Wednesday, May 6, 2015

FILING: Robert Ménard questioned by the police in Montpellier – Liberation

In the controversy with the investigation, it is a short step to Robert Ménard, current mayor of Béziers (Languedoc-Roussillon).

L former president of Reporters Without Borders Association arrived Wednesday morning at around 9:40 am in the premises of the Montpellier police. For an hour and a half, the elect was heard about the counting of Muslim students in his town.

Monday on the set of the show Crossword, Robert Ménard had stated: “In my town, there are 64.6% of children who are Muslims in primary schools and kindergartens. “ Following these statements, Béziers prosecutor on Tuesday opened a preliminary investigation to ” illegal keeping of records due to the origin ethnic “. In France, the keeping and preservation of ethnic statistics is punishable by five years in prison and 300,000 euro fine.

The political reactions, Tuesday and this morning were particularly numerous. From yesterday during questions to the government, the Green MP Cécile Duflot arrested Manuel Valls on the action that had to give to the controversy.

Guest on France Inter, the UMP mayor of Tourcoing, Gerald Darmanin , Manuel Valls called to “ take responsibility” if the facts were proven. Jean-Luc Mélenchon said he was also in favor of the dismissal of Robert Ménard: “I am in favor because, as the law allows, that the government démette Mr. Ménard of his duties.”

In France, a mayor may be temporarily suspended from duty or permanently revoked by an inter-ministerial decree. If Manuel Valls has not commented on this issue, it strongly condemned the remarks of Robert Ménard through a tweet issued yesterday afternoon. The preliminary investigation should continue.


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