“The Republicans” have been called “The Gathering” but Nicolas Sarkozy has chosen the first option. Nevertheless, the president of the UMP expects his friends they are all gathered this Saturday. The unit primarily to celebrate the birth of his party the next century. No no side, no escape.
Nicolas Sarkozy has ensured that this founding congress does not give the image of a coronation. The Barnum deployed at Paris in November 2004 remained in archival boxes. The president of the UMP has promised to play modest. He did not take the stage after a triumphant entrance in the middle of the crowd. He listens carefully to his predecessors in the Tribune, Bruno Le Maire, Francois Fillon and Alain Juppé.
The Mayor not there “to sing the praises of the chef”
At eighteen months of the primary, its competitors also will they play the game? “We do not seek the clash” immediately evacuate Jerome Grand Esnon strategist Bruno Le Maire. The deputy from Eure planned a speech unsurprisingly, far from political considerations “to get high”. His entourage, however, that the candidate not yet declared to the primary draw the outline of a possible program for 2016 around the notions of “renewal” and “profound changes”. “We are not here to sing the praises of the party leader”, asserts a lemairiste.
Fillon and “the fiery spirit of the gathering”
In contrast to a Bruno Le Maire on the rise, François Fillon him returned to court Thursday to testify in the case against Jean-Pierre Jouyet and two journalists from the World . A he asked the secretary general of the Elysee to “break the front legs” of Nicolas Sarkozy? The defense could not prove it with certainty. 48 hours later, the former prime minister still take the stage with the label of “traitor” that 20,000 activists expected this Saturday will be happy to stick him in the back. Do not bother to distance the president of the UMP. The speech of François Fillon will be a “call to courage, responsibility and firmness. Spread the message to say that with France decided and renovated, everything is possible”, taking place around him. And unity? “We are animated by a strong spirit of togetherness.”
Bertrand on another field
For different reasons, Xavier Bertrand has no interest either to mark its difference. The time of the primary is for him not come. The priority this year 2015 is in regional Nord-Pas-de -Calais-Picardie. “If some take advantage of the congress to voice their difference, it will not be understood,” he said Tuesday at the Le Figaro .
Muller afp.com/Jean-Pierre
Juppé “prohibits is nothing”
Rest Alain Juppé. The mystery surrounding his speech is thick. “It is forbidden to nothing,” said in a waffle impeccable, his advisor Gilles Boyer, recalling that between 2002 and 2004, the positions were reversed. Alain Juppe led the UMP, Nicolas Sarkozy eyeing the 2007 presidential and did not hesitate to make it known. Last February, during a National Council, a sort of mini-conferences, Alain Juppe had mocked the “Pavlovian reflex” of UMP militants ready to boo Christiane Taubira soon as his name was pronounced. Twice he had also recalled its proximity and support to Bayrou, triggering the whistles from the audience. The mayor of Bordeaux does not prohibit this Saturday to replay the score.
bel air unit could be especially troubled by the chorus of whistles. The sarkozystes activists present this Saturday could be tempted to disrupt the speech of their favorite opponents. They then have the choice between François “the traitor” and Juppé “provocative”.
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