Friday, November 11, 2016

Mégafichier : the French may refuse the taking of their fingerprints – Paris Match

The government announced on Thursday that, with respect to the mégafichier gathering the personal data of the French users will be able to refuse the taking of their fingerprints.

concessions to settle the controversy. The government announced on Thursday that users will be able to refuse the taking of their fingerprints in the mégafichier gathering the personal data of the French.

After being publicly confronted, the minister of the Interior Bernard Cazeneuve and secretary of State Digital Axelle Lemaire announced, side-by-side in front of the press since the place Beauvau, of “developments” designed to reinforce the individual guarantees in this file in order to reassure critics about the possible deviations.

Read also : The TES, this new mégafichier that controversy

“He’s not a quack” to the government, said Axelle Lemaire, received in the morning by his colleague, when she was denounced on Monday a “major failure” with an order “made soft by the ministry of the Interior”.

Object of a decree published on 30 October in the official Journal, file a controversial, called “electronic Titles” secure information systems ” (TES), brings together in one database the data (identity, eye color, home address, photo, fingerprints…) holding a passport and an identity card and regarding potentially nearly 60 million French. The Commission nationale informatique and freedoms (Cnil) was quickly criticized, and the debate, left and right, has not ceased to swell, amid fears for the public liberties, or against the risks of hacking.

An action for “excess of authority” to the Council of State

An appeal to the Council of State for “excess of power” against the file was also filed on Thursday by a private citizen. Every citizen has the opportunity to enter the Council he is entitled to an interest in acting and it is directly affected by the decree he is contesting. And a further appeal should be filed next week by a think-tank liberal, “GénérationLibre”.

But these remedies, which bear on the merits, should not be reviewed prior several months. Under changes announced Thursday, the government has also decided that the device would be deployed only after “assent” of the national Agency for the security of computer systems (Ansssi). Finally, it “undertakes to provide all the relevant elements in the Parliament” for a “continuous follow-up of this data-processing”, and to “provide feedback” test file “is currently launched in the Yvelines, france and soon in Britain”.

The minister of the Interior had already proposed Tuesday holding a parliamentary debate on the database, in order to “answer questions”.

This database is not intended “to file the French language”

The government ensures that the file has for sole purpose to secure the issuance or renewal of titles and to prevent and detect the falsification and forgery. And that it is not useful for the identification of persons, for example in a survey.

Bernard Cazeneuve has once again refuted on Thursday the term “mégafichier”, preferring that of a data base for an authentication “modern” identity documents. He reiterated that all the safeguards were taken to avoid that it is used, for example, “identification” of the French, and that it is not hacked.

“I received the assurance” that this database is not intended “to file the French”, said Axelle Lemaire.

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