The MP Denis Baupin (EELV) in Nantes September 18, 2012 – JEAN-SEBASTIEN EVRARD AFP

They are now thirteen. Already referred last month by several accusations of sexual assault and sexual harassment, Denis Baupin is again in turmoil. On Monday, France Inter and
 Mediapart revealed five new witnesses against environmentalist against former Vice President of the National Assembly, accused today by thirteen women of facts constituting
 Sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Start the judicial machine

The call Sandrine Rousseau was heard. On May 9, eight women, four elected, breaking the silence, delivering damning testimony that had triggered the day after the opening of a preliminary investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office.

Among them, Sandrine Rousseau, current spokesman for EELV, other women called to testify in turn. A call answered by five new women. And if the first eight charges concern events prescribed today, the testimony of the five other women could trigger the judicial machine. And because these alleged facts, “committed between 1998 and 2014 and which do not concern that militant environmentalists,” say France Inter and Mediapart, not all prescribed and could be deposits of complaints in court .

“If the prosecutor had before, it would open an investigation by the judicial police. Witnesses would be heard, as Denis Baupin, and the outcome of the investigation, the prosecutor may decide to refer to the criminal court, “says Maude Me Beckers, a lawyer and lawyers’ union of France (SAF) . “For the facts of sexual harassment, it would incur two years imprisonment and a 45,000 euro fine and three years in case of aggravating circumstances. In cases of sexual assault, the maximum penalty is five years imprisonment, “said the lawyer, who defends a number of cases of sexual harassment in the workplace.