Monday, November 14, 2016

Primary right : the cry of the c § 339;ur de Bruno Le Maire, six days of the vote, Le Figaro

Bruno The Mayor promised on Monday, at a public meeting at the Docks of Paris, to go and “snatch victory”, allowing “no room for doubt”, despite surveys in decline.

This is the operation of the last chance. In a speech to thunderous, Bruno Le Maire, tried, Monday evening, re-mobilize its troops from the docks of Paris, in Seine-Saint-Denis. For the candidate who wants to embody the renewal, the end of campaign has a taste of bitterness. In the polls, this fall, relegated to fourth place, passing under the 10% then he has long embodied the only alternative to the duel Juppé-Sarkozy. “The daring threat of vanishing”, he warned. “What is it is that this right still, conservative that can not change, who seeks refuge in the same habits, in the same faces?”, he launched with his guts.

A lion who is hungry to win”

“When you built something so beautiful, so strong…, he continued, regardless of the difficulties, and the winds adverse, the door to the end and with the greatest determination to go to snatch the victory that we owe to the French and hope in us”. “There is no room for anxiety, no room in our hearts for doubt,” swore the candidate that is compared to a “lion who is hungry to win”.

The member of parliament for the Eure was not afraid to take as an example… the left. “Of renewal, I see it everywhere. I see the Greens, for once, they have made a wise decision and have reached Madame Cécile Duflot, to be replaced by Yannick Jadot. They have made the renewal. And the right would not be able to do that? But finally! Show that we are also able to bear the change”, has he hammered for that, standing, the audience cheered at every break. For the former minister of Agriculture, there was “a risk” to choose a candidate this longer than him in political life. “Resume the same, this is not security. It is the risk of being overtaken by all the other political families who have made this renewal,” he insisted, citing yet Manuel Valls and Emmanuel Macron.

Then to give the lie to the polls, with Bruno Le Maire asked, the gravelly voice, its activists “to go and seek out the French, to go take them by the hand and by the heart”. “Help me!”, has even uttered the parliamentary.

end of A campaign marred by Fillon

Unfortunately for the candidate, his or her therapy group have been addressed only to a room that is partially filled. Very many rows were vacant. As for the atmosphere, it was morose on the side of the collaborators of the candidate: “We’ll see Sunday, but yes, I would have preferred that the campaign ends otherwise,” says one of them. In question: French prime minister François Fillon. Buried by his rivals, the former prime minister has risen in recent days, thanks to televised debates and successful in polls flattering. Then necessarily, the deputy of Paris has not been forgotten by his former minister: “When I think that some of my competitors have a VAT increase… well this is not worth it to get rid of the socialists if it is to be the policy of the socialist and increase taxes.”

behind the scenes, Bruno Le Maire, has allowed a end of difficult campaign while saying a lot count on the effect of this meeting and the next televised debate on Thursday. “For me, this evening it was vital, I had to show that I still had reservations,” he explained, estimating a 10 or 15%, the share of voters that he remains to be convinced. His last meeting will be held on Friday, in Corrèze, last opportunity to invoke the prowess of Jacques Chirac, who won in 1995, a campaign presented as lost.


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