Sunday, August 21, 2016

The ambitions of Montebourg made in Frangy – Liberation

This is often a good thermometer. The first Sunday after August 15, Arnaud Montebourg opens every year since his election as MP for Saône-et-Loire in 1997, political comeback with his left Rose festival of Frangy-en-Bresse. Created in the 70s by Pierre Joxe, then MP for this riding Burgundy, Montebourg has made this gathering a militant political event that often says a lot, depending on his guest on the state of the left. The evidence in this five-year period.

2012, together with Marisol Touraine

 Marisol Touraine and Arnaud  Montebourg, 19 August XFB & #; t 2012.

The left is back in power. Arnaud Montebourg, with its 17% in the primary and support for François Hollande, became Minister of Productive Recovery. For this first Frangy in Holland era, it makes tons on the “change” promised. Social plans are linked. The disappointments began. Montebourg has to meet Jean-Luc Mélenchon already attack the record of his former comrades in the press: “It’s not in one hundred days we change things, he said. It takes five full years to rebuild stone by stone industry. “ His guest this year is his comrade of health, Marisol Touraine. A former close to Strauss-Kahn, the former IMF chief, as he, taking the “de-globalization” had vilified before the New York Sofitel crash. Proof of “unit” found socialists. She will be very fleeting. (. Photo by Jeff Pachoud AFP)

2013 low profile in Europe with Claude Bartolone

 Claude Bartolone and Arnaud  Montebourg & # xE0; Frangy-en-Bresse on 18  August XFB & #; t 2013.

Lecouple could make sparks. With both former supporters of the “no” to the European Constitutional Treaty in 2005 and critics of the “golden rule” of European deficit reduction, it Frangy could have been a critical festival in respect of a François Hollande considered too nice to Angela Merkel and the European Commission on economic and financial issues. Certainly Montebourg is attacking that day to the “cult of budgetary rigor” in Brussels. But that’s all. The scandals of the time is not yet come. Nothing about chess Minister on Florange or Petroplus files and the bad turn, according to its supporters, that takes the five-year Holland. “We must be very careful not to weaken the purchasing power, and nip in the bud the return of growth. Do not spend efforts to austerity, “ sets Bartolone guard. The two men are wise enough. (. Photo by Jeff Pachoud AFP)

2014, a good “wine” with Benoît Hamon

 Beno & # Xee; t Hamon and  Arnaud Montebourg & # xE0; Frangy-en-Bresse  on 24 August & #? XFB; t 2014.

They were well heated. They are burned. Before leaving on vacation, in a speech at Bercy, Montebourg had begun to criticize the economic policy as he had become, since the reshuffle of April, Minister of Economy … Rebelote in Frangy: Montebourg landed in his stronghold with an interview with the World in which it shall provide a layer. Hamon explained in Le Parisien that he and his friend were “not far slingers.” On his arrival in Saône-et-Loire, the Minister of Economics is the devil: his socialist friends called their wine cuvée that “recovery” Before the cameras, Montebourg plays the insolent and intends to send a case to the head of the. State. In his speech, he then attacks head-on and offers Valls and Holland the opportunity to put it out. “The stubbornness and obstinacy to pursue deficit reduction policies are a mistake that could be fatal, he declaims. I solemnly asked the President and the Prime Minister a major shift in economic policy. “ Valls request the head of the recipient at head of state and gets the next . Fired, Montebourg is followed out of government by his companion, Aurélie Filippetti, and Benoît Hamon. But not by Christiane Taubira. (. Photo by Jeff Pachoud AFP)

2015 with Varoufakis, both “ex” pourfendent austerity

 Y & # XE1; nis Varouf  & # XE1; kis and Arnaud Montebourg & #  xE0; Frangy- en-Bresse on 23 August XFB & #;  t 2015.

Montebourg is proud of his coup. After a vacation in Greece, he managed to convince Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of the government of Alexis Tsipras, to come home in Burgundy. The French was fired because he criticized the policy of his government leading, he said, to austerity. Greek was dismissed by Tsipras open showdown with Berlin and Brussels on the financial rescue his country. A Frangy, the two men go after the leaders of the euro zone: “The austerity was imposed by force and blackmail against universal suffrage, says Montebourg. We could see the true nature of what became the euro area, this is a turning point. All she has shown is chilling. It is now an area held by a political oligarchy “ François Hollande also attacked for his rank. ” You vote for the left in France and you end up with the program of the German right. ” was picked Varoufakis forces to a “European progressive movement.” Montebourg did not respond. (. Photo Jean-Philippe Ksiazek AFP)

2016 Arnaud prompt (yet) Montebourg

His family warned that Frangy then will “solemn”. “I do not have the detail or the formula word for word, but it will be a nomination for president,” says the deputy PS Laurent Baumel, now in Montebourg campaign team. Exit the traditional declarations of the member and the first local federal facilitators instead of “Project France”, into orbit in May from Mount Beuvray (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté). “If this were a normal party, I would not have accepted, says the MLA, Cecile Untermaier, which always supports Montebourg. But here Arnaud embarks on the presidential, it is not nothing! “ In a speech that should last ” more than an hour, “ according to his entourage, one that is now well identified on economic themes (made in France, Europe …) will have, insists his campaign manager, Francois Kalfon, “consolidate” on republican positions and sovereign issues. is also out of his former comrades of the left wing of the PS, as Benoît Hamon, now engaged in a race with him to confront Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls in the primary in January. “We are not there to be marginalized but have a central position and win the presidential election,” insists Kalfon. Anyway, Montebourg friends want to believe the success of this edition préprésidentielle. “We will approach the 700 meals at noon, account Lamard Denis, president of Friends of the Rose, organizer of the festival. The last time we had felt such a passion, it was when Ségolène Royal came in 2006. “

Lilian Alemagna


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