The Calaisiens went & # xE0; white walking & # xE0; Calais in m & # XE9; memory of the little Chlo & # XE9 ;, rape & # XE9 e and Assassin & # XE9 e outside her home on 18 April 2015.
The Calaisiens went to a white walking Calais in memory of the little Chloe, raped and murdered in front of her. April 18, 2015 – PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP

20 Minutes with AFP

Calaisiens are inhabited by grief, anger and sometimes hatred. Three days after the murder of the little Chloe, about 2,500 people attended a white march to Calais (Pas-de-Calais).

From 15h, under sunny skies, the procession left of ‘briskly theater to pass the belfry of the town hall, before joining the playground, where Chloe, nine, was kidnapped before being raped and strangled in a wood.

In the crowd, there were many children, like Emilia. “It was very important for me to come with my family,” the mother slips of 30, in tears. “The child is innocence. How could anyone want to hurt them, “if she asks

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“? Chloe was the passion of the dance, she had the joy of living in it “

This white march was organized by the dance association frequented Chloe school students to