Saturday, November 12, 2016

Nicolas Sarkozy : The anger of the people must be heard – The Figaro

the candidate for the primary of the right and centre was on the move Saturday in Bordeaux, france.

our special correspondent in Bordeaux

“I’ve got plenty of friends in Bordeaux!”, gave Nicolas Sarkozy a few days ago. For its meeting in bordeaux, Nicolas Sarkozy is surrounded by a large number of elected officials, among whom two chiraquiens, Francois Baroin and Christian Jacob. A small message sent to the mayor of Bordeaux, who, to him, was in le Havre. “Yes we came to a small delegation”, plays one of the elect, alongside Nicolas Sarkozy. “There are parts of France that is less well known as Bordeaux…”. One week before the first round, it is a demonstration of strength that the sarkozystes wanted to deliver on the land of their main competitor.

Two years after the meeting in Bordeaux, during which Alain Juppé was booed at the sides of Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president became a candidate in the primary is back… in the same place, in the same room, in front of more than 3,000 people gathered for a full afternoon. The tone is set from the first minutes: “It is a great happiness to be in Bordeaux and in this department where I have so many friends,” likes Nicolas Sarkozy.

elected officials are installed behind him on stage, the candidate sets the scene: Alain Juppé or François Fillon are competitors. “I ask you to remember that I will need everyone when we will have won the 27 November”, is projected there. “My competitors are not my enemies, we are all from the same family. And this is why I’m going to talk to you frankly”. The former head of State therefore intends to highlight the differences in the lines between Alain Juppé. A debate which should take place under the penalty of lead, pounds of the nominee, the failure of the future quinquennium. As for Nicolas Sarkozy, the failure of the years Holland would be bound to the primary of the PS that would not have dealt with the substantive issues. “We need to talk about everything. Any part of the diagnosis,” says he to the tribune.

Sarkozy tackle Juppe and his “identity happy.”

“I do not believe in the identity happy,” begins there. A little “boo” is heard in the room. “For the 6 million unemployed, the identity she is happy? Think about it”. The candidate is engaged in a long-anaphora by taking up one of the red wires of campaign of Alain Juppé and distorted. The mayor of Bordeaux, the identity happy is not a fact but a goal. “The identity happy for that? For the families who have been matraquées tax?”, queries the candidate.

The room listening carefully. “The identity happy for the middle classes? They have never felt also downgraded. The decommissioning, it is when you have the impression of living less well than your parents and that you have the certainty that your children will live less well!” The audience, very receptive, and listens to the demonstration, which lasts several minutes. “The identity happy when 238 people have been basely murdered by bloodthirsty barbarians?”

ringing in the room

therefore, for the applicant, explain his differences with Alain Juppé is not a “poor” debate, but a necessity. And it will be understood, a few days before the first round, he is convinced that more Alain Juppé is exposed, and the more the program of the mayor of Bordeaux is known, the less it is appreciated. “There is an progress in the identity happy: now, we have the right to talk about identity! God that one makes me the reproach!” “Nicolas, Nicolas”, were sung. The French flags fluttering.

“so If, like me, like us, you think that the situation is serious, then the alternation must be strong. I want to also say a second point of agreement with a number of my competitors including Alain Juppé”. A second time, on his land, the name of the mayor of Bordeaux is whistled. Nicolas Sarkozy made mine calm down the room. “No, no”. “Understand me well. I intend to say everything before to do it all after. If you make me trust this is what we’ll do together.” The primary should be used to resolve the issues. “This is not to say

anything bad about anyone”, he says. Not to sing the praises… Nicolas Sarkozy met Alain Juppé and François Hollande in the same basket. “After five years of helplessness, it will not take five years of immobility!”

” I don’t accept that when 58 million voters vote for Donald Trump, it is the mouth, the nose “

Nicolas Sarkozy comes to speak of the majority, who will accompany the president-elect… and François Bayrou. “I have no account to settle, especially with someone who has been three times a candidate, but never qualified for the second round.” For the first time, Nicolas Sarkozy evokes during a meeting a covenant Bayrou-Juppé… to better denounce it. “Alain Juppé made a mistake by making a pact with François Bayrou.He brought us into socialism it is not him that we will get out”.

Nicolas Sarkozy intends to Bordeaux insist on its thread, to be the candidate as the “voice of the silent majority”. It is incumbent on the american election. “I don’t accept that when 58 million voters vote for Donald Trump, it is the mouth, the nose, is to say, populism, and that the people are wrong. When the people vote, it is not wrong.” Nicolas Sarkozy goes further. He criticised the “sole thought” and “givers of lessons”. “When 58 million voters express their suffering, it must be respected. When they say that the industry is going, they need to be heard. When they say that immigration, there are too many, they need to be heard. As they might say here”.

“We’re going to show them that the majority was standing”

For Nicolas Sarkozy, the u.s. election should serve as a wake up call. “Strength does not listen to the anger of the people, he will eventually rebel, overturn the table! I hate the word populism. The popular vote, our duty is to respect it.” And he wants to ensure “lessons are learned in France”. “The anger of the people must be heard.” It addresses the issue of political islam, integration, files, S, of the rule of law, the burkini. It is necessary, “he said,” have the courage to talk about immigration”. “I don’t recognize anything in the speech of Marine Le Pen. Nothing! But I do not accept that you told me to ask the question of borders or immigration is racism. It is simply the seeing.” In the eyes of the former head of State, “those who close the eyes, which do not have the courage to say a reality, will be complicit in a disaster that happens. Because it’s coming!” And the candidate of the launch: “I want to be the candidate of the reality as you live, not a virtual reality.”

Nicolas Sarkozy will say it again: He wants to alternating “strong” and who “has the courage to take our ideas”. For the candidate in the primary, the right must not “apologize” for what she is. It will not be the “president of impotence, of weakness, of resignation,” adding that he does “not accommodating because they never are reasonable.” For him, “in front of the severity of the subjects” to which France must face, “we are obliged to put in place an alternation strong.” “Tomorrow we have to negotiate with Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping”. He called his supporters to mobilize. “We need to wake up and avoid what the others have known”, pointing to the Great Britain and the United States. “We’re going to show them that the majority was standing and said that’s enough.”

” the Primary right: the seven candidates in search of voters

” Nicolas Sarkozy supported by the outcome of the american election

” the Primary right: how to vote?


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