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a court decision is based on Article 5 of the law on state of emergency but is strongly contested by some lawyers who filed freedom-referred to overturn the measure. The Administrative Court of Paris has until Tuesday morning to decide.
- Who are the protesters covered?
Activists forbidden to manifest are mostly close to the anti-fascist and anarchist movement. For now, three groups reported on Twitter, be covered by this prohibition prefectural. The group Anti-Fascist Action (AFA), Paris Suburbs, self interluttes Movement (MILI) or the Social Protest Klub (PSK)
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According to several sites in the anarchist movement, twenty individuals have received this order “departure order” , but the figure could still change. The persons concerned by this prohibition are “many and varied” reports the website Paris-struggles. information that relays collective information AFA-Paris Suburbs:
“There are members of different organizations (not just AFA), but also union members, injured when police violence, a journalist and unorganized. “
Surprising indeed, a freelance photographer journalist, member of the collective EYE (Our Eye is Life), which works with the magazine Smoke , has also been notified of a prohibition to manifest, reports Buzzfeed. Outside Paris, other bans on demonstrations have been reported, including Nantes and Lyon, where rallies against labor bill were glazed by clashes between police and demonstrators.
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According to the police headquarters in Paris, contacted by Le Monde , the individuals concerned had been “identified for acts of violence at previous demonstrations” . And there “every reason to believe” that their presence at rallies “is to engage in violent actions’ says the decree of the prefecture handed to militants. Near activists explained to the World that none of the persons has yet been arrested during the protests.
- What does this stop?
According to the decree, signed on 14 May by Michel Cadot, the prefect of police in Paris, concerned activists are “banned from” Tuesday between 11 and 20 hours in the four districts of Paris involved in the parade (6 th 7 th 14 th and 15 th ). The order adds to the perimeter, from 18 hours to 7 am the next day, the Republic Square and the surrounding streets, where congregate, since late March, the movement of the members standing Night. To be effective, these orders must be hand-delivered by police officers, who are rendered on Sunday and Monday to the homes of militants involved
The text in question in particular relies on Article 5 of the law on state of emergency:
“the declaration of a state of emergency empowers the prefect (…) d prohibit the movement of people and vehicles in places and times fixed by decree; to establish, by decree, areas of protection or security where the presence of individuals is regulated; prohibit the stay in any part of the department to any person seeking to hinder in any way the action of the authorities. “
A person covered by this order and violating these rules is liable to six months imprisonment and 7500 euro fine.
- How do the protesters?
a legislative arsenal that does not intimidate the anti-fascist activists. “If the prefect Cadot think we bring a blow to morale, it has done exactly the opposite . You want us to go out the door? We will return through the window … See you in the streets “, reacted activists of the AFA-Paris Suburbs on the collective’s website. He added: For a person prohibited demonstration and a hundred others take to the streets. “
- What is their recourse?
The collective defense group, which provides legal assistance to protesters arrested as part of the mobilization against the reform of the labor code and Night stand, said he was preparing a petition for fundamental liberties. This application seeks to challenge the decision of a public authority when it infringes one of its fundamental freedoms
The right to demonstrate is a human right defined the Declaration of human rights and citizen. But the establishment of the state of emergency following the attacks of 13 November allows you to override this right in the name of security and the maintenance of public order.
The Administrative Court of Paris will rule Tuesday, May 17 at 8 am on 45 ten prefectural orders, including one filed by Hosni Maati, the journalist’s lawyer, known by the nickname NnoMan. The prefecture has already announced Monday that “checks are underway” reports BuzzFeed. He added that if the journalist “is not affected by the facts that the order against him, he will participate in the event” .
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violence has marred the events since the beginning of the movement against the reform of the labor code, in March. Thursday, May 12, clashes between police and rioters were held around the Invalides, at the end of a parade. Organizers and authorities are passing the buck on the responsibility of tensions.
The Night gatherings movement standing, place de la République in Paris are also in the viewfinder of the government. The police department has increased since the beginning of May, restrictive decrees on. Wednesday, May 18, on the eve of the examination of the third law extending the state of emergency in the National Assembly, a rally is planned in Republic denouncing “the security wall of silence” and demand an end to the state of emergency, which was extended until the end of July.
the government had used the state of emergency in November and December 2015, prohibit demonstrations on the sidelines of the Paris climate conference (COP21). More than twenty people were then under house arrest throughout France. Clashes had erupted, however, instead of the Republic, following an unauthorized gathering
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