Thursday, November 17, 2016

Macron right in his boots in the face of the attacks – The World

The announcement of his candidacy for the presidential election on Wednesday has earned the former minister a storm of criticism. He thinks his decision is ” irrevocable “

World | • updated | By

He said to expect violence. He has not been disappointed. A penalty on the start line of the race to the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron became the man to take down.

From Cergy-Pontoise, where he uttered, Wednesday, November 16, a discourse on education – at the same time the former minister of economy, announced his candidacy in Bobigny, france – prime minister Manuel Valls has blasted ” individual adventures “, arguing that” it takes experience [to govern],in an experiment which has been tried and tested by the time “. Understand : at the age of 38 and without a past elected official, the senior official did not have the wherewithal.

” This is the candidate of the media “, denounced, for its part, Arnaud Montebourg, the light ” a bit like Mr. X, “ a reference to the failed attempt of Gaston Deferre compete against general de Gaulle in 1965. Benoît Hamon, for his part, stressed the ” historical responsibility “ taken by Mr. Macron : ” His nomination out of the primaries ensures quasi-mechanically-that the left will not be in the second round of the presidential election “, considers the elected representative of the Yvelines department.

The unanimisme is the same to the right. the ” Candidate banks “, to the president of the Front national (FN), Marine Le Pen, ” incarnation of the elite global “, to the acting chairman of the party, The Republicans (LR), Laurent Wauquiez, Mr Macron is ” someone who has no experience, and, above all, which has nothing shown for the moment “, according to the former prime minister François Fillon.

” we must not be naive, Emmanuel Macron (…) has fully endorsed the economic policy pursued since 2012, starting with the massive increase of taxes “, has also responded to the mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé, who is afraid that a part of his voters had the eyes of Chimene for the newcomer.

Gravedigger of the left ?

in the Face of this onslaught, the entourage of the former minister is said to calm, or comforted. the ” If Emmanuel Macron mobilizes so much of it is that it is dreaded “, reacted on Public Sénat François Patriat, senator (socialist Party, PS) of the Côte-d’or, and support for the first time.

The charge of being the gravedigger of the left ? the ” I can’t lose the left, in the polls she lost already “, insists the mandarin in an interview with the regional press published Thursday, November 17.

A listen to his relatives, the rifle used by the creator to walk ! there is anyway only a hit and no threats or pressure will not be waived. Guest Wednesday evening on France 2, the person concerned has stated himself that his decision was ” absolute “.

there is No question of competing in the primary to the left, as the are still some elected socialists, who are waiting for this gesture for the support officially. the ” I’m not going to go into a primary which I do not share neither the function nor the spirit “, explained Mr. Macron on France 2.

” I’m not talking to the left, I’m not talking to the right, I’m talking about the French. “” The primary system is made to renew always the same candidates for the same posts, also explains the entourage of the former minister of the economy. Emmanuel Macron is not recognized in this fiscal year, it is the opposite of his approach. The door is closed. “

The opinion polls carried out by 15 December, the deadline to submit to the primary of the left, will say if it is double round.

Cédric Pietralunga

  • A nomination “against the system” At the announcement of his candidacy for the presidential election, Wednesday, November 16, Emmanuel Macron has confirmed its willingness to ” deny “ the ” system “, placing himself out of the logic of political parties. Against the fate of a France that ” blocked by the corporatism of all kinds “, ” in decline “, the former banker is said ” convinced that our country has the strength, the spring, the desire for progress “. the ” We have entered a new era : globalization, digital technology, climate change, growing inequality, the geopolitical conflicts, terrorism, the crisis of democracy in western societies, the doubt that settles in the heart of our society “, he ginned. the ” This great transformation, we cannot respond with the same men and the same ideas. “ He defends , him, ” a France that believes in chance, that risk, that hope (…) a France that enterprising where every person chooses his life. And a France which considers the most low. “

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