Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lightning in the Parc Monceau: what’s happening when you get blast? – The Express

Eleven people including eight children 7 to 8 years were struck by lightning on Saturday afternoon at the Parc Monceau in Paris. Samu director of Paris gave Saturday in the late afternoon of reassuring news on the status of victims: one child is still in critical condition and placed in intensive care.

STORIES & gt; & gt; The heroic gesture of firefighter who rescued the injured first

According to the spokesman of the firefighters, the children came with their parents celebrate a birthday. “To get away, they took refuge under a tree,” said Karen Taieb locally elected the 8th district of Paris. According to the first elements of the investigation, the victims were not injured by the fall of a tree or object, but by lightning. A rare accident with rarely fatal. Explanations.

deadly Electrocutions, deep lesions, lifelong consequences

As Michel Daloz reminds Météo-France, there are annually 100 to 200 people Blasted in France, but only 10 to 20 deaths. The impact of lightning strikes through the body is of the order of ten milliseconds. It sends an electrical discharge between 10 000 and 30 000 volts, 50 to 150 times more than when you put a finger in the socket (220 volt), reminds Le Parisien. According to the figures, the death rate of a person struck by lightning, including electric shock, varies between 3 and 10%.

If the current touches the body on the surface, blasted the victim can get away with minor burns. But if the current flows through the human body and returns to the ground, it can cause a fatal electric shock or deep lesions: brain, auditory, cardiac or eye. Moreover, over 70% of survivors have lifelong consequences.

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Firefighters at Parc Monceau, after


“It can be heart problems, breathing difficulties or memory problems”, identifies Francois Jobard, engineer-forecaster at Meteo France. “the severity depends on the trajectory lightning. If it’s from head to foot, the effects are more serious than if lightning man laterally key, “adds Michel Daloz.

” Lightning can affect people after bouncing “

this is probably why all victims Parc Monceau were not in the same state, as the firefighter of the story who spoke first on the scene. “I spotted a group of nine people on earth, especially children, he explained. Two adults were still standing but they were completely shocked, dazed, unable to react. They too had been struck by lightning. In fact I had facing me eleven victims. However, I found that another child was in cardiac arrest. He had a blue face. “

” It is often assumed direct lightning strike, but it is less than 5% of injuries, “said his side Dr. Gerald Kierzek, told Europe1. In most cases it is lightning strikes, “lightning strikes the ground and may, by lateral lightning, go reach people by leaps,” he says

to. protect from lightning, it is recommended not to “travel in groups, never run, not to create an electric current, and do not take shelter under a tree,” because it attracts lightning, “confirms Michel Daloz from Météo France. “It’s called an ‘edge effect’ ‘, and, in the case of the Parc Monceau,” the ground was wet. The conduction has been even stronger, “he said.


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