Monday, April 20, 2015

Wauquiez, to starboard, at the risk of alienating up within the … – Liberation

Laurent Wauquiez, secretary general of the UMP, continues through its pronouncements to starboard on penal policy or “handouts” to annoy his party colleagues, some seeing it as the leg of Patrick Bush, former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy sulfur.

Laurent Wauquiez, the “social right” (club founded in 2010) to the uninhibited right? Appointed secretary general of the UMP Nicolas Sarkozy, the Haute-Loire MP focuses attention by its decision trenches position, even upset some of his camp.

The former protégé Jacques Barrot, great figure of the French Christian Democrat who died in 2014, got the ball rolling in 2011 attacking “the excesses of the assistantship” true “cancer of the French company” to him. “All the shots are not allowed to face the vulnerability of people,” he shot back was the “father” of the RSA, Martin Hirsch.

In 2014, the former Minister for European Affairs published an album entitled “Europe, we must change everything” touting protectionism and an output Schengen and calling for a return to a Europe of six. These position papers earned him a drubbing in the UMP but a scathing public disavowal from Jacques Barrot, who had strongly denounced the “populism” of its proposals.

important part of Sarkozy’s return to the presidency of the UMP, Laurent Wauquiez confirmed and signed. Marriage for all? In case of alternating repeal. The murder of a young girl in the Pas-de-Calais? The result of the criminal policy of Christiane Taubira. New dissonances right, Valérie Pécresse, particularly stressing that this murder had “nothing to do” with the policy of the Minister of Justice.

On Sunday, the former minister has finally recognized that laws worn by Mrs Taubira were not in force when the suspect of the murder had been released. But “that reveals what tragedy is that France needs no criminal disarmament but criminal reset” said he insisted

-. “Deep mistake” –

New taken a firm position following the tribute by the Secretary of State for Veterans Affairs, Jean-Marc Todeschini, victims of the massacre of Setif, Algeria, in 1945. “France needs to do working memory “but” we are the only country to spend our time excuse us from our history, “he said, denouncing a”

repentance one way. “

This last theme reminds uncannily those developed by Patrick Buisson, the former journalist extreme right became adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, since fallen out of favor after the publication of his secret recordings performed at the Elysee.

Laurent Wauquiez is also one of the only, the UMP, to further recognize frequent this advisor. But he claims to have “profound differences” with Mr. Bush, who “considers that the main themes in France are the sovereign themes: security and immigration” while, he thinks that “social issues are one of the essential problems of France today because it has discouraged work and we no longer social but the assistantship “

However, subject to agreement with the probable advisor sulfur. rapprochement with the center advocated by Alain Juppé would be a “profound mistake”. Response of the president of the UDI, Jean-Christophe Lagarde Laurent Wauquiez, preferred to Michel Barnier within the UMP, will not have the support of centrists in the regional elections in Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne


Normale valedictorian at ENA, the youngest of the Assembly in 2004, the mayor of Le Puy-en-Velay has never hidden his ambitions. Mr Sarkozy himself was annoyed during the 2012 campaign, when his minister had “too pulled the blanket to him,” during the rescue of the company Lejaby, in his constituency.

Support François Fillon in 2012, he then worked actively to Mr Sarkozy returned to the UMP head to find N.3 party behind one of his great rival, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet. Meanwhile a delicate synthesis from the former head of state.


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