Wednesday, May 6, 2015

INA a report overwhelms Mathieu Gallet – Boursorama

According to “The Duck chained”, the current CEO of Radio France, Mathieu Gallet, would viewfinder Bercy for contracts awarded without competition when he presided INA.

At the head of the INA, Mathieu Gallet have signed without competition, contracts with the soci & amp; eacute

At the head of the INA, Mathieu Gallet would have signed, without competition, of contracts with the company from its current communications adviser at Radio France. (AFP / File /)

“The secret note which overwhelms Bercy Mathieu Gallet” title this Wednesday, May 6 “The Chained Duck”. The former president of the INA (2010-2014) infringed the tendering rules for contracts of hundreds of thousands of dollars spent with consultants ensures the satirical weekly. The latter cites the conclusions of a note of 10 April Economic and Financial Control (CGEFI), a Ministry of Economy of the service that controls the management of public money, which the newspaper obtained a copy of which he reproduced an extract.

According to the newspaper, the CGEFI responsibility of “malfunctions and irregularities” in several contracts with consulting firms. These markets include contracts with companies OpinionWay and Tags, for a total of almost 250,000 euros, awarded without competition, however a mandatory procedure, according to the chained duck. Now, says the weekly, Denis Pingaud current communications consultant Mathieu Gallet at Radio France, chairs the company Tags. And he was vice president of OpinionWay when signing contracts with the INA. For another contract of 119,000 euros spent in 2011 with the firm Bernard Spitz Council, “he does (…) not found a trace of a competition by mail or email,” also indicates the note by the controller State, quoted by the weekly.

In late March, “Le Canard chained” had already stated that Mathieu Gallet had hired six consulting firms when he presided INA. In all, nearly 800,000 euros without competition, writes the weekly. The current CEO of Radio France had announced that he would file a complaint against the weekly, alleging “defamatory statements” and denying that these contracts were awarded without competition.

Solicited by Tuesday AFP, Mathieu Gallet declined to respond. Bercy has not not comment. In late April, the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), another service Bercy, she has bleached Mathieu Gallet, for spending this time as President of Radio France, in particular concerning the renovation of his office. His successor, Agnès Saal, has in turn been pushed out there more than a week for spending more than 40,000 euros G7 taxis in ten months at the head of INA, of which 6,700 euros for his son which had its reservation code.


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