Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Caen. Controversy. Bus controllers must rely migrants, in Calvados – Normandy-news

An excerpt from the diary intended for Twisto controllers . (Document: Normandy-News)

“From an ethical and moral point of view, this is unacceptable,” sighs Samuel Warnier, secretary of the CGT Health Committee , safety and working conditions (CHSCT) Twisto , the bus and tram network in Greater Caen (Calvados) . For nearly three months, the control teams of Twisto , were ordered to counting migrants users of the line 61. This is the liaison between the Tour Leroy, Caen and Ouistreham and its ferry terminal.

company employees received a memo that involved counting on Caen- online Ouistreham. They were asked to make them a target and quantify the number of migrants, “says Samuel Warnier Normandie-news.

indicate which are squats

These checks would be made between 16 to 18:30 by teams of 4 to to 8 controllers. The document that has purchased Normandie-news , employees must complete a document and specify the time, place and date of counting, the direction of the link, and the number of “migrants monitored” and “migrant verbalized”. in another document, a memo written by an official of the controllers service is mentioned a “weekly meeting at the prefecture on the subject of migrants to where our actions on the P61 “,” make two checks on the P61 team, the prefecture asked to maintain this level of presence “and put all squats indicating” specific place “. “What is even more shocking is that they are asked if they ever realize squats on the route, to report! “Growls Samuel Warnier. According to him “some have done the job, but many were reluctant to these operations”


A control presumed facies

How to identify a migrant? No details are provided. “An ethnic profiling,” said Samuel Warnier. These strange instructions were lifts to the HSC and the union CGT retirees. “We were alerted by a shocked employee of what is happening,” says Thierry Poullenec, CGT representative section retirees in Twisto . A month earlier, he attended a counting operation. “This recalls the darkest hours of our history and not their mission,” he is unworthy. Thursday, April 28, at a special meeting organized to discuss several topics, the HSC has asked management “that it stopped.”


elected officials have informed the President of Caen la Mer

informed of the situation, elected officials were keen to show their disapproval. Thursday, April 28, 2016, Eric Vève elected opposition (PS) and Councillor Caen, sent a fax to Joel Bruneau, Mayor of Caen Republicans and President of the Agglomeration of Caen la Mer, denouncing these instructions. “This is unacceptable on the principle of law and this type of control is not within the framework of public service missions,” he says. Later in the day, the community council of the Agglomeration, Joel Joan and Gerard Leneveu, PCF elected Mondeville Giberville and have arrested again Joel Bruneau.

The Agglomeration will “do light “on the subject

Asked about this, the Agglomeration responded:

the Agglomeration and its transportation service is not intended to conduct such operations and was not aware of the identification process. ” Caen la Mer announced “shed light” on the subject and that “it will be recalled to the delegates the paramount importance of its relationship Caen la Mer”.

From insecurity and fraud on the line P61

Bruno Guégan, director of Keolis Caen , confirmed a strengthening of controls on the line 61 in the direction of Caen-Ouistreham, between Saturday 12 March Friday, March 18, 2016. teams of three to four people, accompanied by police, have controlled all the main stops (train station, Place Courtonne stop and RHCs particular) from 16h. According to Bruno Guégan, there was a “sense of insecurity” on line 61 bound by it “with the influx of migrants.”

When a woman was driving, insistent people stood behind the conductor “recounts the official, who said he found numerous fraud” on a line, 15 to 20 people on the bus could not pay “

in late February, the company’s unions had back up these problems of insecurity and fraud in their direction. The latter had then communicated this information to the prefecture, through the police. And strengthened controls:

Subsequently, the controls were spaced and no longer observed fraud on board. The aim was to ensure that the situation becomes livable for everyone, from a psychological point of view and practice. As long as people pay, they can take on board, “said Bruni Guégan Normandy-news .

The head of Keolis Caen however refused to comment on the suspicions of counting migrants, leaving the prefecture to speak on this point.

the silent on certain points Prefecture

Without specifying how was identified a “migrant” in a public space, the Prefecture has reacted on the morning of Tuesday, March 3, 2016. on France Bleu Normandie, Laurent Fiscus, prefect of Calvados, acknowledged a request for information:

in as prefect of Calvados, I do not do personal injunction to Twisto, said Laurent Fiscus to France Bleu Normandie. However, controllers and drivers of all public transport can provide some information on whether migrants or other problems. We ask that we reported but it also points to other topics that can happen. The National Police and the municipal police are there and need this type of information.


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