Saturday, May 14, 2016

Labour law: in Rennes, the prefecture called “to avoid the city center” before a banned demonstration – The World

order forces dislodge people who occupied a  town hall in Rennes.

the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine invited Saturday, May 14 Rennais “to avoid the downtown city ​​this afternoon “ before a new event – forbidden – against police violence. At least 700 people are expected, said Patrick Dallennes, adding that five people were arrested as a result of new incidents the previous day in the city.

On Friday night, hundreds of people defied the forces of the order in Rennes, after the evacuation, in the morning, a municipal hall occupied for twelve days by opponents of the bill work. A call to action on the Place Saint-Anne, in the historic center of the city, was launched shortly after the police intervention

Read also:. Why Prefecture Rennes has she sent the RAID to dislodge the occupants of a concert hall?

Around 20 hours, a calm face to face started among some 200 young people and the police who prevented them from reinvesting the place, renamed the “House of the People,” which they had been evicted. Then, around 21 h 30, while the number of protesters was much bigger, some began to attack security cameras and fences of the metro project.

The forces of order responded with tear gas and demonstrators headed towards the city center, some committing damage in their wake. Several bystanders were violently arrested them, urging them to cease their acts of vandalism. The police finally intervened when the rioters attacked the town hall. Puzzle actions have ceased shortly after 23 pm, some individuals removing their dark clothing to hide them in bags before dispersing in the city, according to a journalist from Agence France-Presse.

damage denounced on Saturday by President Francois Hollande. “No violence should be accepted” , he said on the sidelines of a trip to Nigeria.

“Battlefield for thugs”

“We have been dealing with shares very violent commando prepared with highly mobile demonstrators sometimes divided into several groups” , said the Deputy prefect of the area western defense and security Dallennes Patrick, adding that two people were arrested. “We completely forget the claims against the labor law, that is violence against the economy, the institutions’ , has he added.

The gathering Friday came as the prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine banned outfit on Saturday, an undeclared demonstration against “police violence”. “Rennes and Nantes are not intended to become a battlefield for thugs, animated by hatred of the State and of the Republic , said the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, while traveling in the Loire. I will put at the disposal of the prefect necessary reinforcement police for any violation of this ban on demonstrations result in arrest, and that perpetrators are made available to the judicial authority. “

Read also: Day after day, the tension rises in Rennes

For two months, Rennes is the scene of sometimes violent demonstrations against labor law: a young protester has even lost the use of one eye April 28 following a projectile jet. Some participants in these mobilizations have attributed the injury in a shooting defense Bale Thrower (LBD40) police. An investigation by prosecutors and entrusted to IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police) is underway to determine the origin

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