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Vendee <- Time g & eacute; n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI: 0391 seconds - > <- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / Blc = 175148.314, R, prdfriweb011 -> <- Blc = 167866 "! lci / TF1NewsWidgets "->
The accident occurred during a transport Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie to the island of Yeu aboard a ship of the Vendée Company. 11 people who were traveling aboard a ship linking the island of Yeu were injured Friday morning, according to a report prepared by firefighters. the Vendée .
Among them, one person was more severely affected.
The swell
could be at the origin of the accident, however the sea was not unusually agitated. The boat should reach the island
<- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / Blc = 167,495.38,! R prdfriweb505 ->
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