IN IMAGES. Case Ligon: disturbing discoveries near Fréjus
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VIDEO – Can a skirt represent an attack on secularism? An “attitude proselytizing character” she falls under the 2004 Act? In what context the sanction she taken? Le Figaro trying to see more clearly in this case that has spilled much ink.
A clearance skirt the controversy story about secularism in schools. This week a collègienne 15 years in the Ardennes was ordered to go home to change clothes. According to his version and that of his family, the institution would have criticized him for wearing a skirt “too long”. For the Rector of Reims, is its general behavior that was the problem and violated the principle of secularism in schools. This case has caused much ink and also raise many questions. Le Figaro tries to answer.
A skirt “too long” she can represent an attack on secularism?
As such, the answer is no. As stated in the March 2004 law, are prohibited “signs and outfits whose port led to be immediately identifiable religious affiliation.” But it “does not forbid accessories and outfits that are commonly worn by students without any religious significance.” Typically, a long skirt falls into the category of classic outfits and towns that can bring students without any religious connotation. Thus, we used to say that only headscarves, yarmulkes and large crosses are banned from colleges and high schools.
So why Sarah, 15, was by two After being banned in April when presented with this skirt?
This dispute between the student and the school management is in “a particular context, which has just brought the teaching staff of the Léo Lagrange College to take this decision, “says one to the Rector of Rheims. Indeed, several incidents occurred before the case is reported in the daily newspaper The Ardennes . It started Saturday, April 10 exactly. That day, several girls had attempted to enter the facility with a veil, says an informed source. And the following week, many of them would come in wearing long skirts, “they claimed to be a religious connotation,” said the source. And this time, Sarah was part of this group of girls, in the direction of the school, allegedly agreed among themselves to take turns and wear this garment as a provocation. Unlike the others, Sarah would be returned home without going back to school. Then a few days later, she would again be presented in the same outfit. The administration and the family is explained about it. Since then, the mother of the Muslim schoolgirl asked his daughter to guidelines of National Education. In front, the girl denies any provocation. “A skirt is a style of dress, not a sign ostentatious,” she has said.
What is the position of the Ministry of Education?
Asked Thursday on RTL, the Minister of Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem has supported the teaching team and explained that it was “the proselytizing nature, not but holding the attitude of the student “that was at stake. It is” the general behavior of the student “and” not the clothing that was sanctioned “repeated Abdennour Bidar, project manager at National Education, interviewed on France Info. The academic inspector of the Ardennes, Patrice Dutot says the same thing: he has “nothing against a skirt course, whatever its length.” What he condemns is the “concerted action with an outfit that this case falls symbolically ostentatious.” In other words, this is not the skirt is problematic in itself, but the use made of it.
The “attitude proselytizing character” referred to by the Minister of Education she falls within the scope of the 2004 law on secularism?
“We have confined the discussion to what was visible. But the law on secularism is also committed to the behavior, “says Jean-Michel Ducomte, professor of public law at Sciences Po and specialist in Toulouse secularism. “Here the teaching team watched how the student has gripped this skirt to develop a destabilization strategy and a proselytizing attitude. This is not the sign itself is in question, but the use made of it, “one that develops is the president of the League of Education. A circular for teachers has also sought to clarify the terms of the Law of 2004. “But the problem is that we are always in the interpretation and in the case by case,” Teacher nuance. “This is why it is very important to train school leaders to religious facts.”
This kind of case is it common?
Not really. The Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF), a Muslim association, identified in 2014, 130 cases of high school courses or banned schoolgirls outfits for “ostentatious judged unfairly.” But this figure is put into perspective with the number of students in France: 12 million students. The phenomenon remains marginal.
Between Bercy and the Grande Muette, Francois Hollande ruled in favor of the Army with an increased budget that allows it to maintain the appearance of a “warlord”.
By taking position for his Defence Minister, François Hollande “starts the countdown to the two years before the presidential election in 2017,” said Cécile Cornudet Echos. She describes “entirely facing re-election” and that’s why he chooses posture “of warlord, updated version of Father of the Nation in the days of terrorism, rather than father rigor. “
The Republic of the Pyrenees, Jean-Marcel Bouguereau chimed with the headline” Hollande still warlord “and also noted that it is” a posture he is particularly fond. “
“It is the sun of Austerlitz for the stubborn Breton Le Drian,” quips Herve Favre in La Voix du Nord stressing that the president is the “head of the army.”
Jean-Claude SOULERY (La Dépêche du Midi), found that “Francois Hollande has taken a liking to the royal prerogatives of his office” and to be “at certain times in history, the father of the nation.”
“In the current context, the President of the Republic chose to preserve at best, according to our finances, our ability to defense and security,” appreciates Jean Levallois (La Presse de la Manche).
Furthermore, some of which Bertrand Meinnel Courrier Picard felt that “The decisive battle will be primarily in Brussels”. Adding that France is “the only guarantee in Europe with a capacity of military intervention and deterrence worthy of the name on the outside” and “assumes senior military costs to its neighbors.”
“The government could require the European Commission released its budget the costs of external operations, in the name of collective security,” he said.
The Latest News from Alsace, Pascal Coquis considers that “it is until proven otherwise France, which does the job for everyone.”
“For years, France is campaigning for the financing of external military operations (OPEX) that also contribute to Europe’s security is excluded from the calculation of European deficits “warned Dominique Garraud in La Charente Libre.
Meanwhile, in L’Opinion, Nicolas Beytout regrets see” France ready to lose a little of its budgetary and financial sovereignty in the name of its military sovereignty. “
In Alsace, Raymond Couraud says it took” the shock of January for that State noticing that it is pointless guard down in an uncertain world. ”
“More frightened by the calculator of the Brussels technocrat by the explosive jihadist, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy slashed armies,” he admitted then that “today, France leads a difficult defense policy “
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The budget of National Defence is pérénisé to 31.4 billion euros. After the defense counsel, Francois Hollande announced on Wednesday additional appropriations 3.8 billion euros. It was decided not to remove 18,500 out of 34,000 positions to better protect the territory and maintain actions abroad.
At least 14 French soldiers in the Central African Republic are suspected of sexually abusing children between December 2013 and May -June 2014.
Among the military, “very few” have been identified, a judicial source said, without disclosing the precise figure.
An investigation was opened in France in July 2014. Francois Hollande promised to be “relentless.” The army says she does not want to “hide anything.”
French troops of the mission “Sangaris” in December 2014 Central African Republic Credits.: AFP / –
Soldiers deployed in the Central African Republic (CAR) as part of the “Sangaris” operation are suspected of sexually abusing children in their mission in Bangui. Information revealed, Wednesday, April 29, by the British newspaper The Guardian , which has had access to an internal report of the United Nations (UN).
What are the allegations?
The alleged offenses allegedly occurred between December 2013 and May-June 2014, during the first months of operation “Sangaris “. According to information from the World , four boys, ages 9 to 13 years, told an employee of the UN have been victims of rape by French soldiers. Two other children claimed to have witnessed this sexual abuse.
According to The Guardian , the soldiers are alleged to have abused these boys “hungry and without shelter “ in exchange ” of food or money “.
According to information from World ” document work “ UN has leaked evokes ” fellatio “. Children are the sexual abuse in a “shelter” near the access barrier to Bangui airport, guarded by French soldiers. A small shelter made of sandbags are very near the barrier, which adjoins the center moved to where the children live.
How many French soldiers are involved?
The charges give no name. According duplication of investigators, fourteen French soldiers suspected of involvement. Among these soldiers, “very little” have been identified, a judicial source said, without disclosing the precise figure.
According to a source close to the case, the charges are also designed five foreign military. These three Chadian soldiers and two Equatorial Guineans, said the co-director of the American NGO Aids-Free World, Paula Donovan, who consulted the UN report and informed the Guardian . One of the two witnesses said children attending a sodomy by one of those foreign soldiers. These facts are not covered by the French survey
How was the survey
According to a judicial source, the department received this information 29 July 2014 in the form of a UN working document, which he immediately forwarded to the French justice. The Paris prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation on July 31 for “rapes of children under 15″ on the basis of Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, after “information” the Ministry of Defense
The research section (SR) SR of Paris and the provost of the gendarmerie. – training whose main task is to investigate with the French armed forces stationed outside French territory – were entered
The gendarmes of the provost was sent in August 2014 as IDP camp to conduct audits, but were unable to interview children, legal framework fault.. If he does not call into question the statements “very precise” on children mentioned sexual acts, rendering gendarmes account raises some questions to clarify the precise course of events, especially in view of the topography of the alleged scene of the crime, says a source close to the case.
In September, the Paris prosecutor sent a request for assistance to the UN to obtain the lifting of the immunity of ‘UN employee who had collected the testimony of children, a necessary condition for the same audition as a simple witness. Refused a request by the UN, which has instead agreed to forward a written questionnaire. The answers to this questionnaire are not received by the Paris prosecutor that seven months later, on April 29, the day of the revelation of the scandal, which has considerably slowed down the investigation, explains a source close to the case.
Anders Kompass, Director of Field Operations at the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in 2006. Credits: AFP / ORLANDO SIERRA
The UN has yet confirmed having investigated in the spring of 2014 “Operating serious charges and sexual abuse of children by French soldiers “Central African Republic. The deputy spokesman of the UN, Farhan Haq, also confirmed that Anders Kompass, a senior UN official, who passed in 2014 the results of that investigation to the French authorities in violation of the procedures had been suspended. “ Our preliminary conclusion is that such conduct can not be regarded as that of a whistleblower” , said the spokesman.
Mr. Kompass transmitted the report to the French authorities after finding that the UN was slow to act, says Guardian . A version contradicted by a UN source, who said, on condition of anonymity to Agence France-Presse that the manager had fuiter the report just a week after it was provided by the investigators, and that his Action could not therefore be explained by frustration at a lack of responsiveness from the UN.
The Paris prosecutor has also asked Wednesday, April 29 declassification of a command investigation conducted internally . All of which could soon lead to the opening of a judicial investigation
Read also:. Why Anders Kompass he found the report on sexual abuse soldiers French?
Chadian soldiers and Equatorial Guinea are also accused by a UN report on sexual abuse of children Central Africa, where French soldiers are already in question, according to an NGO Thursday. These three Chadian soldiers and two Equatorial Guineans, told AFP the co-director of the American NGO AIDS-Free World, Paula Donovan, who presented the report and provided the British newspaper The Guardian.
There are three Chadian soldiers and two Equatorial Guinea, told AFP the co-director of the American NGO Aids-Free World, Paula Donovan, who presented the report and provided the British newspaper The Guardian. One of the children mentioned in this internal UN report “testified that he saw his friend being sodomized by two Chadian soldiers while a third kept watch,” said Ms. Donovan. Another child questioned by UN investigators reported seeing her boyfriend, aged 9 to 10 years, accompanied by two soldiers from Equatorial Guinea. “His friend made a blowjob and was sodomized by one of the soldiers while the second was on the watch, then the two soldiers exchanged places,” Ms Donovan said.
The French participated in the operation Sangaris
According to a French judicial source, fourteen French soldiers are involved in the case, but “very few” have been identified. Also according to Ms. Donovan, some of the children who testified give names of soldiers, some of the names they have heard in conversations between the attackers, and some information about those military functions qu’assuraient. “Most were able to provide detailed physical descriptions of the soldiers,” she has said.
At the material time, between December 2013 and June 2014, the French part of the transaction Sangaris and the UN Stabilization Mission in CAR (minusca) was not deployed. Chad and Equatorial Guinea were involved at the time in Misca, a pan-African force in CAR peacekeeping preceding the minusca.
The alleged abductor Bérényss, a 48 year-old farmer arrested Tuesday Meuse, was indicted and jailed yesterday after being confused by his DNA found on the underwear of the girl of 7 years and the story of his victim.
“He acknowledged the facts of kidnapping but denies the facts of sexual assault,” said the prosecutor of Briey Yves Le Clair.
“He apologizes to parents,” said his lawyer, Me Caroline Pelas-Renoir.
The father of three children has been indicted for “kidnapping, forcible confinement and sexual assault on a minor” . He faces 10 years in prison.
Since his arrest Tuesday morning at dawn, he remained prostrate, refusing to cooperate with the police.
But eventually, “he gave real explanations judge, he becomes aware of what is happening and the consequences. He regrets not having spoken in custody and is very affected by what he did, “said his lawyer.
Presented by one of his former lawyers as” a stubborn guy, very stubborn, “with” a rough personality, not necessarily accessible to a full understanding, “the farmer was in financial difficulties had to submit in early April, to a DNA sample for inclusion in the national database of DNA. He had been forced under another complaint for sexual assault filed by three families.
The man is indicted for kidnapping Bérényss last Thursday around 15 hours, while it was cycling to his village Sancy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, close to home.
Around 23 hours, he finally released his captive, in Grandpré, in the Ardennes.
According to the prosecutor, the initiation of abduction alert was “critical” to convince the kidnapper to release his hostage.
“Someone from his family sent him an SMS, Thursday at 22 h 25, expressing tripping him a warning and removal of a suspect driving a white vehicle, similar to his. We are therefore certain that he knew wanted to, “confirmed a source close to the case.
In the hands of French justice since last July, the case of child rape charges by soldiers in CAR already includes several investigation but the chronology shows that all elements were not easy to obtain.
First Act last summer, when the Minister of Defense French prosecutor of Paris transmits to the denunciations made against soldiers from the Sangaris operation. According to the “Guardian”, this secret document was sent to France by Andres Kompass, Swedish humanitarian framework in response to inaction of the UN. The alleged facts involve rape on minors under 15 particularly vulnerable. Of blowjobs were imposed in exchange for money or food. At least 14 French soldiers were suspicious of these facts. Their identities are not all known at this stage but recognition elements are releases: their nicknames or physical descriptions
Difficult or impossible hearings
Upon receipt of the termination of. Ministry of Defence, as is the rule under Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a preliminary investigation is launched. The research section of the gendarmerie of Paris is entered, and the provost gendarmerie. The latter is responsible for the investigation concerning the military.
Investigators went to the site in early August 2014. They can not hear them Central African children who were allegedly abused between one year and six months ago (The facts date back to a period ranging from December 2013 to June 2014). It is not known if they then hear soldiers Sangaris operation.
At the same time, the command investigation conducted by the Ministry of Defence is also reflected in the sending of men instead. Came especially from Paris, the officers conduct their investigations under the sole military authorities. This is the rule in such cases: A command investigation is triggered “when a serious malfunction related to the service is made known to the command” we-they explain. Such investigations are systematically launched for events involving “wrongdoings” that can “be a public or media exploitation” or when a criminal investigation is launched.
The Nations -Unies are also solicited. With a particularity: the Paris prosecutor’s request to hear the UN official who wrote the internal report which denounced the facts. We know that this is the document that was finally sent to France by Andres Kompass, Swedish humanitarian framework. To hear this official, the French justice requires the consent of the UN. In September 2014, it therefore calls for the lifting of his immunity. The “regime of privileges and immunities” UN plans since 1946, this mandatory procedure.
But in a clearly very strict attitude attached to the international procedure, the United Nations refuses to parquet Paris the waiver of such immunity: the collection of the evidence of the official report of the editor will therefore be a written questionnaire and not by an audition face to face
Investigators establish a list of factual questions. and received the answer a few weeks ago: the official confirms point by point the contents of the internal report, namely the rape of ten children under 15 years in exchange for food. The report also states that the incident occurred on M’Poko airport in Bangui.
Making declassification
Along with the criminal investigation and internal inspections of Nations -Unies, the French military command has commissioned its own investigation. Now one of the next steps for the French justice should be to seek the declassification of the investigation report to pour in the proceedings. This is the crossroads of three surveys that should allow to precisely identify the designated military as suspected criminals and hear them to confront the charges.
The great silent will she still be able to shut up? 13 of the French army soldiers are affected by sexual abuse accusations against children in CAR. A new devastating scandal?
The army promises to punish if …
In July 2014, the French Ministry of Defence received a damning report prepared by staff of the High -commissariat the Rights of the UN Human positioned in Central Africa.
The French army was deployed as part of the Sangaris operation, intended to prevent a civil war. Ten children – the youngest is eight years old – say that in exchange for food or under threat, the French soldiers abused them sexually
These testimonies “. retrace the facts allegedly committed on ten children, at the site of M’Poko airport (Bangui), between December 2013 and June 2014 “, said on Wednesday the Ministry of Defence ensuring you “take all necessary measures to enable the establishment of the truth” .
Preliminary inquiry underway
Realizing the gravity of the charges and their reach, the ministry said “if the facts were proven, it will ensure that the strongest possible sanctions are imposed against officials which would be an intolerable infringement of the soldier values” .
“If some soldiers behaved badly, I’ll be relentless” warned Hollande visiting Brest.
The Department add entering once he was alerted by the UN report, the Paris Public Prosecutor has opened a preliminary investigation still ongoing. Members of the provost gendarmerie, composed of military with judicial powers and placed under control of the public prosecutor of Paris, went up in August 2014 in Central there to begin their investigation.
Double crime
According to British newspaper The Guardian, which revealed information, the UN document was sent to the French authorities by a Swedish member of OHCHR, Anders Kompass, shocked by the inertia of its hierarchy.
The director of field operations of the High Commissioner has been suspended from office last week and is the subject of an internal investigation which could lead to his dismissal.
To identification of the perpetrators?
The document gathers the testimonies of six children aged 8 to 15 years, considered very credible, and involves a dozen French soldiers who exchanged food and sometimes small sums money, against sexual favors. According to the Le Monde , 13 soldiers, all French, are concerned by this case.
“The children testified that they were hungry and they thought they could get food from the soldiers’ , said the co-director of the American NGO Aids -Free World, Paula Donovan. The soldiers answer was “If you do that, then I will give you to eat. Different children have different vocabulary used “ in their testimony.
Some say they have been raped, abused and other others claim to have witnessed the rape of their comrades. Some have been able to give of their alleged attackers accurate description, which should help to identify them.
According to the World Information “working document” UN who leaked evokes “fellatio” for the forced French military, but also other sexual assaults involving foreign soldiers.
scabby sheep?
Asked Thursday morning, the Secretary of State in charge of Family, Laurence Rossignol, said that it was, if true, “extremely serious facts” .
“We know very well that in the war operations in countries or disorder, it is women and children who are victims of predators” , has she said . “It means that those who are there to protect themselves would be predators. From one point of view it is a double crime “.
For his part, Monsignor Nzapaïlanga, archbishop of Bangui, told the newspaper Le Parisien “From what I hear, it would be one or two soldiers being directly involved but it is too early to say. Every institution has its bad apples. We should not cast aspersions on the French army as a whole, which is a large army “.
The abuses Sex in the army
One hundred cases of sexual violence within the French army were supported by Themis cell since its establishment in April 2014. 25% of the facts place in residential premises (barracks and bases). The ranks are primarily concerned accounting for 70% of victims and 60% of the authors.
In addition, an investigative book lifted the taboo of sexual violence against women in the military French. An internal investigation was opened.
The Invisible War , published in February 2014 by Editions des Arenes, denounces the omerta that prevails in the armed, which complain of assault of his comrades or superiors is seen as a betrayal of the esprit de corps of the army and as a breach of loyalty. Fear of retaliation silences women soldiers.
The ads Hollande, Wednesday, April 29, after the defense counsel met at the Elysee Palace, were generally well received, to the left or right. The budgetary effort in favor of the defense is, in the words of the head of state, “considerable” . In 2015, 31.4 billion euros planned in the budget act are safe havens. “This will be the budget appropriations without a call for exceptional resources,” said Mr. Holland, thus ruling out the use of project companies in which he had himself requested the implementation.
For the next four years, 3.8 billion euros of additional funds will be released. “These appropriations” said the President of the Republic, indicating again that this effort will not be based on random exceptional resources – it will be supported by the budget of the State and, as noted by Finance Minister Michel Sapin, before the defense counsel, “which will also go less somewhere else” .
Read also: the defense budget: an extension of 3.8 billion euros over four years
The army she leaves so big winner of presidential offs? Mr Hollande has solemnized his decision, insisting on the “serious threats” which France must face, “both inside …
The intervention in Mali and in the Sahel-Saharan strip as part of the operation barkhane is very abrasive for hardware, including helicopters. Because of the dust, among others, wear is eight to ten times faster than elsewhere which generates additional costs. / Photo DDM, PC
Francois Hollande ruled yesterday: Defence benefit from an exceptional effort of the nation’s budget. Nearly four billion extension and preservation of 18,500 jobs have been announced to address the many theaters of operations where the military is involved.
The president decided yesterday to sanctify the budget of National Defence. on the occasion of a Defence Council which brought together the main political and military leaders under the chairmanship of François Hollande was decided an extension of 3.8 billion for the Department of Defense from 2016 to 2019. The budget Defense amounting to 31.4 billion euros in 2015 will therefore benefit from “a significant effort and even a considerable effort” confirmed the army chief yesterday morning. This increase in the defense budget will focus spending on personnel and equipment the French army needs to adapt to the new challenges posed by the terrorist threat. François Hollande made particular reference to the need to devote more resources to cyber defense, aeronautics and intelligence while Brussels is closely monitoring any fiscal slippage
And the government wants to go fast. The updating of the 2014-2019 military planning law will be a bill submitted to the government on 20 May, before consideration and a vote in Parliament. One of the immediate effects of that breath of oxygen for armies engaged on many theaters of operations (Sahel, Iraq, Central African Republic, Lebanon) will limit the downsizing that had to undergo personal. Thus, 18,500 positions will be preserved on the 34,000 threatened with suppression, made clear the Elysee. The Ministry of Defence has indeed spread the tank ground forces can be deployed on the ground of 66,000 soldiers to 77,000 today because the numbers are turned particularly since strengthening Vigipirate in January. “Today there is to trim permissions and even retraining phases before moving operations” notes are we at the Department of Defense. Outside, 9,000 men are currently mobilized in the Sahel, Central Africa and the Gulf. Since the attacks in January, 10,000 soldiers protect sensitive sites in France for an estimated cost of one million euros a day.
This budget arbitration Hollande has ended the feud between the Ministries of Defence and Finance on a budget hole of € 2.2 billion in the defense budget for 2015. The latter was counting on windfall revenues of 2.2 billion euros related to the sale of radio frequencies TNT to private operators but has lagged far behind. This option is deprecated suggested the head of state. “In 2015, the credits of the Ministry of Defence of 31.4 billion euros and it will sanctuarized budget appropriations without any use of external resources.” The president also ruled out the use of “project companies” legal instruments that have purchased military equipment (transport aircraft Airbus A400M …) and then lease them to the army. This solution, proposed by the Defence, was strongly opposed by the Finance
Midi-Pyrenees, Aquitaine but Limousin and Poitou-Charentes from Bordeaux … Commissioned by General Serge Soulet, the Defense area and …
Is it inevitable to sanctify the defense budget? It was indeed inevitable for the head of the state to arbitrate in that account …
Determined by the President of the Republic and entered into force on 12 January following the terrorist attacks against Charlie Hebdo, …
In 2008, Nicolas Sarkozy had planned the elimination of 54,000 positions in the armed 2009-2015. Under its mandate, 24450 …
In 2014, the provision recorded for external operations (OPEX) in the initial finance law was 450 million euros. In the end …
A preliminary investigation was opened on charges of rape of children committed by French troops deployed in Central Africa.
The investigation was opened in July 2014 after transmission by the Paris prosecutor Ministry of Defence of a United Nations working document. Which document was revealed yesterday by the British newspaper “The Guardian”.
The report accuses international troops but especially French soldiers of having committed these attacks.
The text says military have abused minors in “exchange for money or food.” The incident allegedly took place in Bangui in December 2013 and June 2014. The Central African capital was then the prey of intense fighting between anti-Balaka Christian and Muslim militia of Sélaka. Hundreds of thousands of civilians had fled their homes then to hide on M’Poko airport in Bangui. It is in this refugee camp that rapes have taken place.
Children 9 years
Investigators collected several testimonies of children, some as young as 9 years , telling about the abuse they suffered. The report, stamped “confidential” is extremely detailed, according to the Guardian. A 9 year old boy and says he was sexually assaulted by two soldiers while he was at a checkpoint in the hope of finding something to eat. The victims, very shocked, have nevertheless been able to give accurate descriptions of some rapists.
Written in the summer of 2014 a UN team, the report is very long remained secret. The investigation seemed to get bogged raising fears that no sanction be imposed. “Sexual abuse by security forces peacekeeping covered by the United Nations shows a disregard for the victims.
The whistleblower threatened with dismissal
But the awful truth is that this is not uncommon. The lack of response from the UN to sexual abuse by its members must be investigated, “says Paula Donovan, of the NGO Free World.
Anders Kompass, an aid worker UN, in Geneva, tired of the lack of will, finally decided on his own to enter the French authorities, which places now under the threat of dismissal from the ON U. The French Ministry of Justice announced yesterday that the Paris prosecutor opened a preliminary investigation into the matter in July 2014. Investigators working in cooperation with the United Nations.
The United Nations already faced several scandals of pedophilia in its ranks during the peacekeeping operation. The revelation of rape could hamper the mission of France in CAR, where 1,000 French soldiers are still stationed.
France on Wednesday defended the evacuation of “illegal camps” before the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of the UN. The day before, he had lamented a “banalization” of hate speech in French society towards minorities, including Roma. “The principle of equality is not the negation of these differences, which is why very many policies take into account the specificities and stronger special difficulties (…) can meet such and such minorities; there is the case of Travellers’ said Gilles Clavreul, interministerial delegate to the fight against racism and antisemitism.
According to the usual process of political transition review towards minorities in the countries applying the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination forces in 1965, the UN Committee discussed for two days the situation in France. The conclusions of the 18 UN experts will not be published before May 15
Tuesday, Ion Diaconu, expert of the UN Committee in charge of chairing the session on France, deplored “a certain trivialization of hate speech” in France. He also found that reports point to a “massive exclusion” of Roma and “committed violence” against them “by individuals and representatives of law police “.
The French delegation said Wednesday that the evacuations and evictions are not according to the origin of people in France. ” What we want to remind c ‘ is that the government action does not target specific populations but aims camps such as “, explained a representative of the Interior Ministry, Gaëlle Smirou, noting that these camps are forms of habitats “very precarious” that often pose hazards to its inhabitants. “The evacuations are in almost all cases ordered by a judge at the request of the land owner” , she further noted.
The French delegation also defended the accompanying policies, in particular housing, implemented during evacuations of “illegal camps”. She also emphasized that France encourage action to “promote” the culture of the Roma and that justice condemns discriminatory comments made on them. Moreover, Gilles Clavreul explained that the publication of detailed statistics on minorities – a request made yesterday by the experts – is framed by a decision of the Constitutional Council “that restricts the use that can be made statistics on race and ethnicity, whereas there is not a matter of objective data “.
There are 70 years to the day, the French voted for the first time. To celebrate this anniversary, several members of the UMP welcomed on Twitter. “It was General de Gaulle who gave the vote to women, do not forget” said Jean-Pierre Lecoq, mayor of the 6th arrondissement of Paris. MP Jean-Francois Mancel said he, “thank you” to Charles de Gaulle, while Xavier Bertrand enthuses: “There are 70 General de Gaulle allowed women to exercise their right to vote for the first time in France. “
De Gaulle, new feminist icon? Should we really book all our praises to the general? Not really. “This is not to deny that he played a role since it was he who signed the Ordinance of 21 April 1944 which established the right of women to vote,” Christine decrypts Bard, professor of history at the University of Angers and author of Women in French society in the twentieth century . “ But this decision is not taken by him alone, but collectively by the Consultative Assembly of Algiers, by vote.”
The proposal to extend the voting rights to women is also advanced by a Communist Fernand Grenier. Initially, the text provided only to establish the eligibility of French. Fernand Grenier proposes to add the right to vote. This will give: “women are eligible voters and the same conditions as men” . The text voted by 51 votes against 16.
So it is a bit early to present Charles de Gaulle as the great promoter of women’s suffrage. “Do not rewrite history: the women’s suffrage was not a particularly important topic for de Gaulle” says Christine Bard. “In his memoirs, the vote is in three lines. He had traditional views on the role of women, although this does not prevent him to accept the idea of citizenship of women, the more subversive in the nineteenth century. “
Read also Testimonies: “There was no question of giving my voice to my father,” Interview: “There is more popular feminist movement”
In 1944, women’s suffrage became almost an obligation: it is for France to catch (large) vis-à-vis behind other European countries. The Senate, which blocked until all evolution, no longer exists. “It took these very exceptional circumstances for the French to vote. It’s much more complex than the idea of the great man who “gives” the right. “
Besides, forget the words “give”, “grant” or “grant” . “Use these words, it is acting as if women were passive, indifferent, as if they had not really asked” , irritated university. “It is a myth that the French were poorly invested. Admittedly, in France, the movement was less radical than in England, more respectful of legality. But there has been a very rich suffrage movement, with many associations, newspapers, tens of thousands of activists. The problem is forgetting. This story is not valued in our collective memory “
At the end of the war, it is the participation of women in the resistance that will play as important argument. It can not deny political rights to women who fought against the Nazis. But this invisibilise because a past feminist struggles for the right to vote. “In 1944, it obscures the role of suffragists. We then forget that if the women gained the right to vote, it is because of the suffragists demanded for decades. “
To put record straight The Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira has, too, a small slotted tweet: “No, neither given nor granted conquered! By generations of women obstinate, clever, courageous, strong. Thank you. “
Manuel Valls continues its fight against terrorism. The Prime Minister announced on Wednesday the creation of a structure to support young “back from conflict zones,” on condition that they not be subject to prosecution. For him, this initiative, which should translate “with individualized support, psychological support and enhanced supervision” should enable these young people to “find their place in our society. ”
“These young individuals that are reported should be followed up. We also have to learn how to detect warning signs of these breaks” , said he has but said that 2,500 officials from different departments have already been trained in the fight against radicalization plan. This structure, which it was proposed by the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, should be implemented “by the end of the year.” This idea is reminiscent choice of Denmark to support youth who went to wage jihad in Syria. For over a year, social services and the Aahus police, the second city of the country, have set up a rehabilitation program based on dialogue.
This initiative could come as well help strengthen the monitoring of these young people in France and consolidate the fight against terrorism. “For a year, through our initiatives, almost 1,900 reports were received of which a quarter to minors,” he said. According to the head of government, or 1,605 French residents in France are being identified for their involvement in (the) terrorist networks. Of these, 445 are now find in Syria and 99 have died.
During his speech, the Prime Minister again defended the law on intelligence, which is to be voted on Tuesday, May 5 at the ‘National Assembly. This controversial bill seeks, according to him, “preserve a fair balance between the protection of persons particularly vis-à-vis the threat of terrorism and the protection of the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.”
The report was supposed to remain confidential. But because he felt that the UN did not commit the resources it needed to act, Anders Kompas decided to transfer to the French authorities. For doing this, he was suspended, reveals the “Guardian” Wednesday, April 29th.
What is in this report if confidential? The details of the sexual exploitation of children by French troops in CAR as part of their mission to maintain peace, minusca.
When contacted by the “Obs”, the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the armed did not respond to our requests for information.
A preliminary investigation was opened in July 2014 on charges of rape of minors committed by French troops deployed in CAR, told the “Obs” the Ministry of Justice.
The investigation was opened in July 2014 after transmission to the Paris prosecutor by the Ministry of Defence of a United Nations working paper, said the Paris prosecutor to “Obs”. “No military hearing has taken place, or in police custody. The investigation is underway,” said the Paris prosecutor.
Sexual acts against food or money
Entitled “Sexual violence against children by international armed forces,” the report is stamped “Confidential” on every page, writes the “Guardian”. It details “rape and sodomy” suffered by “young boys hungry and homeless” by keeping troops of the French peace “that were supposed to protect them,” in a refugee center in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic.
According to the British newspaper, said he consulted the report, cases of sexual abuse allegedly committed between December 2013 and June 2014.
Interviews with abused children were carried out between May and June 2014 by a member of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNICEF specialist. According to the “Guardian”, the identified and interviewed children are only a glimpse of the potential number of victims.
The children, mostly boys, describe in their discussions of the circumstances that sexual abuse they have suffered, in exchange for food and money. The “Guardian” cites the example of a 11 year old boy who says he was abused when he went in search of food.
Another nine year old described the sexual assault that he suffered with his friend by two French soldiers in the refugee camp in Bangui M’Poko airport when they were presented at a checkpoint to find food. The advanced report in the “Guardian”, the distress of the child during testimony. The boy, terrified, have fled the camp after the attack.
To “ a major diplomatic row”?
The report was commissioned by the Office of the High Commissioner of the UN for Human Rights, following rumors of abuse in the M’Poko camp.
Anders Kompass is director of field operations at UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, based in Geneva. He is accused of fuiter a confidential document and have shorted the hierarchy.
According to the “Guardian”, the case of Anders Kompass, who is a Swedish national, threat “of triggering a major diplomatic row. “
The Swedish ambassador to the United Nations have warned officials of the UN. According to him, this would not be a good thing “that the High Commissioner for Human Rights strength” Anders Kompass resign. According to the “Guardian”, the ambassador has even threatened to bring to light the case.
“The investigation is ongoing, we have no comment to make” , said a spokesman for the ministry.
French judicial source is specified that the prosecutor has taken this decision after learning of a UN report on the issue in July. The report content was revealed Wednesday by the British newspaper The Guardian.
“The investigation is made of sexual abuse of minors , has-been told to Reuters. The investigation is ongoing with requests for assistance to the international “.
Paris promises sanctions ” farms “ if it was out
“The strongest sanctions” will be delivered to the French soldiers if sexual abuse suspicions about a dozen children in CAR between December 2013 and June 2014 are confirmed, said Wednesday the French Ministry of Defence.
In a statement, he said that “the Minister of Defense has taken and will take all necessary measures to enable the establishment of the truth . If the facts were proven, it will ensure that the strongest possible sanctions be imposed against officials which would be an intolerable infringement of the soldier values ”.
This is a new battle that has just ended with the announcement by Hollande of its decisions on the defense budget. They are important in that they challenge the wrong directions of the 2014-2019 military planning law, passed by Parliament in late 2013. For a year and a half, the strategic position of France has not really changed since when the terrorist threat was given due consideration, but a belated realization was held in the Elysee.
The President can not at once, and put no price, putting out fires of Africa, intervene in the Middle East, support sales of French weapons in the world, do not touch nuclear deterrence, to keep abreast of developments from one planet to fire and sword, while giving the impression that French protects terrorism on their own soil. We now know the note: defense will receive EUR 3.8 billion of additional budget appropriations between 2016 and 2019. And 2.2 billion more to await the result of the sale of family jewels longer than expected.
Breastplate and sentinel
Since the attacks of January, two new operations were entrusted to the armies the national soil. The Breastplate operation mobilizes to protect their own barracks, naval and air bases. The three armies participate in due proportion. A new direction, DPID (protection of defense installations Directorate), has also been created to organize these guards of a new type.
But the most costly in manpower (professional and reservists) is Sentinel and its 682 monitored sites. It is based primarily on the army, and that is why it will be the main beneficiary of 18,500 cancellations staffing cuts confirmed by François Hollande, and our readers knew since 13 March.
Breastplate and Sentinel
The head of the army knows better than anyone that the operation would not deter Sentinel motivated attackers or designated by their military targets, already hit repeatedly. However, was it possible not to use the army so that our citizens needed to be reassured? No.
And therefore, the President of the Republic had no choice: put so many men in the street, in the long term – while the law military program did not provide greater mobilization to a month – while maintaining external operations at a high level, involved a strong decision. We had to stop downsize, stop pressing the lemon. The Army will not complain.
Exotic Financing
The other big news of the day, it’s the end of the expensive project companies to Jean-Yves Le Drian. Perhaps we will be told in the coming days that this initiative was essentially tactical and was intended to place Bercy with its responsibilities. But Francois Hollande, who reiterated that the defense budget was “ringfenced” to 31.4 billion euros, probably would have been well advised not to let the governments of Jean-Marc Ayrault and Manuel Valls wade into this case “exceptional” resources.
Remember that Bercy has always believed that the defense budget is 29 billion euros, a point, that’s all. To cover the difference between that amount and $ 32 billion of which the Defence had deemed necessary, the idea came to affect its 2015 budget 2.2 billion exceptional resources, or REX, the sale of “family silver products “Defense, this time radio frequencies.
But that money will not be waiting for you in time. Freestyle Project project companies, led by Le Drian and supported by Emmanuel Macron, was to sell war material already in the possession of the armed these companies, which would lease the military! Months too late, Francois Hollande has put a powerful brake, if not definitive, these exotic financing by announcing that two billion missing for 2015 would be financed by the budget. It was time!
Next Step
Workforce reduced less than originally planned, abounded budget, recalled fiscal orthodoxy and kick martial chin Francois Hollande. The armies are thus more favorable with a new device, now ready for the next step planned long: the updating of the military planning law. This project will be presented to Cabinet on May 20 and will remove the many questions that remain.
For, paradoxically, the measures announced by the President of the Republic were certainly essential to avoid very serious short-term problems, but they do not solve the difficulties ahead. To take just one example among others, the likely non-delivery of Mistral to Russia could cost between one and two billion to the Treasury. And armies fear than they have this little bill. Another problem fools delays of the Airbus A400M will force the defense to acquire C130 transport aircraft to the US. With what money?
between security imperatives and budgetary requirements, the president has personally ruled, and held to the stage. “The safety, security, independence are principles that are not negotiable” , explained François Hollande to evoke the arbitration he personally presented the morning of Wednesday, April 29, at Following a Defence Council which were also invited the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Emmanuel Macron and Michel Sapin.
The Sentinel operation is perpetuated. “In 2015, the Department of Defense appropriations, $ 31.4 billion, (…) are safe havens. These are budgetary appropriations, without any use of external resources “, said Mr. Holland, meaning that the army will not resort to project companies.
For the next four years, the military planning law (LPM) refreshed, to be presented to Cabinet on 20 May, provides for “3.8 billion of additional funds” , the chief said the state, part of which will come from the savings realized by the Ministry of Defence. “This is a major effort, it is even a considerable effort” , he continued. This led therefore presented the choice of Mr. Holland: “a fine calculation made in the light of the two priorities of our security and fiscal sovereignty, but a free arbitration” , according to the Elysee.
A presidential anticipated arbitration
To say that the president was awaited is an understatement. “It is not to choose between Le Drian and fir, but to choose the interests of France” , had certainly tried to sweep the head of state this week, before his visitors. The meeting of the Defence Council had nonetheless, this time preceded by an exceptional rise in pressure between Bercy and the Hotel de Brienne.
To the point that even the closest collaborators of the Head of State were – officially – kept out of final arbitration, until the last minute. “The president really wanted to master the communication, as Caesar his plan to burn anyone knowing it, to avoid power games” , slipping one of his advisors.
Read also: Jean-Yves Le Drian, President of the faithful and VRP armaments
Two presidential imperatives faced. The first, the need for France to cope with the growing terrorist threat in the world and in the country. The military planning law (LPM) 2014-2019 adopted in 2013 provided for an annual budget of 31.4 billion euros for the defense and the suppression of 33,675 positions. The army considered necessary to preserve 18,500 to be able to meet its operational commitments, both outside and within the framework of the Sentinel operation which requires mobilizing a permanent protection force of 7,000 men .
It’s additional requirements amounted to 8 billion euros. She got 3.8. The 18,500 held positions on 34,000 departures were confirmed in the morning by the Elysee
Read decryption. The defense budget, new yard post -Charlie
“No war-Sapin Le Drian”
The second, budget balances and public finance stability program on which France s’ has undertaken vis-à-vis the European Commission, for a further period of two years to bring its deficit to below 3% of gross domestic product. The government introduced a program to reduce public spending by 50 billion euros in three years, voted by Parliament. It intends to adhere strictly to it.
At the heart of these two irreconcilable issues, the two ministers, Jean-Yves Le Drian defense and Michel Sapin finance, both close to the president. “We must stop talking of a fir-Le Drian war” , irritated the Minister of Finance. But at the Hotel de Brienne, it was appropriate that it was “two contradictory mandates” , summarizes the entourage of the Minister of Defence:
“Of course we must stabilize public accounts and reduce the deficit. But in January, there were also attacks in France … “
Had just piggyback addition to budget planning armed the question of exceptional resources (REX). For 2015, sales to mobile operators of radio frequencies very high speed was expected to reach 2.2 billion euros of additional resources. That may be lacking if the sale does not occur before the end of the year. And the army needs cash this summer if it does not want to be in default for equipment it plans to acquire.
The defense had considered using companies project (SPV) that would buy the equipment and would hire the armies. A hypothesis which Mr Sapin was strongly opposed and which was therefore rejected.
“All that and more will go somewhere else within”
Less than slicing an ideological orientation, it was essentially to place the cursor with a budget goldsmith precision. “It’s not a choice between two different models or two philosophies, such as between Valls and Taubira on penal reform. Rather than “what for”, the subject is: Bercy where he finds the necessary resources? “ says does one in the entourage of the Minister of Defence.
“We do not completely agree on the estimation of resources and the estimation of savings” , replies Mr Sapin.
Bercy, if a budget extension is granted to the armies, they can also achieve savings through a virtually zero inflation and lower energy prices. Other question, not secondary, ventilation time of budget appropriations to be allocated to defense, knowing, as summarized in the Minister of Finance, that “all that and more will go somewhere else within” .
Taking willingly since the Serval operation in Mali, in January 2013, and especially since the attacks in Paris in January 2015, a regal posture and safe, the president has therefore not exception to this policy increasingly assertive, and has personally endorsed, happy to endorse once again the martial uniform:
“I took these decisions as army chief in a budgetary context that everyone knows, j ‘have made this choice because it is that of France, for his protection and security. “
Read the analysis: Security: martial side of hollandisme