Friday, November 11, 2016

Operation clearance for “file monster” – Release

The “file monster” is not dead, but it has already be entitled to some adjustments. A self-evident purpose : to calm the game, whereas the controversy has not ceased to swell for ten days. This Thursday, a “joint public declaration” meeting place Beauvau Bernard Cazeneuve, minister of the Interior, and Axelle Lemaire, the secretary of State in charge of the Digital. As reported on Monday, the view, the latter did not have the words quite hard against the decree “made soft by the ministry of the Interior, on a Sunday of all saints” to expand the database of passports (which already covers about 15 million people) to all of the holders of the identity card.

read also “Mégafichier” fuck monster

The file to YOUR (Securities secure e-mail) new formula should meet in a centralized manner the personal data of the holders of an id card : marital status, names and surnames of parents, color of eyes and hair, address, facial photo, fingerprints… But since its publication in the official Journal, 30 October, the decree raises all of the concerns. The chairperson of the national Commission on informatics and liberties (Cnil), Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, objected to the creation of a file as sensitive without debate in Parliament. The national Council of digital (CNNum) has asked the government to suspend the decree, and put in place a platform for online consultation to study “the technical alternatives to this centralized database and the safeguards that could be made to them”. Two associations, the League of rights of man and the Squaring of the Net, have announced an appeal before the State Council.

“Consent, express and informed consent”

From where the operation the mine-this Thursday, during which the Interior minister tried to reassure. The new device, which aims to fight “against document fraud” and to make the issuance of the identity card of “more rapid, less costly, more simple for the users,”, “can be distinguished in all points”, he hammered, the famous file ironically said “honest people” wanted by the right and censured in 2012 by the constitutional Council. It should not allow “neither legally nor technically” the identification of a person from the photograph or fingerprints. As regards the risk of piracy posed by the very existence of a centralized index, Cazeneuve ensures that the safety devices are “extremely robust”.

read also How (and why) Cazeneuve, has decided to file for 60 million French

Remains that before the outcry provoked by the decree, the Place-Beauvau had to relent. In the Face of the “questions” and “concerns”, the minister of the Interior announced that “two significant developments”. The first is that, at a first application or a renewal of identity card, “the collection and the payment,” of fingerprints to the file THY will be submitted to the “express consent and informed consent” of the person concerned. In other words, it will be possible to oppose the arrival of his prints in the “mégafichier” – except, by definition, for holders of a passport, since their footprints are already there.

Another announcement : the device will not be deployed on the whole territory of the country only after they have been certified “by means of a notice in conformity” by the national security Agency information systems (Anssi), in charge of network security of the State. the “Of the approval procedures had already been initiated”, has specified the minister. Finally, the government is committed to providing “all items” in Parliament, for a follow-up “continuous” of the file, including the return of the pilots deployed as early as this week in the Yvelines, france and soon in Britain. It is also intended, said Cazeneuve, involve “continuous” the Cnil and “keep listening to the civil society” in particular via the platform of consultation of the CNNum. Discussions at the end of which the decree may “if it is necessary, be supplemented, amen ded,”.

“No quack” for Lemaire

But for the time being, it is manifestly not a matter of doing a backtrack on the decree itself, or to consider an alternative solution to the deployment of a centralised database, through the storage of biometric data on a chip in the identity card itself, as proposed however, the Cnil. A track that Bernard Cazeneuve, in his letter to the CNNum, clearly rejected because of’“a balanced budget non certified”, arguing the savings after the removal of the chip of the licence in July 2015.

read also Mégafichier : Lemaire zappée, “transparency” meets Cazeneuve

Not sure, therefore, that the advertisements of the Place Beauvau is enough to turn off the concerns and oppositions… at least outside of the government. Because within the executive, the notice of the big time seems to be lifted. the “Neither the president of the Republic, neither the Prime minister nor the minister of the Interior do not wish to create a database that could be used to file the French [...] file, or a font that would be disguised”, has insisted the secretary of State in charge of the Digital. For which there is “no quack” but “a collective intelligence”… And, all the same, a lot of static on the line. The debate will in any case continue, since Bernard Cazeneuve has to be auditioned, the next week, by the commission of laws of the Senate. Which has also invited the president of the Cnil.

Amaelle Guiton


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