
2017 was on everyone’s mind but the first target of Republicans is clearly the December election with no region out of range, according to leader of the Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse
READ.: key Congressional statements
If none of the candidates declared or in ambush for the primary wants to risk yet to break the unit that has been working since his election Nicolas Sarkozy to chair a bruised left by business and fights, all refuse to see in this day enthronement of a candidate Sarkozy. Henri Guaino day has summarized a formula: “The Republic is the other name of France”
challenged Sarkozy for 2017
The Road. Nicolas Sarkozy to the 2017 presidential election, however, is still long. Nearly three-quarters of French (72% against 26%) do not want it in the presidential election of 2017, according to a survey released Odoxa Saturday in Le Parisien.
“This is almost exactly the same score catastrophic qu’enregistrait Francois Hollande, on the same issue “in a similar poll published last week noted Odoxa (77%). Widely rejected by supporters of the left (92%), the Sarkozy candidate is desired by 49% of those on the right (against 50%).
A structure that favors Sarkozy
UMP sympathizers are still two of the three not to reject his application (66%), but even among them, 31% do not want him as a candidate for the next presidential election.
Meanwhile, eight out of 10 French (79%) do not think that the transformation of the UMP in a new party will allow him to “experience a new beginning.” Even the right-wing sympathizers are a clear majority (60% against 40%) do not believe it.
Three-quarters (75%) of French think actually that the purpose of the name change Nicolas Sarkozy is to “establish a structure to promote itself as the current President of the UMP for 2017″. And Alain Juppé has again reminded Sunday he will not participate not to the primary of the “Republicans” if it was not open at the center, which is not “won” he said. “If it goes well, if the primary is transparent, if there is enough voters, if that is the primary right and center, I will play the full game,” Does -he assured. But “if the match is the Republican primary between Sarkozy and Le Maire, it will not work.”
The UMP is dead, long live the Republicans. But no sooner born, the new party of Nicolas Sarkozy, supposed to wipe and put in order of battle a straight split for the presidential 2017, already has its share of controversy … The Express lists
Juppe and Fillon booed by militants
The tone was set at the founding congress, Saturday, May 30, when Alain Juppé and Francois Fillon are booed and whistled. The meeting of militants, largely supporting the cause of Nicolas Sarkozy, apparently still tolerates the two former Prime Ministers are candidate for the primary right.
“Hysterical,” tackle Juppe
Guest Sunday’s Grand appointments Europe 1, iTELE, Le Monde Juppe did not hesitate to call “hysterical” and the so-called sectarian militants whistlers.
“The resurgence of the old party”, agrees NKM
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet also regretted these whistles. “It’s more a quack (…) they are the resurgence of the old party,” she said, referring to the whistles Alain Juppe has already suffered.
The conditions laid down Juppe
Also at the Grand appointment, Alain Juppe also went to his little threat. Responding to a question about the opening in the center of the new party internment -a bitter debate, the former prime minister said he would not participate in the primary if it is not open in the center.
He did not hesitate to say, between the lines, that his confidence around the organization was more than limited. “If it goes well, if the primary is transparent, if there is enough voters, if that is the primary right and center, I’ll play the game completely.” Otherwise “it will not,” he warned.
His criticisms against Nicolas Sarkozy
Alain Juppe also criticized the speech “a little excessive” of Nicolas Sarkozy at the founding congress, and his vocabulary ” which is a little too up the heat, which attack people. That’s not my kind of beauty, “he was tackled.
NKM and soon landed Wauquiez?
And the good overall mood is not limited to these incisive declarations since Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet and Laurent Wauquiez would be “on the hot seat, “according to Le Parisien .
The first, claiming his freedom of speech, “annoy” Nicolas Sarkozy. The second, too maverick, does not have the confidence of the former head of state. Both, number 2 and 3 respectively of the Republicans, could leave their office during a reshuffle ensures Le Parisien.
Sarkozy Holland in 2017? NKM, does not want it … Neither the French
Asked about the prospect of a Hollande-Sarkozy rematch in 2017, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet said on France 3 that “if history seems to retake the dishes, it does not interest … “. A thinly veiled criticism against the return of Nicolas Sarkozy as the candidate of the right.
An opinion apparently shared by nearly three-quarters of French (72% against 26%), who do not want that Nicolas Sarkozy in the presidential election of 2017, according to a survey released Odoxa Saturday.
As soon renamed the UMP “Republicans”, competition starts over again for the nomination in the 2017 presidential Alain Juppe again booed by sarkozystes militants, having renewed his warnings on primary after very offensive speech of Nicolas Sarkozy.
A beautiful family photo …. and a few hiccups. All contenders for the Elysee in 2017, declared or not, spoke from the rostrum of Congress “refounding” of “Republicans” Saturday in Paris, Christian Estrosi to Xavier Bertrand, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet Bruno Le Maire, François Fillon and Nicolas Sarkozy Alain Juppe.
The former head of state, the great organizer of the sequence, has offered a forty-five minutes speech on the Republic but also against the left François Hollande and his “terrible mediocrity.”
“A vocabulary that is a little too up the heat, which attacks the people, it’s not my kind of beauty,” responded Alain Juppe Sunday , opposing its “consistent goal” to the “division of objectives” of the French who would be those of Nicolas Sarkozy.
Most importantly, Mr. Juppé but François Fillon, former prime minister like him have suffered boos and whistles among the estimated 10,000 attendees Porte de la Villette. Proof that the presidential competition will be tough despite this show of unity.
“For me, these whistles is the resurgence of the old party,” lamented Sunday Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet. “You can whistle all you want, from the time where there is a primary, it is the French who will decide,” he told the No.2 of the former UMP, the Sunday newspaper describes ” on the spot “as his freedom of speech” annoys “Mr Sarkozy
-. Juppé limited confidence in Sarkozy on primary –
Now accustomed to this treatment for particular within his own party, Alain Juppe quickly evacuated this new episode. However, the former prime minister launched a clear warning on the contours of the primary scheduled for autumn 2016 which condition their participation. He does not hesitate to say that it has limited confidence in Nicolas Sarkozy this organization.
“If it goes well, if the primary is transparent, if there is enough voters, if that is the primary right and center, I’ll play the game completely. ” But “if the match is the Republican primary between Sarkozy and Le Maire, it will not work” so it will be without him, he warned Sunday
Translation:. Camp Juppe wants guarantees he who fears being locked in a limited process with the only former UMP. “Now we get into the thick of things on the practical organization of the primary. And do not tell us that we do not deal with it because there are regional! We need an organizing committee, and very quickly, “summed to AFP one of the lieutenants of Mayor of Bordeaux, Benoist Appeared.
Without Alain Juppe,” it would not be primary, “” it would be a disaster for everyone, “warned Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.
Meanwhile, the person said he was” determined to win “and confident of winning. “Nicolas Sarkozy has the advantage. I, for now, I have the opinion, and I organize my small SMEs. Sometimes it happens that performing SMEs are more effective than large companies in the CAC 40″, slipped Mr Juppe who, having “nothing to hide”, said he had already collected some 600,000 euros in donations to campaign
VIDEO – “Take good care what we promise tomorrow”, stated the former head of state at the Congress of Republicans, which also included the famous phrase of John Paul II: “Be not afraid”
“This day is a day of rebirth …,” commented Nicolas Sarkozy during his closing speech Congressional Republicans. A renaissance that he wanted to embody assuming a frontal opposition to the left in power. The president of the new party “The Republicans” has stepped up attacks, provocations, put in cases against the Socialist Party. But he carefully avoided naming directly Francois Hollande, he desperately denounced “the terrifying mediocrity”, or any other socialist leader. In this systematic indictment, he spoke out against the “socialist claim to have the monopoly of the
” Sectarianism, it is not us! “
Republic”. “Sectarianism, not us!”, He has proclaimed, referring also to judicial cases against him and stating that in “the Republic is not trying to win in the courts that we lost to the people! “. To justify this appropriation of a republican legitimacy that the left refused him, Nicolas Sarkozy appealed to General de Gaulle – the only former head of state quoted. “What would she become the Republic … if it had been the Socialist Party?” He quipped recalling that “in 1958 it was General de Gaulle who saved the Republic.” But he also denounced all aspects of government policy, to the foreign policy of Fidel Castro handshake to the disappearance of France in Europe. “If they had not betrayed the Republic, we would not need to face today”!
But Nicolas Sarkozy also wanted to set a new course in developing the theme of length a “Republic of confidence.” “When trust is lacking, everything collapses, and we are not so far from the collapse,” he insisted, quoting the famous words of Pope John Paul II: “Do not be fear “. “This mistrust must interpellate us, we must be careful in what we promise tomorrow to be certain that we will hold tomorrow,” he admitted, as if he was well aware that this distrust is as much as the others, he who has already exercised supreme power over five years.
The alleged shooter was carrying a gun with a caliber 9 mm and it would randomly. A man drunk opened fire in the street Saturday night in Woippy near Metz One dead and two seriously injured bystanders. The incident occurred around 22h on a street in a sensitive area of the city, said a police source confirming the information Républicain Lorrain .
It is presented as “a crazed gunman while intoxicated” by the police source, who said that he fired several shots. The man was soon arrested just after being subdued with a taser gun by police officers on patrol in the area.
A young woman of 25 died on the spot while that another victim, a man in his thirties with a bullet in the head, was between life and death. Evacuated by relief, his prognosis was engaged. According to preliminary hearings of witnesses, the two persons belonged to the same family. A third victim was seriously injured: it would be a man in his twenties, reached by a bullet in the abdomen. And a fourth person, a man of sixty, was more lightly injured, according to police.
He strolled with his weapon
According to witnesses, the perpetrator was seen in the evening strolling down the street with his weapon, before he began shooting at passers present in the street, apparently “random”. The young woman who died was killed in front of his building, while the sexagenarian was slightly injured while repairing a car, according to the first elements of the investigation.
The author hits fire, injured in the police action, was rushed to hospital for treatment and later will be placed in police custody to be heard.
The police were not able to specify the immediate causes and the motive for the alleged gunman. The investigators proceeded in the night from Saturday to Sunday at the hearing of witnesses gunshots, no further details immediately.
IN IMAGES. The new family of “Republicans” meeting in Paris
The UMP is dead, long live The Republicans: Nicolas Sarkozy gathered his troops Saturday Porte de la Villette in Paris to rebuild the party he chairs, step crucial in his reconquest of power strategy in 2017. In the large family …
CONGRESS WITHOUT TSAOC or hitch. .. or almost. Yesterday, for the high mass founder of Republicans, Porte de la Villette, in Paris, Nicolas Sarkozy has succeeded. Although the 20,000 fans expected to be far fewer, …
In four days, Nicolas Sarkozy is mounted on stage twice, first at Le Havre and Saturday 30 May in Paris. Philippe Moreau for Chevrolet, a specialist in political communication, Nicolas Sarkozy uses several strategies. He plays including humor card: “There’s something I had not anticipated was that ‘I’ wanted to choose himself the name of our party,” said Nicolas Sarkozy. “There was a phase where he wanted to win back the militants. That is why he seeks with humor. He wants to appear kind to let it be said ok, Sarkozy irritating side, he took us to the defeat in 2012 but basically it’s funny. It’s this lack of sympathy he seeks to compensate because that is its biggest handicap, even right to return “ says the specialist.
In his desire to return to power, Nicolas Sarkozy thus takes care of his image. An item other contenders for the primary right-wing party had neglected during the congress of the Republicans on Saturday This afternoon, four contenders for the primary, both have been whistling. Alain Juppe and François Fillon. Bruno Mayor, he took good care to place activists to his cause in the room. The Battle of the image is just beginning.
IN IMAGES. The people attended the final of the Coupe de France
The rostrum of the Stade de France was well stocked during the final of the Coupe de France between Auxerre and PSG. Of football fans and casual observers met on a time …
The police officer suspected of causing a fatal accident in Paris at dawn on Thursday when he was drunk, was set for Saturday Review aggravated manslaughter and detained. Based in the PJ of Seine-Saint-Denis, that corporal of 39 years which was not in use, returning from an evening at speed, not stopping at a red light according to preliminary results of investigation, when it struck the van driven by a deliverer of 40, around 4 am 15. Ejected from his vehicle under the violence of the shock, B. Yazid died shortly after. He was the father of three children aged 7, 9 and 11 years.
The policeman, who was driving an unmarked car without being in service, had a blood alcohol level of 2.13 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, more than four times the authorized rate (0.5 g) and nearly three times that at which driving while intoxicated is a crime (0.8 g). His presentation to a judge was made as part of a judicial investigation for manslaughter aggravated by the breach to a duty of care (violation of rules of the Highway Code) and alcoholic state. The colleague of the alleged drunk driver, who was in the passenger seat and is also assigned to the PJ Seine-Saint-Denis, was heard as a witness. He had a blood alcohol level of 1.6 g in the blood.
The widow of slain deliveryman said his intention to complain: “If it was a normal accident … But it comes from police who should protect citizens, respect the law and the Code of the road, “she said. “My husband was a man of gold. It was not a pretense. He had gone to work, provide for their children, delivering bread in hotels” in Paris, has she further said. The two police officers were returning from a nightclub in the evening in the Champs Elysees. This was the traditional annual party of another service of the PJ, a central office. The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve warned that if the judicial investigation confirmed the initial findings, it would exercise “of great severity” against the two police officers, “including criminal prosecution.”
From Porte de la Villette (Paris), the political Scan offers to follow founding congress of the new party which replaces the UMP. “The Republicans”
Publicit & eacute;
UPCOMING: Start Direct: on 30/05/2015 at 10:00
CURRENT: Updated to 2:13 p.m.
ENDS: End of the Line: 12/03/2012 at 10:55
at 14:12
Francois Fillon booed by militants
Former Prime Minister was whistled and booed by a section of the room when they came up to the podium to deliver his speech.
Standing ovation for Eric Woerth
Bleached this week by justice after having been cited in the case Bettencourt Eric Woerth Saturday had the right to a standing ovation from the audience. "Thank you for your strength, not doubting, thank you for your trust, thank you from the bottom of my heart," returned the deputy of Oise.
13: 40
Merkel's message
Angela Merkel, the German conservative chancellor sent a video message broadcast Porte de la Villette in which it welcomed "the collaboration between our two parties are continuing."
at 13:34
"Down": Anaphora of Bruno Le Maire
Bruno Le Maire has come to the rostrum. "In 2017 we will end up with this socialist caste that supports, protects and is co-opts. In 2017, we will end up with sectarianism of the left. In 2017 we will end up with Francois Hollande," says the former minister under the applause of his young activists installed near the press square. "Against sectarianism of the left, we want to restore public spirit, against cronyism we want the sense of the public good and the common good," the deputy of the Eure.
Then, as an anaphora "Down fatalism, resignation was down from those who think they have tried everything against unemployment, while 30 years we try the same thing Down culture! the excuse for offenders! Down with the egalitarian dictatorship, which claims to fight inequality but aggravates that claims to help the weak, but locks them in social reproduction. Down the madness of fees, taxes and public expenditure ravaging France for 30 years! Down with the culture of rights without duties, low protection against squatters legitimate owners. Down with the bad conscience that gnaws our nation for decades! Down with the Inquisition replay of our national history! "
Bruno Le Maire prompt" young prancing by the desire to serve France "to take power. "Take it as you will never give!" Previously, the former cabinet director Dominique de Villepin at the Matignon commended the work of Jacques Chirac, who opposed the Iraq war in 2003.
Some whistles on arrival Juppé
The former prime minister, candidate for the primary, arrived at the door of the Villette for Congress Republicans. He enjoyed a sandwich with militants before entering the hall where speeches are held. Several activists were then booed the mayor of Bordeaux when others prefer applaud.
Jean-Francois Cope arrived
Jean-Francois Cope, the former president of the UMP in 2014 led to the resignation by Bygmalion case, arrived Saturday shortly after 13 hours at the congress of the Republicans. Whoever imposes a media silence since his resignation took time to greet the activists to come forward in the square of journalists to meet, without making a declaration.
at 13:13
Xavier Bertrand against "the little phrase that will buzz"
The candidate of the right in regional elections in Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy welcomed Saturday's show "the smile of the militants". "The smile of the militants, it is more important than the smile of journalists," he said. "The smile of journalists" who hear "the little phrase that will buzz but that weakens us."
"If the desire is so strong criticism, there has to say on the PS and the FN", said the deputy mayor of Saint Quentin. "The PS who betrayed the French National Front and, worse than the others, which confuses political and family clan."
Gosselin "Now we are all Republicans"
The MP Philippe Gosselin, near Herve Mariton, voted against the new name UMP. But on Saturday he assures "I am a minority (...) but now we're all Republicans."
12: 56
Patrick Balkany this
Patrick Balkany, the deputy mayor of Levallois Perret arrived shortly 13 hours prior to the UMP congress. He took the time to take pictures with the young activists. And entrust the "It takes a great revival, we must be together." "The Republic has been tarnished by the left" denounces the currently elected accused by justice "tax fraud laundering".
Laurent Wauquiez ovation
The former Minister Laurent Wauquiez has just be cheered by these activists Porte de la Villette. The deputy mayor of Puy unrolled his Republican advocacy. "This is not the Republic of adapting to foreign is foreign to adapt," he started, supported by the applause. "It is time to return to the fundamentals of the Republic, assimilation and not communalism".
Laurent Wauquiez was particularly critical of the Justice Minister, Christiane Taubira: "Justice of the Republic is the firmness Place offenders is prison.". For the deputy mayor, "the Socialists have betrayed the values of the Republic".
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem and reform of the college was also criticized. As for Francois Hollande, he is accused by Laurent Wauquiez "to turn off the voice of France and let massacring Christians of the East."
Leroy (IDU) against "self-centeredness"
The MP UDI Herve Morin wants "long life to the Republican" while the party president, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, also sent a message to the new right training. Former Minister, Maurice Leroy (IDU) intervenes meanwhile from the podium, ahead of Nicolas Sarkozy: "Unfortunately with Mr. 'Moi' (the nickname given to Francois Hollande Nicolas Sarkozy, ed) our country is sailing without course, without method and therefore without result. "
"Beyond the divisions, hold high responsibility and a vision of the state, is still based on the principles of our Republic, that's the future we propose to build together with my friend Hervé Morin address you with the 'Builders of IDUs' our warm and friendly hello, "joked Maurice Leroy.
"Against egocentrism"
He wants "unity," which "is not uniformity." The member wants the UDI participates in the primary to be organized by the Republicans in 2016. Similarly, he invited Senator Chantal Jouanno to ally with Valérie Pécresse in the first round of regional elections in Île-de-France.
"Of course, some centrists jump in their chairs like a kid saying Independence, Independence." To those, I say that centrism is not selfishness. "
at 11:56
Nicolas Sarkozy has arrived
The former president arrived at the podium with applause. But it expresses is only 15 hours.
11: 55
"Marine Le Pen and New York starlets"
The group's boss "Republicans" in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, takes the floor to castigate Marine Le Pen. "It's Jean-Luc Mélenchon without the International," says the senator denounces the "old leftist ideas" of the president of the National Front. "She can go to New York to Time evening with starlets and rappers will not change anything," proclaimed the chosen one.
11: 44
Intervention of the navigator Maud Fontenoy
Near Nicolas Sarkozy, the navigator Maud Fontenoy has just spoken to activists. "It can be a fisherman looter without being (...) There is no one side the good guys who talk to the trees and the other villains who live in cities," says sports who wants s engage Republicans in the name of ecology "moderate and realistic."
11: 38
C. Saint Etienne joined "The Republicans"
The economist Christian Saint Etienne previously inset with IDU, joined "The Republicans". He announced Saturday at the tribune of the founding congress: "If I decide to join you this is because I recognize myself in the values recently expressed by Nicolas Sarkozy." "Long live the Republicans and vive la France," he says at the end of his speech.
11: 32
Claude Allegre: "long live the Republicans"
A message from the former Socialist minister Claude Allegre is read. He wants a "long life to the Republicans."
11: 30
Activists approve the new name
Activists validate "Republicans", the new name of the UMP to 83.28%. The score is displayed on the screen.
11: 26
Payment of compulsory contributions for elected
"An elected that will not update its contributions may not sit in our bodies," says Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, head of the Paris right. Adding, "And I see that the treasurer gives a thumbs up." One point, she said, that was "praised" in the questionnaire sent to activists. Rachida Dati, also elected in Paris, whose relations with NKM are stormy, and assumes not to be current on its contributions is prevented.
11: 21
Pécresse and the World Cup 98
"And, municipal, departmental and two regional and three" fun Valérie Pécresse, the candidate with the Île-de-France region parodying the slogan of the French supporters of the World Cup Soccer 1998. "If the regions are switched, it is France that will switch," the former minister under applause.
11: 19
Bruno Le Maire to meet activists
While Guillaume Peltier (high right) is in the gallery and that activists chanted the name of Nicolas Sarkozy Bruno Le Maire takes a little walkabout and signing his book. His supporters also chanted them the name of their champion. But he does not want to see a game, "It is not a question of numbers of applause We need to be together, that's all that matters to me." Said the former minister
Tristan Quinault Maupoil
at 10:56
" You do not change with a name "
The former Minister Christian Estrosi, now deputy mayor of Nice assures: "we do not change with a name, but a name change helps us." This former filloniste said he wanted "to end the time of the clans."
10: 55
A congress "low-cost"
Daniel Fasquelle, the deputy mayor of Le Touquet and treasurer of the new formation speaks and promises " the cheapest congress of the Fifth Republic ". It should cost between 500,000 and 550,000 euros.
10: 54
Hello and welcome to live the political Figaro Scan from the Gate La Villette in Paris. All day, we suggest you follow the convention "Republicans", the new party to replace the UMP. Tweets, photos and videos our live feed.
VIDEO – On the occasion of the founding congress of the party “The Republicans” who stood up to the Villette, both former prime ministers have faced a hostile reception, and upon arrival on the premises.
The first mission of the day was both very simple and very delicate. When launching its new collection, Nicolas Sarkozy had at heart avoid false note. Nothing must disturb the first congress of the Republicans and especially not the perspective of the primary in 2016, for which everyone prepares.
All morning, however, the tension was palpable Porte de la Villette. At their arrival, Francois Fillon and Alain Juppe were able to measure themselves that they were not unanimous among militants. Some quickly repressed jests even welcomed the entry of the mayor of Bordeaux in the great hall of the congress. But the attention of most militants then turned to the forum, at breakneck speed, the speakers succeeded. The tone was set.
In the early afternoon, François Fillon suffered the first whistles at the podium, when his name was announced. Even at the height of the war that was opposed to Jean-Francois Cope for nearly two years, never a national meeting of the UMP had experienced such an episode. The former prime minister, accusing the blow, is located behind the desk, visibly affected. He has not changed a line from his very speech written, as usual.
“It is not allowed to disappoint”
“We decided to call our” Republicans “: this choice requires us more than any other because when we take the Republic as standard it is not allowed to disappoint,” said the candidate the primary. “Some people think that we will convince the French taking all turns squeezing to the right, others driving in the middle of the road, not to mention the demagogues who say you can let go of the steering wheel and looking back, has he ridiculed then. I do not want to cut the slices in France, I take it as a block, with love, with the conviction that we must reinvent all to hope, propose and act. “
Encouraged by some bursts of applause, the former prime minister did not fail to specify what he expects from his new party. “If the Republicans were a campaign machine, an army barracks where adherents come to look for orders; if we were not the family where the fraternal debate on each floor; if we were only conflicts and invective against those who think and act differently; if we were not the interpreter of all French sensibilities while the Republic is not in us, “he assured.
A few minutes after being booed, Fillon could not be clearer. “Our Congress can not be a ripolinage the past, but must be a new start,” he further stated. And, a sign that its determination remains intact from the perspective of 2017, Fillon also stressed that “to read the polls, everyone seems capable of returning to normality Francois Hollande.” “But the central question that must be answered: What is it,” he launched before leaving the podium, this time the applause
” Some of you hiss me. Some … Çela makes me sad but it does not change my determination, because you are my family! “
A few minutes later, Alain Juppe, in turn, suffered the wrath of much of the room. The mayor of Bordeaux began his speech without waiting for calm returns. “I’ll tell you a secret, he explained. Some of you hiss me. Some … Çela makes me sad but it does not change my determination, because you are my family! “The” confidence “, hammered, is enough to restore calm. The former prime minister then explained that the alternation will be possible only on two conditions: “collect and gather around a project.” “It does not make good choices in the division,” he says. Addressing beyond the few thousand militants, “the French and the French who are listening,” he called for “a happy and ambitious nation.” The mayor of Bordeaux took the podium to develop again its happy identity project for France and “living together”. “I would suggest to French and French to the nation of the XXI century, not that of nostalgia, but of harmony.” Despite all his efforts, Alain Juppe is however really applauded when he mentions that “the one who allowed the gathering “of the day. Immediately, the room begins to chant “Nicolas, Nicolas”. At the forum, the former Prime Minister barely spoke again. “Wait, it happens,” he says before assuming “you can, my dear Nicolas, count on my support in the task is yours for the presidency of the Republicans.” The room was white-hot. Nicolas Sarkozy could move on stage.
“We are fortunate to belong to a political family that counts among its ranks a statesman like Alain Juppé. This is wealth, “says the former president as an introduction. Then he takes the time to cite Francois Fillon, Bruno Le Maire, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Laurent Wauquiez, like so many “opportunities” for his party. This time, each name will be welcomed by large applause.
After nearly 48 hours of police custody, he will be brought. The police officer suspected of killing a man at Paris drunken state will be presented Saturday at a magistrate for his indictment. This presentation will be part of a criminal investigation for manslaughter aggravated by the breach to a duty of care (the traffic) and alcoholic state.
Based in PJ of Seine-Saint-Denis, the chief sergeant of 39 years which was not in use, returning from an evening nuite box at speed. It does not stop at the red light not according to the first elements of the investigation, when it struck the van driven by a deliverer 40, to 4:15, Boulevard de Sebastopol. Ejected from his vehicle under the violence of the shock, B. Yazid died shortly after. He was the father of three children aged 7, 9 and 11 years.
The policeman, who was driving an unmarked car without being in service, had a blood alcohol level of 2.13 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, more than four times the authorized rate (0.5 grams) and nearly three times that at which driving while intoxicated is a crime (0.8 grams).
The widow of the victim wants to complain
The colleague alleged drunk driver, who was in the passenger seat and is also assigned to the PJ Seine-Saint-Denis, was heard as a witness. He had a blood alcohol level of 1.6 grams in the blood. The widow of slain deliveryman said his intention to complain: “If it was a normal accident … But it comes from police who should protect citizens, respect the law and the rules of the road,” he does -she said Friday proven very
& gt;. & gt; Read also : Paperboy bread in Paris killed by drunken policemen, his widow wants them to “pay dearly”
The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve warned that if the investigation court confirmed the initial findings, it would exercise “of great severity” against the two police officers, “including criminal prosecution.”
& gt; & gt; Video: Motorist killed in Paris: the Interior Ministry evokes “disciplinary sanctions” for the police
Let’s call the “Call of May 29″ since it is undeniable, something its glorious elder on June 18
The same simplicity, the same drama that will escape the sincere patriots. We believe it printed on a slightly yellowed paper, in a context of tricolor beautifully. No fuss, no fancy typography is rustic, like that of a clandestine printing
In this address very fat, very simple but so strong that we discover this Saturday on our virtual walls. “Calling all Republicans of France.”
And, finally, the “Unite” exclamatory that irresistibly evokes the manifesto of Karl Marx. Note the striking similarity between the energetic signatures of General de Gaulle and Nicolas Sarkozy.
This is because the situation is serious and the country in great danger. It took at least that to announce this important event: a new party will be born in France. Not a party but a force, a movement as the country has ever known.
How not to think that other call, the call of the convention calling on all French to save the Republic. For reading this text flirting dangerously with the ridiculous, it is a new “mass uprising” that they are causing. This Saturday, the Villette will be the Valmy Nicolas Sarkozy. Remember, more prosaically, that this battle will be won if the party manages by 2017 to double the number of its members to date of contribution.
Who are all these “Republicans in France” called to to get up? Adherents of the refounded UMP, the party must be called Republicans (LR)? They are, explains Sarkozy, much more than that: they are “all who love the French Republic, the miracle by which so many men in the world who have fallen asleep subjects woke citizens” . We see that this is still a lot of people!
Further, the text becomes a little more explicit. The call is aimed more specifically at “those who suffer to see the Republic back every day,” “those who always choose the openness to the universal against the ‘communitarian confinement “. On this subject, Sarkozy was very clear. For him, the fall of the Republic begins where meals substitutions are served in school canteens.
The Republican is also the one who refuses to give to others the control over their own destiny. Suffice to say that for Sarkozy, Schengen is frankly not Republican
And then he will not “abandon war origins and memories”, “sense of destiny common. ” The Republican is not at all favorable to the history of the college programs, those who speak too of colonialism and slavery. It is not ready to accept a legalization of GPA, because he thinks that “the human person is not a commodity to be bought and sold.”
In summary, these Republicans were then perhaps “awakened citizen.” They will lie, for sure, ample sarkozystes.
They will converge from all over France for attend a funeral and a birth. Approximately 20,000 activists and UMP executives are expected, Saturday, May 30, from 10 am at Paris Event Center (19 th arrondissement of Paris) to participate in the rebuilding of the main party congress of the French right. During the day, the party leaders and activists turn to the thirteen UMP page to start Republicans, a new party designed by Nicolas Sarkozy to win back the Elysee. But behind the beautiful collection of festive image, also play a ball of ego between primary contenders for the November 2016
Read also:. The UMP activists approve the new name the party, “The Republicans”
How will unfold this congress?
The UMP debt 69.3 million had to do with the means at hand. Gone are the days of high masses as at Le Bourget in 2004, when Nicolas Sarkozy was inaugurated as President of the UMP in an American show. Also ended costly splendours and pasta with truffles some meetings of the 2012 presidential election, a period when Bygmalion managed logistics and juggling the bills.
This time modesty is displayed. For this Congress, the Treasurer Daniel Fasquelle communicates a budget of 550,000 euros, away from 6 million to 8 million euros Bourget. Activists have to pay their travel, food, and they will be called upon to direct the crowd or provide security. Some will attend the convention of a tent outside, as the UMP did not have enough money to rent a larger room
Read also:. A congress UMP submitted the wagon
On this day, the UMP will celebrate the vote results released Friday night. After two days of electronic consultation, 83,28% of activists in favor of the new name The Republican. 96.34% of them have validated the future status of the new training and 94.77% approved the list of the political bureau. A triumph? Not quite because participation was skinny (97,440 voters or 45.74% of members to date of contribution). But Nicolas Sarkozy can enjoy.
This vote had been imposed on him by supporters of Alain Juppé to Nicolas Sarkozy, which would be fine. In polls, supporters of right seemed rather reluctant to this change of surname, but the body of the militant UMP traditionally royalist, has allowed the former head of state to complete his work.
The day will be organized in nine thematic sequences. Fifty personalities will speak. Nicolas Sarkozy wanted to stage the “descent” between the RPR, UMP and Republicans, and former glories as Bernadette Chirac, could occur between two clips on the history of the movement and of the Republic. Angela Merkel sent a video message, and personalities, such as navigator Maud Fontenoy and the former tennis player Marion Bartoli, will be involved. Nothing but classic.
What’s the issue of the day?
For the former President of the Republic it is the party enact transformation, one of his campaign promises of autumn 2014. But Nicolas Sarkozy is already dreaming of unit images around him. This conference will allow him to show a little more like the central character of his political family. A political asset for the future. The former head of state put on the party to unite around him hundreds of thousands of activists, a solid foundation to address the first round of the primer in November 2016.
His new training Republicans, is a machine that should allow it to regain the Elysee. “With this convention, it creates the event around it. It requires the media and his opponents to articulate their schedule according to what he has set up “, an analysis of his supporters Rue Vaugirard.
The former president of the Republic had nevertheless regained the UMP obligation. Surrounded by business, he needed to protect themselves and especially not to leave the device to an opponent like Alain Juppé. Since then he has portrayed as a savior and unifier of a family that was torn after his retirement during the confrontation between Jean-François Copé and François Fillon.
The year 2015, with elections in favor of the UMP, Mr Sarkozy allows to reinforce this image. Candidates for primary can only join the rally in order not to appear as dividers. In resigning himself to count the days until the beginning of 2016 … “This is a coronation, enthronement quips near Alain Juppé. But for us, there will not be a before and an after. The place of our calendar continues without distort the purpose. “
What are the speeches of monitor?
Nicolas Sarkozy will close the debates between 3 p.m. and 16 hours. Since November 7, 2014 at the Porte de Versailles, at a rally where he had made a very long speech, the former head of state should pose as herald of a republic that would be threatened by sectarian weakened by intermediate body and perverted by the so-called socialist egalitarianism instilled, for example with the college reform.
Alain Juppe is expected to speak just before Mr Sarkozy. For the mayor of Bordeaux, declared candidate for the primary, exercise is subtle. It must mark its difference without rushing sarkozystes militants. When the UMP national council on February 7, the mayor of Bordeaux had been whistled by many executives when he raised the necessary alliance with the center. “If Juppe is whistling, the fault would be on the side of Nicolas Sarkozy, who has not managed the gathering and unity of his family” , predicts Gilles Boyer, political advisor to the Mayor Bordeaux.
All other tenors will occur at the end of each thematic sequence. Bruno Le Maire, who has long pondered his speech should be the defender of debate within his own family. “Each candidate will defend its own vision and its method of government. Primary is a great appointment democratic: it will give us an opportunity to finally decide questions that we have put under the carpet for years, “ told the World the likely candidate for the primary
Read also:. Bruno Le Maire: “The party does not carry the presidential project”
“The Republicans” have been called “The Gathering” but Nicolas Sarkozy has chosen the first option. Nevertheless, the president of the UMP expects his friends they are all gathered this Saturday. The unit primarily to celebrate the birth of his party the next century. No no side, no escape.
Nicolas Sarkozy has ensured that this founding congress does not give the image of a coronation. The Barnum deployed at Paris in November 2004 remained in archival boxes. The president of the UMP has promised to play modest. He did not take the stage after a triumphant entrance in the middle of the crowd. He listens carefully to his predecessors in the Tribune, Bruno Le Maire, Francois Fillon and Alain Juppé.
The Mayor not there “to sing the praises of the chef”
At eighteen months of the primary, its competitors also will they play the game? “We do not seek the clash” immediately evacuate Jerome Grand Esnon strategist Bruno Le Maire. The deputy from Eure planned a speech unsurprisingly, far from political considerations “to get high”. His entourage, however, that the candidate not yet declared to the primary draw the outline of a possible program for 2016 around the notions of “renewal” and “profound changes”. “We are not here to sing the praises of the party leader”, asserts a lemairiste.
Fillon and “the fiery spirit of the gathering”
In contrast to a Bruno Le Maire on the rise, François Fillon him returned to court Thursday to testify in the case against Jean-Pierre Jouyet and two journalists from the World . A he asked the secretary general of the Elysee to “break the front legs” of Nicolas Sarkozy? The defense could not prove it with certainty. 48 hours later, the former prime minister still take the stage with the label of “traitor” that 20,000 activists expected this Saturday will be happy to stick him in the back. Do not bother to distance the president of the UMP. The speech of François Fillon will be a “call to courage, responsibility and firmness. Spread the message to say that with France decided and renovated, everything is possible”, taking place around him. And unity? “We are animated by a strong spirit of togetherness.”
Bertrand on another field
For different reasons, Xavier Bertrand has no interest either to mark its difference. The time of the primary is for him not come. The priority this year 2015 is in regional Nord-Pas-de -Calais-Picardie. “If some take advantage of the congress to voice their difference, it will not be understood,” he said Tuesday at the Le Figaro .
Juppé “prohibits is nothing”
Rest Alain Juppé. The mystery surrounding his speech is thick. “It is forbidden to nothing,” said in a waffle impeccable, his advisor Gilles Boyer, recalling that between 2002 and 2004, the positions were reversed. Alain Juppe led the UMP, Nicolas Sarkozy eyeing the 2007 presidential and did not hesitate to make it known. Last February, during a National Council, a sort of mini-conferences, Alain Juppe had mocked the “Pavlovian reflex” of UMP militants ready to boo Christiane Taubira soon as his name was pronounced. Twice he had also recalled its proximity and support to Bayrou, triggering the whistles from the audience. The mayor of Bordeaux does not prohibit this Saturday to replay the score.
bel air unit could be especially troubled by the chorus of whistles. The sarkozystes activists present this Saturday could be tempted to disrupt the speech of their favorite opponents. They then have the choice between François “the traitor” and Juppé “provocative”.