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espionage, Germany, France
The latest information the German press on cooperation between the German BND and the American NSA in spying activities in Europe are outdated and Berlin has taken steps to restore confidence, has does one Reuters said Saturday the French Ministry of Affairs Foreign. The German is said at the Foreign Ministry, led a parliamentary inquiry “that led to a framework for cooperation with the US agencies”. The
documents revealed by the German media concern “practices that had effectively over before 2010″ and they “would be part of those that were analyzed by the committee” German, it was added the same source. These revelations about a collaboration more than ten years between the German foreign intelligence service and the National Security Agency US led Airbus Group to file a complaint against X.
According to German media, including the Der Spiegel, these activities have not only targeted companies but also the French presidency and the foreign ministry and the European Commission. The German government said it had ordered the BND to address “technical and organizational weaknesses” and the head of its Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that Berlin would quickly shed light on this matter.
The French authorities, until very discreet on this information, for their part, chose to minimize, while France , whose economic and fiscal policy is under high European supervision, more than ever need to maintain good relations with Germany.
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