Between crisis, migration and international news related to the “jungle” of Calais, the subject of migrants remains the main source of brainwashing of the debate of the primary. Confirmation yesterday with the second debate.
1) Jean-Frédéric Poisson invokes a spell of migrants is more favourable to the French
“The exasperation of the French and their anger is at its peak because they have this belief suffer this kind of injustice when we reserve the migrants a lot more favourable than their own. They can easily find housing, while some of our compatriots have to wait a while for the same solutions”
We understand all the better the exasperation of the French when you see the shortcuts that can be made by their political leaders… The affirmation according to which the French waiting for housing are treated less well than the migrant has little meaning. The migrants of Calais are geared toward the CAD (centre of reception and orientation). Asylum-seekers have them, vocation them, to be housed in reception centres for asylum seekers (CADA). Difficult to put in parallel the accommodation of migrants or asylum seekers, these dedicated structures, with the fact that some of the French are struggling with access to housing. It is true that before the insufficient number of places in CADA, a significant number of asylum seekers is oriented towards the centers of stays emergency under common law, designed particularly for the homeless. In a report last year, the Court of auditors explains that this situation can “lead to a crowding out of other vulnerable groups to who m these structures are for”. , But to summarize it as Jean-Frédéric Poisson, claiming that migrants are to facilitate access to “slots” when the French are waiting for, is for the least misleading.
2) Jean-François Copé and France, the first hotspot of Europe
“Calais, it is the result of a treaty signed in 2003 in le Touquet which was a huge failure. It is untenable. It is now the premier hotspot of Europe”
Taclant Nicolas Sarkozy, Jean-François Copé lamented that the agreements reached in 2003 with the United Kingdom have made France the “first hotspot of Europe”. The wording is incorrect on the merits, and above all grotesquely excessive on the number.
The hotspots are centres for the reception of migrants implemented in Greece and in Italy, at the request of the european Union (EU) to stem the influx of migration towards the mainland. These centres do not have a vocation to welcome the new arrivals on the duration but only to allow, on a short period of time, save them, take their fingerprints, to make a selection between the migrants eligible for asylum, and those that should be returned. Nothing to do with Calais, so that was not a structure managed by the authorities and was not intended to allow the registration of migrants. What are the associations present on-site, which accounted for the major part of the help to migrants. And the situation was only the result of the inability to join the United Kingdom, where these migrants wanted to file their asylum application.
Say that Calais is the first hotspot of Europe has not more sense when you look at the number of migrants. In Greece, where these centres are to the number 5, Lesvos, Chios, Leros, Samos and Kos, the High-commissioner for refugees of the united Nations has recorded between January and November 2016, 162 363 arrivals. It is a flow of persons, non-permanent installations such as at Calais. Even comparing numbers of different nature, before its dismantling the Calais jungle camp, a first wild before being built 1 750-seat hard (250 to the center of Jules Ferry and 1500 in the temporary accommodation Centre), included a total number of migrants between 6000 and 9000 according to the counts. At the end of the operation, the government estimates have put the shelter “more than 6000 migrant workers.”
we may Add, to put into relation the effort of home of France compared to its european neighbours, the Hexagon sees fewer asylum-seekers than its neighbors, on average. The indicator most relevant is the number of asylum seekers per population of the country. Here are the results for the first quarter of 2016 : France has hosted 270 asylum seekers per million inhabitants, two times less than the eu average (565). It is located at the 18th rank (out of 31), which is far behind Germany (2 155), but also Austria (1 619), Switzerland (964), Luxembourg (888), Sweden (790) Denmark (527), Belgium (419) or Finland (392).
3) François Fillon and asylum-seekers from Calais
“The vast majority of people who were in Calais or Paris are not in fact asylum seekers.”
The formulation of François Fillon is curious, and mixes two issues : the migrants present in Calais do they wish to seek asylum in France, and, if applicable, eligible to the status of refugees. It is true that, until recently, most migrants present in Calais refused to apply for asylum in France, wishing to cross the Channel. But things have changed. And if it is impossible to have a global statistic, some figures help to deliver significant doubt on the assertion of François Fillon. Thus, according to the OFPRA, “from October 2015, 80% of 7 000 persons being sheltered in the CAD (Centres for the reception and guidance) have filed an application for asylum according to the data of the ministry of the interior.”. And it is notable that an overwhelming majority of these requests get a positive response. the “70% of them are seen to grant a protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection), double the rate of protection at the national level, considers the OFPRA, which shows that the situation in Calais is well, for the most part, a question of the right of asylum.”
4) Nicolas Sarkozy and the closure of Sangatte
“I handled the case of Sangatte. I sent the 4,000 people present at Sangatte in England. This was a discussion with Tony Blair and David Blunkett”.
discussions have been carried out in late 2002 at the time of deciding the closure of Sangatte between Nicolas Sarkozy and his counterpart at the time, David Blunkett. And it was a good question, as evidenced by the news release of December 2, 2002 to move the Sleeve of the migrants present in the camp. The agreement provides, while for the Iraqis from the centre, “a way outstanding of entry to the United Kingdom to be open, as a worker”. Similarly, it was expected that the UNHCR determines to the british authorities the case of Afghans who had family ties in the United Kingdom. These persons to be admitted to the United Kingdom to make their family reunion. But the figures quoted by Nicolas Sarkozy is not accurate. The United Kingdom was committed to accommodate up to 1,200 people (about 1000 Iraqi Kurds and about 200 Afghans who have family there), and not 4000. The centre of Sangatte, which housed on average 1500 people.
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