Monday, April 20, 2015

Killing Chloe: Wauquiez maintains his comments about the law Taubira – TF1

“The question I asked and I maintain, is: Does the policy pursued by Mrs Taubira used to address this problem or is it the risk of make things worse? ” The Grand Jury interviewed in LCI / RTL / Le Figaro on what he had kept small day after the murder of Chloe Wednesday, April 15 to Calais , the first secretary of the UMP has reaffirmed its position.

In a statement to AFP, Laurent Wauquiez had argued Thursday that the murder of Chloe asked “the question of the release policy penalty and automatic reductions Mrs (Christiane) Taubira. ” “In its circular, the Minister of Justice urged to strengthen these cuts. This predator he has benefited? Obviously, the policy of the government is down to our needs. Mrs Taubira makes criminal disarmament, French expect the criminal reset, “he added provoking outrage policies, including in his camp.

” Back to the whole device “

Bruno Le Maire , former minister, notably ruled Friday in an interview with the Foreign Press Association (EPA) “unworthy political recovery that is made by some.” “You have to understand what happened, the truth of the facts, draw all the lessons that it does not happen again,” said the deputy of the Eure.
“But remarks to the punch, convictions easy for one or the other, setting personal cause, it is totally inappropriate in such circumstances, and even I find it unworthy and not respectful of the pain of family Chloe or anyone who knew her, “said he added, without specifying to whom he was referring.
Valérie Pécresse has it, said Sunday on Radio J that the murder of the girl had “nothing to do” with the criminal policy of the Minister of Justice.

Calling “reconsider all the sentences suppressor floor outlets automatic “prison”, Laurent Wauqiez stressed remission. According to him, it should not be applied “in cases of violence, chronic offenders and sexual violence.” “In these three cases, the executed sentence must be full, “said he hammered
Mayor of Puy-en-Velay also spoke about security detention.” We must not return to the safety retentions but

expand “.

” Schengen walk no longer “

Moreover, Laurent Wauqiez reacted to the new immigration drama that held in the night from Sunday to Saturday off the coast of Italy. For him, the influx of migrants is due, among others, by giving false hopes that the European migration policy.

“Schengen does not work,” insisted the first secretary of the UMP. “Today France is, with Germany, the country that receives the most asylum applications. The lines at the border do not work, they take too long [...] This feeds false hopes the countries of origin of migrants, “he added.

Asked about the law on intelligence, Laurent Wauquiez said support the text because” France needs to defend itself against terrorists “. “What I like most of all is to have my protected freedoms of terrorists,” he further stated, referring to criticism of a text considered draconian by some.

Video. Setif: Wauquiez regrets that France “spends his time apologizing for his story”

Video. Laurent Wauquiez reacts to the intervention of Holland: “Everything about appearance and communication”

Video . Drama in the Mediterranean: “Schengen no longer walk,” according Wauquiez


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