Here our entire live #METEO
10:54 p.m. : In the Loiret, the firefighters continue to assess the damage caused by floods, along with our reporter Elise Lambert.
10:53 p.m. : Good evening @anonyme. According Sytadin, the A10 is closed after Toll Saint-Arnoult in the direction Paris-province because of floods in Orleans. Motorists are redirected to the A11
10:49 p.m. . What can you tell us about the situation on the A10 level Orleans right now?
10:48 p.m. : Five departments are now placed in amber alert to flooding and flood: the Loir-et-Cher, the Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Moselle and the Seine-et-Marne . Loiret remains red alert.
10:46 p.m. the departments of Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse and Moselle are placed on orange alert for floods and flood
10:39 p.m. : A final reading before you go sleep ? Here are three items that we should not miss today.
• Rumors, false accounts, homophobia … Vincent Matalon explains how a young Internet user manipulates the trends on Twitter
• in 1998, a strike by Air France pilots almost nailed to the ground the country just days before the World Cup. Pierre Godon returns to this social conflict.
• The sky he would fall on our heads? Anna Pereira completed two graphs which show that May is beating records.
10:24 p.m. : a jail evacuated, motorway routes cut off, hundreds of people evacuated … France 2 reviews the extensive damage caused by the rain in the north and center of the Hexagon
10:11 p.m. .: Seine overflowing the river banks (Pont de Sully)
10:11 p.m. : the Zouave Pont de l’Alma has its feet in the water! Seine overflowed the river banks in Paris because of severe weather.
9:56 p.m. : firefighters Loiret continue their tour to ensure that the inhabitants of Saran going well, despite poor weather .
9:35 p.m. : the most horrible month of May we’ve had? With the weather in recent days, the question arises. Our reporter Anna Pereira completed two charts show that the May 2016 beating records.
9:16 p.m. . Back in the Loiret, where our journalist Elise Lambert assists firefighters in their interventions
8:59 p.m. : Between 40 and 60 millimeters of rain on average (the equivalent of one month of rainfall) have hit some parts of the Hexagon in the past 24 hours. According to France 2 Weather Service, the rainfall is related to “Elvira, a depression that is placed on the north of France.”
8:35 p.m. : Good evening @anonyme. The red flood vigilance is valid until tomorrow afternoon, 16 hours. Take the opportunity to follow the situation there, with my colleague Elise Lambert
8:35 p.m. . Good night, you know up what time (today or tomorrow) the Loiret is on red alert?
8:18 p.m. : Our reporter Elise Lambert is still in the Loiret with firefighters evacuate residents charged flood victims.
8:03 p.m. Let us make a new item on the news before watching the news:
Only two departments are on orange alert rains or floods. Loiret himself has been placed on red alert for flood risks. Follow the situation directly with our Elise Lambert journalist.
• All matches of the day were canceled and postponed to tomorrow due to the rain.
The Board of State authorizes transfer sperm claimed by a Spanish widow, for a post-mortem insemination.
It should be up within a month and a half. A humanitarian refugee camp will be set up in the capital, said the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.
7:35 p.m. : My colleague Elise Lambert has also had some difficulties to visit square. His train is stuck near Orleans, because of water on the tracks. She finally managed to reach the firefighters involved in the Loiret.
7:34 p.m. : Nearly 700 people were evacuated by firefighters in Loiret, due to flooding. More than 400 other evacuations are underway, including the A10, say the authorities.
7:13 p.m. : take the opportunity to make a point about the weather forecast (bleak …) tomorrow. It will gray and rainy almost everywhere, except in the east where you’ll get cloudy.
7:07 p.m. # # laseinedéborde View high well barges dock
7:06 p.m. : The Seine at 18:20! More than 20cm and it overflows!
7:06 p.m. : In comments, you continue to send us pictures of the Seine, the level continues to rise.
7:05 p.m. : Some village streets Armeau, in Yonne, find themselves under a meter of water. The situation is worrying, according to France 3 Bourgogne: the town is caught between a brook and the River Yonne
6:10 p.m. It is 18 hours, rewinds this afternoon dense
Only two departments are on orange alert rains or floods. Loiret himself has been placed on red alert for flood risks. Schools will be closed tomorrow in this department. You can monitor the situation live or watch our slideshow dedicated to these elements.
• very disturbed Day Porte d’Auteuil. The games were interrupted many times today. Murray opponent in the quarterfinals Gasquet and Wawrinka in Ramos are even carried over to tomorrow.
The State Council authorizes transfer sperm claimed by a Spanish widow, for a post-mortem insemination.
It should be in place by a half months. A humanitarian refugee camp will be set up in the capital, said the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.
5:34 p.m. : Montbouy (45230) at 16h
5:36 p.m. : flooded cellars, cars and roads blocked drowned … The heavy rains caused major flooding in Burgundy, in the North and the region Centre-Val de Loire. Camille Caldini compiled photos of the damage.
4:41 p.m. schools and colleges remain closed tomorrow Loiret due to inclement weather, announces France 3 Centre.
4:19 p.m. Hello François @ and @anonyme (and others who question on this topic). Seine reached 3.46 m at Paris-Austerlitz, leading to the closure of the Georges Pompidou road. FYI, in 1910, the flood had reached 8.5 meters, reported a journalist from France 2. It is still far from the hundred-year flood.
4:19 p.m. Hello François @ and @anonyme (and others who question this). Seine reached 3.46 m at Paris-Austerlitz, leading to the closure of the Georges Pompidou road. FYI, in 1910, the flood had reached 8.5 meters, reported a journalist from France 2. It is still far from the hundred-year flood.
4:18 p.m. : Is there a risk of flooding of the Seine
4:18 p.m. : Are t there a risk of flooding of the Seine
4:17 p.m. : rain, high tides this weekend and during water flood. ? The famous hundred-year flood in the Seine
4:17 p.m. : rain, high tides this weekend and rivers in flood . The famous hundred-year flood in the Seine?
4:06 p.m. : New update Météo France: there remains the Loir-et-Cher and the Seine-et-Marne orange alert for floods. Loiret is always on red alert.
4:06 p.m. : New update Météo France: there remains the Loir-et-Cher and the Seine-et-Marne orange alert for floods. Loiret is always on red alert.
3:59 p.m. : as a result of heavy rains in the Loiret: traffic was severely disrupted. According to France 3 Centre, 37 roads are problematic. Of these, 19 are blocked. The A10 is also cut in both directions at the height of Orleans.
3:59 p.m. : as a result of heavy rains in the Loiret: traffic was severely disrupted. According to France 3 Centre, 37 roads are problematic. Of these, 19 are blocked. The A10 is also cut in both directions at the height of Orleans.
3:53 p.m. : the vehicles get trapped and residents try to protect themselves. In Loiret, in red alert for flood risks, things keep getting worse, like here in Meung-sur-Loire.
3:53 p.m. : the vehicles get trapped and residents try to protect themselves. In Loiret, in red alert for flood risks, things keep getting worse, like here in Meung-sur-Loire.
3:02 p.m. : New change in the sky orange alert for rains and floods rose in the Eure-et-Loir. In total, therefore, six departments in orange and red Loiret.
2:10 p.m. the afternoon begins and so we again point out information for the morning
vigilance orange to rainfall and / or flooding now affects seven departments. The Loiret has it been placed on red alert for flood risks. blocked roads, flooded villages … info francetv identifies the main challenges of the morning.
• The early games of the 10th French Open day is still delayed by rain. The eighth final between Serbian Djokovic and Spaniard Bautista was interrupted.
• The footballer Serge Aurier will be held September 26 to police on violence.
At least 880 migrants died trying to cross the Mediterranean last week announced the High Commissioner for UN refugees. The year 2016 “particularly lethal” , according to the UN agency.
1:46 p.m. : what are the items that interest you the most at this time
• you follow closely the? meteorological trends through our Direct dedicated to heavy rains and floods.
• Many of you read the terrible story of a young Brazilian suffered a gang rape . The case puts in turmoil Brazil, shocked by the spread of internet abuse.
• You are also very numerous on our dedicated live at Roland Garros. But nothing will happen before 14 hours …
1:36 p.m. : the emergency services were particularly active because of the rain. Loiret, over 500 interventions were underway in the morning. In Oise, firefighters were asked to 162 times, reports France 3 Picardie.
1:59 p.m. : Chemilly-sur-Yonne is one of the most flood-affected municipalities. As told France 3 Bourgogne, the soil is soggy and sewers overflowing. It is difficult to stem the tide.
(Claude Heudes / France 3 Bourgogne)
1:59 p.m. : red vigilance in passing the Loiret is motivated by ” the exceptional flood “ of the Loing, a tributary of the Seine which crosses the Yonne, Loiret and Seine -et-Marne. The Vigicrues website published this map to locate the risks.
( Vigicrues)
12:38 Moreover, only seven departments are now on orange alert for possible heavy rain and / or floods: Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Indre, Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, the Pas-de-Calais and Seine-et-Marne
12:40 : In the Loiret, so it is advisable to stay at home and avoid traveling because of the risk of flooding. Weather France invites you not to engage in submerged roads and report your destination to your loved ones.
12:29 Already in orange alert, the Loiret turns red alert for rain, floods and flood ad Weather France.
12:06 : It is noon, here are the main titles of the morning:
at least 880 migrants died trying to cross the Mediterranean last week announced the High Commissioner for UN refugees. The year 2016 “particularly lethal” , according to the UN agency.
The orange alert for rain and flooding was lifted for four departments, but 19 remain concerned. blocked roads, disrupted transportation, flooded villages … info francetv identifies the main challenges of the morning.
• The visit to the city of Bordeaux wine continues to Francois Hollande and Alain Juppe . The speech of the head of state and the mayor of the city for the inauguration of the building will follow live from noon on francetv info.
• The early matches of the 10th day Roland Garros this morning was delayed by rain, but the courts have just been débâchés. The Central, the beginning of the eighth final between Novak Djokovic and Spaniard Roberto Bautista is imminent.
11:36 : Photos users continue to rain (hu hu) on Twitter to illustrate weather in the north and in the center of France.
11:16 : 400 inmates of Saran prison (Loiret) had to be evacuated due to inclement weather, reports the Centre Republic on Twitter. A part of them was transferred to Châteaudun (Eure-et-Loir), the newspaper said.
11:08 : Minister of Interior in a statement welcomed ” the 3000 fire firefighters committed following heavy weather “ in France. In total, “4500 action” were carried out in the night and this morning to rescue residents.
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