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Barcelona, Spain <- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / blk = 175,148.391! , R, prdfriweb011 ->
A student is suspected of killing Monday stabbed one of the teachers at their institution Barcelona and injuring four people. “A professor is dead,” killed “Stab,” said a police spokesman. Spanish media reported that he was armed with a crossbow, information that could confirm the officer, who, however, said that it seemed well be the murder weapon. The public press agency EFE adds that the attacker also had a dagger.
“The suspect is under 14 years old. The police identified but can not arrest him for, having under 14, it can not legally be prosecuted, “said the spokesman. The minor is now “kept” by the police in the college. The incident occurred in the secondary school Joan Fuster Barcelona
. <- g & eacute time; n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI: 0415 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; your ) ->
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