The small government music on the theme of the face firmness to the CGT, played for days by Manuel Valls, began to be parceled false notes. Wednesday already, with Bruno Le Roux was said to open a rediscussion Article 2 on the supremacy of the company agreement on the branch agreement. Thursday, more symbolic, the finance minister Michel Sapin, who said, “Maybe he should touch down in Article 2″ on some “points”. Before being reframed snapped by the Prime Minister and then crop to himself. In short, it feels the panic on board the steamer executive. An excitement is explained easily: the government has the choice to get out of the crisis, between bad solutions. The question is what is the least bad for him.
LOOK & gt; & gt; Our live demonstrations against the law Labor Thursday, May 26
Remove the Labour Law
President Francois Hollande took part in the National Conference of disability in the Elysee Palace in Paris May 19, 2016. FUENTES
This option would end immediately the blockade, would sound the end of the social movement … but also the government. Unable to Manuel Valls to remain in place in such cases and after having also sliced about its willingness to follow through. months of political turmoil, martial sentences to finally remove the text? That would yet not a first. this is the tragicomedy fate has already lived through the constitutional reform project on citizenship revocation for binational terrorists. “I understand that this is an unthinkable solution because it would give a signal weakness, observes Laurent Baumel, one of the main rebellious MPs PS. But that’s what happens to want to pose as a courageous reformer and want to talk to people who anyway will not vote for you … “
Revise the text
Evry Manuel Valls on May 18, 2016. SAMSON
This is the option which leads some Socialist deputies and was discernible through the “quirks” of Bruno Le Roux and Michel Sapin, two historic Dutch. This track has the advantage not to give in completely to the street, while attempting to appease. But poses several problems.
First, we should agree on what to discuss. Manuel Valls reiterated Thursday: if it is “always open when we need to improve some aspect”, “no question of touching” the “outline of the text of Article 2 that is said trading in the company, the youth guarantee new rights for workers, the fight against illegal detachment, what we do for young people. ” In short, nothing substantial. Wednesday, Bruno Le Roux said he was in favor of “the branch provides an a priori opinion” and not a posteriori, on the company agreement. What members call “compromise Sirugue”, the name of the rapporteur of the text to the Assembly. “Even if we accept the, which is not the case at all today, it does not mean that the CGT and FO would accept it”, warns Laurent Baumel.
Even if the government agreed to return completely to Article 2 of the law, an option that could convince FO rank, CGT probably not back down. Philippe Martinez calls for outright repeal of the law. In short, the executive would yield a little without raising provided blockages. What shots to take. Especially if the government revises the text, the right pilonnera. And remember that it is opposed because it is the law, interesting to him originally, has been gutted. Indeed, some important points such as caps on industrial tribunals allowances packages-update for SMEs, reducing the geographic scope for redundancies have already been abandoned in the text that the government was liable Palais Bourbon .
Switch to strength
Consideration of the draft Labour Act the National Assembly. In the presence of the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri, May 4, 2016.
MAXPPP / Christophe Petit Tesson
After the strong statements of the Prime Minister, nothing discuss allows the executive to display a welcome firm position after the trial against procrastination Hollande maintained throughout the five-year period. “Make no mistake. The CGT brandished Labor Law as a scarecrow with one goal: push Valls to resign and lose Holland in 2017, “warns a relative of the Prime Minister continued:.” If we give up, we take the toboggan. And the President of the Republic trinquera more than the Prime Minister. “
But hold its position assumes that the social movement continues. The government is betting that the opinion will support it face the” blockers ” CGT Pari yet lost Elabe According to a poll for BFMTV, nearly seven out of ten French say they favor the withdrawal of the El Act Khomri a deterioration of the situation -… a renewed strike in transport will soon follow – that the French might put more on account of government inflexibility that association a position that will be increasingly hard to do if the incidents are increasing This Thursday, a car forced a dam at Fos-sur-Mer.. , causing serious injury.
pass the hot potato to members
President François Hollande, Prime Minister, Manuel Valls and the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri, after his appointment, September 2, 2015 to Elysee. JOCARD
The government could rely on the parliamentary debate, less violent method the forced passage of 49.3. But no reason in this case that most members would agree to adopt the text which found no majority at first reading. François Hollande will always point out the responsibility of parliamentarians, as he had done to warrant giving up constitutional reform. But again, the image would be catastrophic to an executive who failed to impose his project to his own majority.
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