Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Migrants: “Being visible in the public arena to enter into hosting devices” – Le Monde

Le Monde | • Updated | By

According to the prefecture, more than  1,600 migrants from Stalingrad camp in Paris were  evacuated and & quot; sheltered & quot; in  shelters.

The bus ride, far from Paris. Towards what destination? Passengers do not know yet. They boarded earlier, framed by the police during the evacuation of the migrants camp of Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris. Others were deposited at La Boulangerie, a shelter for homeless north of the capital. Others, again, were left by the driver on a highway exit near Melun before being recovered by the motorway brigade, and finally placed in a shelter Adoma Pierrefitte-les-Bois in Loiret.

for the third time, after 7 and 30 March, the camp was evacuated Stalingrad, Monday, May 2 According to the prefecture, 1615 people were “put away” and transported to shelters, mainly in Ile-de-France. Since June 2, it is the twentieth “operation” of this type in Paris. The collective La Chapelle standing! it has identified about thirty camps takedowns during the same period. “We record all drains and not just those that resulted in the relocation proposals” says Houssam El Assimi, the collective.

Read also : in Paris, the other battle of Stalingrad of migrants

the barracks of Chateau-Landon, the garden of Aeolus, the Pajol hall, the square of the town hall of the 18 th district, Stalingrad … these camps, predominantly occupied by Afghan newcomers, Eritrean or Sudanese and migrants from Calais since the dismantling of the jungle in March, have gained visibility in recent months.

no camp, no

“the dismantling of the camp of the Chapel [in June] caused a citizen reaction estimated Valerie Thomas, a member of the collective group of support to migrants Austerlitz 5 th and 13 th boroughs. Something has changed, there has been an awareness of the importance of making these visible migrants. “ La Chapelle standing! sees in the camps a “instrument of struggle” ; France haven speak of “strategy” of migrants “have understood that being visible in the Parisian public space permitted to enter hosting devices” . “If there is no settlement, no evacuation and no alternative accommodation” , summarizes Laurent, a member of the Parisian collective support to exilé.es who wishes to remain anonymous.

overall, the prefecture said he proposed over 8000 accommodation offers since June 2. A figure again qualified by several groups. “This is good places and not migrants, says Houssam El Assimi. People then offered an accommodation in four or five times. “

Read also: How the City of Paris organizes the accommodation of migrants

Most importantly, this figure masks uneven proposals in terms of reception, access to french courses, to meals, to care. After the second evacuation of Stalingrad camp, migrants found themselves near the Spanish border and returned to Paris on foot. Others returned to Normandy by bus. “Asylum seekers were sent away from Paris when they had started their paperwork here, had begun to make a living, to build their network,” , observes Lawrence.

the support group also denounced solutions that install these migrants in precarious conditions. Asylum seekers who spend months in emergency accommodation centers only open day, where their record does not advance; carted women and children in social social hotel hotel restaurant without ticket or travel ticket … “undocumented are manufactured and illegal, regret Valerie Thomas. When you have spent months in a camp, then months in emergency accommodation without accompaniment, to finally see your denied asylum [in 2015, less than 33% of responses to the french Office for the protection of stateless were positive], what you can do? “

A regional solidarity

The origin of the problem, lengthy proceedings and shelters saturated asylum seekers also reminds Valerie Thomas. “The blind spot of this phenomenon is that there is no reception policy adapted in France” , she insists.

To put an end to these evacuations repeatedly, field workers want the establishment of reception centers for newcomers, where they could be fed, housed and begin their administrative procedures. Pierre Henry, director of France Terre d’Asile, advocates the creation of transit centers in each regional capital for a distribution of asylum seekers across the territory, while the Paris area is full.

“It takes a real regional solidarity, common management at the state level, a pooling of resources. Given the urgency and the political visibility of these people, we end up setting up these large evacuation and hosting operations. We must get out of the empire of urgency, build a device that gives more consistency and visibility to each other. We can continue like this, but this exhausts everyone. “

Valérie Osouf, standing member of The Chapel! This is obviously a new camp will be launched in a few weeks. As with each evacuation, dozens of people have been left on Monday tile without accommodation proposal. “They are already fifty in the street she told early this afternoon. In the coming weeks, police repression will be important to prevent a new installation. Then one day there will be a sufficient number of migrants and supports to head to the police, and the camp will hold. It will grow and when migrants are between 500 and 600, it will be evacuated. “


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