All against labor law? In the ranks of the CGT, is sometimes the large gap between the struggle in the streets and the picket line at the company where employees are trying to influence the negotiations. Since March, the union, with FP, at the forefront of the mobilization against the El Khomri law. He multiplied the parades – eight already – against all odds, even though the crowd was not always the rendezvous recognize hint some executives of the plant. His all, CGT will play June 14 at the large inter-event.
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Rather lonely on the trade union front, troops of the CGT hold on. Especially since Congress last April. In Marseille, the union ended the Lepaon past to offer a new three-year term to Philippe Martinez. No sign provided a blank check to the old steelworker from Renault. The first year Martinez activity report was voted at 68.7% (14% abstention), far congressional previous figures Toulouse in 2013 (87%).
Above all, we had to juggle between political lines. “A number called for an immediate general strike, recalls one delegate. Others thought that the balance of power was not strong enough.” Some activists were quick to challenge Philippe Martinez in full session to ask him to go to coal. “Congress has sent a clear message. The base was warmer than the top,” recalls another union member.
“At the CGT, we think we should stop the strikes”
To facilitate his re-election and clarify the message, Philippe Martinez has given hired his left. Since then, he multiplies impact statements, micro media or that of AG. “As long as the government refuses to discuss, there are risks that the mobilization is increasing,” said he warned Wednesday denouncing the “blackmail” after the announcement of Total CEO Patrick Pouyanné to “seriously review “its investment in France face to strikes and blockades of refineries.
The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez Philippe Martinez on his arrival May 21, 2016 in Douchy-les-Mines. LO PRESTI
at the same time, within the confederal office, explains that “blocking, c ‘ the government bears the responsibility. At the CGT, we think we should stop the strikes, and that means the withdrawal of the bill, “has said Fabrice Angei (Board Member) on BFM TV. A formula that also embodies the shift that may be between a boiling base and a hesitant office.
the balance is not yet found Philippe Martinez. in early may, a meeting of the executive committee of the CGT put in light of the differences on the method. Several branches, such as chemistry or transport are mounted slot to request a hardening of the conflict. what the leader of the CGT was not really inclined to do at first. He finally acceded to their request, which triggered last week the first blockages, especially in the West, and by the same hardening of the conflict
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“union software database”
It remains one last thing that comes into online account: professional claims. At the SNCF and RATP, the protest against the Labour Law is accompanied by union demands much more specific. In the railways, where unions called the strike every Wednesday and Thursday (with mobilization rather down), it is feared the market opened to competition and “social dumping exacerbated.” “The challenge for employers is to encourage competition with increased flexibility and productivity of the railway,” he explained in particular the Federation of Railwaymen in its latest leaflet distributed May 19 The strike on Thursday is primarily a means of pressure on the negotiations.
Strikers SNCF show on the esplanade of Defense, April 26, 2016. VERDIER
at RATP, the leaflet realized this weekend to call for an indefinite strike from June 2, highlights “300 euros of increase “in addition to the” withdrawal of the Labor law. “in the letter of the object strike notice addressed to the CEO group Elisabeth Borne, the Steward Bertrand Hammache demand and” the reopening of wage negotiations in 2016 “( …) it is neither the draft Labour Act which is undergoing social events at national level, or one-time increase that will meet the legitimate needs of agents. ”
Mix the national context sectoral claims, this is part of “basic trade union software,” recalls L’Express Karl Ghazi (CGT Commerce), the leader of the Inter-P Click peak against Sunday work in Paris. “No fight is like another. But we feel a deep dissatisfaction against the Labor Law, he said. The CGT has clearly put all her strength in the balance. Now, we always try to enjoy a massive rejection to assert claims more professional. ” Without obtaining the withdrawal of the Labour Law, the CGT could be satisfied with progress in labor negotiations.
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