Monday, May 2, 2016

Fire street Charonne gives rise to a huge cloud of smoke over Paris – TF1

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the May 2, 2016 at 10:38 p.m., updated the 2 May 2016 at 22:50.

 Fire paris street Charonne

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Fire, Paris <- Time g & eacute; n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI: 0542 seconds -> <- total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / blk = 175,148.598, R, prdfriweb510 -> <- Blc = 167866! "lci / TF1NewsWidgets" ->

various Facts The incident, documented with a lot of photos and videos on social networks, expressed to 20h Monday night in a room on the ground floor of a building of the street of the eleventh district of the capital. Two people were slightly injured.
A thick cloud of black smoke. This was able to see the Parisians on Monday night, while a Fire was being rue de Charonne, in the eleventh district of the capital.
According to Le Parisien and France Bleu Ile-de-France, the blaze broke out at around 20 hours in a local ground floor of a six-storey building which is installed a company of fabrics and mattress.

From the beginning of the fire, gas cylinders exploded, corroborating testimony from residents who have extensively documented the scene on social networks. Two people were slightly injured, including a firefighter. One hundred firefighters have been mobilized.

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