Monday, August 15, 2016

intercommunal tensions in Corsica after Sisco, like a deja vu – L’Express

The weekend was heated to Sisco, in northern Corsica. A violent brawl has indeed erupted Saturday in a creek “between members of three families of North African origin, and young people of the region Sisco who received reinforcement around,” according to prosecutors. An investigation was opened in flagrante delicto “to meeting violence”, said Sunday the prosecutor, without giving details.

STORIES & gt; & gt; Corsica: five injured during a violent brawl in a creek

The place of facts still remains extremely vague on Monday because, as the release notes, testimonies will come as villagers, the other party who was not expressed . Saturday, mid-afternoon, “a group of teenagers bathes in a cove of the village, a few meters of torque tourists, reports the newspaper. Later, people of North African origin have also come to enjoy the sea. one of the women bathe dressed and veiled, witnesses said, as the tourist takes a photo. This does not please the members of his family. ”

According to a minor teenage fact witness, quoted by AFP, the men were angry because they did not want that we take pictures of women in Burkini accompanying them -this Monday the Socialist mayor of Sisco has also issued an order prohibiting the holding room. The village youth were then threatened with knives by swimmers from North Africa, according to the testimonies of the inhabitants of Sisco.

altercation with CRS

The situation escalates. “This altercation led by different types of violence including stone throwing, hitting and throwing bottles, three motor vehicles were also torched,” informed the prosecutor in a statement. Five people, including a pregnant woman, were injured.

The tension was not settled Sunday morning. More than two hundred people – shouting “To arms, we will go up because we are at home” – took the leadership of the People Lupino Bastia neighborhood, where inhabit families of North African origin who allegedly participated in the Saturday’s brawl. The entrance to the city then had to be blocked by riot police.

Soon after, the protesters went to the hospital where a young man was hospitalized. CRS stepped in were then positioned nearby and have used tear gas after being the target of projectiles.

A turbulent 2015

The scene this weekend and inter-communal tensions have a deja-vu in Corsica. They especially recall the incidents that took place further south in Ajaccio, by year-end 2015. The aggression of firemen and policemen on Christmas Eve by “hooded youth” in the Jardins district of the Emperor had led to several days of tension.

On 25 December, nearly 300 people had decided to “come up” in the popular area to find the attackers chanting “Arabi Fora (outside Arabs, ed)” or “We’re home.” On the sidelines of the gathering a Muslim prayer room had been ransacked.

STORIES & gt; & gt; “Crappy Corsicans,” “Arabs out!” or the tale of a very strong Christmas in Ajaccio

A few weeks later, on April 30 arson had damaged another prayer hall in the district of Mezzavia, Ajaccio.

At the beginning of the year, in the wake of January 2015, a boar’s head was hanging on the door of a Muslim prayer room in Corte, in the center of Corsica.

The anti-Muslim made up

These anti-Muslim acts would otherwise recurring enough in Corsica, according to a study published by the National Consultative Commission of Human Rights’ man, that lists the racist acts. According to the 26th report, released earlier this year, Corsica is the head of anti-Muslim acts in France in 2015, says Le Monde.

STORIES & gt; & gt; “Racist, xenophobic Corsicans folded over themselves? A caricature”

“In relation to the population, accounting for anti-Muslim acts up Corsica in first place with an act to 18,000 average people, followed by the Champagne-Ardenne, “the evening newspaper. In January, the Interior Minister had dissolved and the Corsican National Vigilance identity small group who is suspected of being behind the violence in Ajaccio, in December 2015.

“communitarian explicitly claim”

After the brawl Sisco, Gilles Simeoni, President of the Executive Council of Corsica and Jean-Guy Talamoni, President of the Assembly of the island, two nationalists elected in regional elections in December 2015, called for calm. In a statement Sunday, they expressed their “rejection of any inappropriate response.” “It is indeed important to avoid escalation and any scapegoat logic”, they added. However, they state that the incident “according to witnesses present there”, are “accompanied by an explicit communitarian claim or religious.”

While the place of facts is still very vague, federation of Corsica party Republicans Sunday released a radical statement: “Without reservation, our utter determination, we support our young people without any stories that have had to face a group of armed Islamic barbarians to the teeth. (…) on the eve of St. Mary (…) we support the people of Sisco that s ‘rose to say no to Islamic fundamentalism. ”

Meanwhile, the president of the Upper Cose County Council, François Orlandi (radical left) called “for calm and composure (…) necessary to prevent amalgam stigmatize a community that wants to live in peace in an island where she works for decades and where often the children were born. ”


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