Monday, August 15, 2016

Islam of France: not yet named, Chevènement already has ideas – Liberation

There is no formally appointed. He even takes care to specify that it could not accept the job if its designation “would cause insoluble problems” . But Chevènement same a package of things to say about the future of Islam Foundation of France, which the executive would want him to take the presidency in the fall. In ten replies, former Interior Minister enquille in Le Parisien the opinions on the financing of mosques, halal creating a tax or wearing the burkini, which is at the center of a summer controversy. While lawyers and elected officials about the legal basis écharpent orders prohibiting Burkini – defense of secularism, security … – Chevènement said he agreed that “legally things seem quite clear on the subject” .

Without going through the legislative box, Chevènement advance an argument that flourished in recent days. discretion “the advice I give in this difficult time [ ...] is the discretion, he explains. The Muslims, like all French citizens should be able to worship freely. But they must also understand that in the public space where defines the public interest, all citizens should make the effort to use the “natural reason”. “ Basically, to live happy and at peace, the Muslims of France have chosen to live hidden. These words will delight fans of the veil law at university or in public spaces, which are increasingly numerous.

the French Muslims, “like the others” …

Without taking into account the growing phenomenon of converts among jihadists apprentices, the former minister of François Mitterrand speaks only “the future of young people born of immigration [which] is in France and nowhere else “. “We must prevent them from falling into the suicidal impasse push Daech and Salafists shortsighted” , insists Chevènement, who asserts: “If we love France, it must be of Muslim French of French who, like others, want to work in the development of France. “

François Hollande has fuiter the name of Jean-Pierre Chevènement early August to the chagrin of the Ministry of Interior responsible for all engineering the future foundation for months. Built on the foundations of the former Foundation for the works of the Islam of France created in 2005 by the Villepin government, the foundation of Islam in France must be born in September.

His reason to be a little on the model of the Fondation de France, is not religious but cultural. It will thus be to fund research on Islam (theses or chairs), to support projects for a better knowledge of Islam or grant scholarships to chaplains and imams. The worship part himself is both explosive and mined. The idea would be to lean against the foundation a religious association whose statutes are not yet ready, to be charged, to finance the construction of mosques and prayer rooms.

“secular Republican “

Appoint the head of the foundation a man of 77, who was Minister of Research, national Education and Defense under Mitterrand, a staunch defender of French identity and especially not Muslim has pushed a lot of people early August. Monday, Chevènement is trying to cut corners on its role and mission of the foundation. “The future president of the Foundation will not be responsible for promoting Islam. I did no title, I’m not a Muslim, I am a secular republican. Secularism is not turned against religion, it releases the spirituality of any influence of the state. I have no intention to interfere in the religious sphere of “, insists that already wants to ” reflect on the creation of a research institute – secular – Islamic studies “.

Without commenting on the feasibility of a ban on any foreign funding, Chevènement believes that Islam in France “must be able to grow with French funds or, in any case, a transparency mechanism to be established in the absence of any signs of the donors’ . A tax on halal products, advanced solution to compensate for the possible ban of foreign funds? “The service can be paid, but must first Muslims agree on the certification of what is halal . And their decision “, says former Interior Minister.

A supporter of national unity against terrorist threats in France, Jean-Pierre Chevènement believes that this mission at the head of France from Islam Foundation is “so that no charge of public interest can not escape it,” . “I do not shirk me” , he promises. But after the outcry sparked by the announcement of his appointment, he plays lucidity: the man who left several socialist governments due to disagreement warns that it will refuse the post if his appointment “would result insoluble problems which [the] would force [will] remove “.

Laure Bretton


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