Monday, November 14, 2016

Fiona, a victim without burial – The Parisian

Nor Cécile Bud, nor Berkane Makhlouf, whose trial opens on Monday, no one remembers where the girl’s body was buried.

C‘is a grave wild of which no trace has been discovered. A hole dug in haste to the edge of a forest. Fiona, as a child without a grave, would be somewhere in the vicinity of the lake of Aydat, in these beautiful wooded landscapes of the south-west of the capital of Auvergne. This area is that designated immediately Cécile Bud, the mother, and her ex-boyfriend Berkane Makhlouf in police custody. Without that neither the one nor the other are only able to remember the precise location. Without not more than the search operations, conducted at three times during the instruction, not lead. Lack of body, the causes of the death of the little girl have never been able to be resolved.

Still, these meager clues that their account of this morning of may 12, 2013 is glazed. The day before, ” says the mother, Berkane had yet to hit his daughter, already contusionnée in the temple, in the face. In the closed atmosphere of abuse, the child “ate a few shots,” she said, the intensity of which had increased since a dozen of days. Slaps, punches and kicks, buttocks, head, or abdomen… that his co-accused denies having worn.

The remains in a travel bag next to his little sister

In the night, Fiona would have been taken vomiting. In the morning, Berkane Makhlouf tells the have discovery in his bed, lifeless, mouth full of releases. He said he tried to revive her and washed her body in the bathtub… Panicked, the couple decides not to call for help and go and bury it. They put his remains in a travel bag that they install at the rear of the car, next to his little sister of 2 years. Cécile Bud led. They went “randomly” to the lake of Aydat.

It is day. They take a road “on the left” between two villages. A small paved road very steep. They can see tags of hiking. They also evoke an old house and a garden in which they would have found the spade used.

An ” ultimate lie “

With the scenario of the disappearance, the prosecution considers “the thesis of the burial” to Fiona as “the ultimate lie that they would both have an interest;” a proof of the “solidarity” of the couple in ” the manipulation “. When asked about the loss of memory of Cecile Bud, the psychiatric experts are almost unanimously in this sense : that of a ” defense system shared “.

Many times, opposed to its advocates, the mother of Fiona tried to remember. “I am unable to do “, she repeats, arguing inter alia to a high of narcotics. “She knows that it is incomprehensible. That this fuels suspicion and anger. But it does not really ” provide Mes Gilles-Jean and Renaud Portejoie. In a letter to the judge of instruction, Cécile Bud was even proposed to be hypnotized… As in Berkane Makhlouf, he stated that he had from his time in custody, according to his lawyer Me Mohamed Khanifar, he would be unable to locate the place : “I don’t drive, I’m not from the region. “.

The father of Fiona, Nicholas Chafoulais, keeps the tiny hope that the trial would shed light on this mystery. “I want to know where his body is !” he confided to the newspaper ” the Mountain “. “He would like a dignified burial where collect, says his lawyer M e Charles Fribourg. He does not believe in their history of burial. His fear is that Fiona has finished in a container, as an object. “


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